Buttah Upgrade - Chapter 13 .

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A/N : before I start this chapter , I just wanna say that I'm not doing them songs in the beginning no more . I just realized I'm wasting time doing that . From now on , ima do them in certain chapters, when I feel like it // AND ima try writing chapters everyday or every two days cause school's been catching up to me now .


Date: July 16th, 2013

Time: 12:37 PM

Location: Buttah-Indies Headquarters

:: Johnna Paige ::

I called a meeting with the crew to tell them the big news. I already informed Dwayne and he said it was okay. Everyone is here. Dwayne came with me so I'm a bit relieved I got his support. I'm kinda scared on their reaction thou. Cause everyone know I hated that nigga with a passion. But hey, it's life, things change.

"Yo, guys!" I semi-yelled to get them to stop talking. "I need y'all attention." I said clapping my hands to get them quiet. We're in the conference room right now and I'm standing up while everyone is sitting down. Dwayne is sitting beside me."I have an announcement to make." I said when everyone turned to me.

"Well lemme explain something to you." Lauren started sitting up in her seat. "Who the fuck you think you are calling meetings and shit. Nigga you're not the fucking leader or advisor B. You my homie, but c'mon with all of that." She said.

I looked at her a little shocked that she blacked on me. I calmed myself down cause I knew if I would've said something, there would've been flowers and sad music playing. I just rolled my eyes and brushed her off.

"Anyways ... I, um .. uh .. I'm ..." I said. I sighed, looking down. I started to play with my fingers. I'm terrified, no horrified, not even .. PETRIFIED to tell them. Come on Johnna you can do this. You're a big girl, you got this boo.

"Yo just spit it out." Chresanto said annoyed. I took a long brief sigh. "I'm pregnant." I blurted out.

Stares .... that's all I got. A couple of stares, confused looks, paused faces.. I seen Lauren tryna get her words out. India scratching her head. Myles got this dumb what-the-hell look on his face. I looked at Dwayne. He had a little nervous smirk on his face, then it dropped down to a frown.

"Wait, run that by me again." Ray said. "My nigga I said I'm pregnant." I said with attitude getting mad. "You're pregnant.." Raquel mumbled looking at the floor. "By who?" India said babbled.

"Tadaa!!" I said turning my direction towards Dwayne. "Ah shit." Chresanto said. Everything got quiet. "We'll congratulations." Raquel said breaking the silence. They was sooooooooo shocked, I can tell you that.

As I'm looking at everybody and all around the conference room, I'm thinking... do I really want this nigga as my baby's father? Like is he worthy enough? Is he father material? Is he here just for the heat of the moment and ditch me like I be seeing them do in those shows? All of these questions are boggling in my mind. It started to remind me of last week.

When Skylar (my sister) was telling me how Madison's father didn't even show his face for her birthday and how he'shardly in his daughters life, it made me get anxious with anger. She was telling me how bad she felt that Madison was too young to know what's going on. She be asking questions about where her father be. Skylar told me that all she wanna do is rant on about how much of a deadbeat her pops is. But she know she can't do that.I was thinking to myself at the moment, I would never even put myself, let alone my CHILD in that kind of predicament of her not having a father or someone to lean on besides her mother whenever it comes to boy problems.

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