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I have never jumped so much in my life before. i woke early this morning and watched for my mothers silver hummer to drive in.  When it did I bolted down stairs with my three bags almost falling on my face. I passed dad and almost bounced him over, almost
"Mom! Oh I missed you."
"I missed you too. Put these in, I'm gonna talk to that thing inside." She said kissing me lightly. I knew she was going to bad him up well after all she is mom. I sat on the steps counting every second until I would drive off into the sunset. How funny things turned out like this! I can't help but laugh to myself. "What is the joke?" My head snapped up hard it cricked and stung me. I looked at Jeff who was already bringing his face to mine. He teased my mouth but I forced my tongue in his. His hands held my face making me stand and he snaked them around my waist. I gasped for air. "I'm going to miss you." He whispered sexily making me tense up. "One last time?" I asked like I was some sex goddess. He smiled. Turns out his car was just down the road and very spacious. Immediately he slipped my skirt up and rubbed my core, I moaned his name. "Tell me if I should do it." He said.
"Yes! Please!" I practically screamed in his ear. He smiled and slipped in smiling at me. I mean he's so big it hurts, I felt my eyes leaking. "Baby, oh don't cry." He said going harder. I nodded and flipped him over. I buckled my hips and rode him fast. "K-kerr get off!" He groaned. I didn't quite want to stop it felt so good. "K-kerr!"
I moaned loudly and so did he. I fell limp on him but he took me off. "What did you do??"
"What?" Then it hit me, he came while I was on him and he was raw, on my call. There's no time to even say something he pushes me out and slams the door in my face. "Jeff!" But he  was lost behind the tainted windows. What was I thinking? I beat my arm feeling stupid as I walk to my house. Mom was in the car waiting,  I slipped in the backseat far from mom and put my head in my hands and cried quietly. What had I done? Stupid girl.

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