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Kerr's POV

I woke up vomiting on my phone and myself. Damn I feel so sick,I wasn't even going to think about school today. I dragged my vomit covered self out if bed, I needed to see a doctor. I have been sick like a dog since last weekend, at first I thought it was stomach flu but I had only been vomiting like an over fed baby. After wiping my phone clean of vomit I dialed his number.

"Jason I'm sick be here in ten. Bye." I was too tired to listen to him right now. I got dressed in a black dress and sandals then sat on the sofa. Jason came shortly after I decided to take a nap, as soon as I closed my eyes the door burst open and I was startled with questions. "Jason. You remember how I told you how Jeff and I um....you know.. Indulged in  each other before I came here."
"Yes kerr."
"I may be pregnant for...him." I said closing my eyes waiting for the fireworks to go off. Instead he took my hand and walked me out to his car and we sat in it in silence. I heard him sigh then started the engine, not once did he look at me nor I at him. I was too scared to even ask where we were going, I just kept my eyes on the road ahead. The car stopped and I understood what this meant. "Come let's go." He said exiting the car. I followed behind him into the clinic. Why would be want this? Why? I wanted to stop him but his jaws were clenched and his fists rolled so I just screamed inside my head. I sat in a corner as he spoke to the receptionist for what seemed to be the longest five minutes of my life. I was shaking under the sleeves of the dress, I was sweating too but my benie hid it. I looked down at my phone checking the time as if it would somehow reverse and allow me to go back to this morning. If I knew he was so cruel I wouldn't have been with him, I would stay single until I found the one. I needed to stop him before he stops what's in me. I jumped out of thought at my name been called and Jason tugging my arm. We were escorted to a room at the end of the hall where I would soon be demolished because if this cruel bastard. The doctor greeted us but I didn't reply I just laid down and prayed internally. Please don't let it happen, this is another life that should live no matter what. "Stop! I can't do this!" I screamed and startled both men.
"You can't take a test?" Jason asked looking puzzled at me. I gaped, "a test?"
"Yes honey a pregnancy test." Jason said breaking the sentence like how they speak to babies. I felt so stupid, so guilty I was going to break it off cause I thought I was an abortion. I laid back down and allowed the doctor to conduct and ultra sound and get a urine sample. We were back in the waiting room, still afraid to even speak to each other. I was so hoping I'm wrong but all the signs were there, Jason looked like he was burning up as he sweated heavily. The minutes passed and I was getting lightheaded, such anticipation was deadly. Then the doctor called to us, "well I have bad news, um..you're not pregnant. I'm sorry." He said with blank eyes. I could finally breathe now so can Jason. He took my hand and hugged me.
"I'm so glad you aren't. I would kill him." He said in my ear. We turned realizing the doctor was still there. "Thanks much." Jason said leading me out. He dropped me off at home and I went to change. Bouncing down stairs I heard talking. ".. Steven our baby will be very fine, I'll work." Gia said. "Look don't tell Kerr, yet. She'll flip at you babe. I love you." Steven said then I heard kissing sounds and the crash of a pot, "don't wake her." He said under a chuckle. I walked back to my room taking deep breaths. That lying bitch!.

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