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Music. That's literally all i can hear. Is that stupid music they are playing next door. Yes, still. It's 2am and it's still playing.

I pull the blanket off of me and walk over to the window. I roll my eyes when I see that the window is open and I can see the four guys. I look around for something to throw. I grab an old text book. I open my window and throw it. I mentally high five myself when the book flies through the other window and hits one of the guys in the leg.

I try and hold in my laugh when all of their head snap towards me. I can't really tell what they look like from here but I can tell their confused.

One of them walks towards the window and leans against it. "Yes?" He asks. I regconize him immediately as Mark Sanders, the schools golden boy. Prefect grades, perfect family, perfect friends, perfect life. He gets everything he wants.

"Well, ya see, some people are trying to sleep. You want to know why were trying and not doing? It's because your playing that music loud enough for China to hear." I say annoyed at the fact I'm standing at my window talking instead of curled up in my warm bed.

"You sound like my mother" another voice says popping his head through the window beside Mark. I was surprised to see that it was Kyle. How has this kid just moved here today and already has two of the most popular guys in school at his house.

"Thanks. I've always wanted to be like some douche bags mother." I say sarcastically. I hear them laugh and I roll my eyes.

"You almost hurt me sweetheart. Right here." Kyle said pointing to his heart. I rolled my eyes. I couldn't help my cheeks redden at the fact he called me sweetheart.

"Aww, I'm so sorry, sweetheart." I said sarcastically. He chuckled.

"Fiesty. I like it" Another voice came to the window. Wow, the three most popular guys at school at the new kids house. The third voice belonged to Brandon Smith. The schools player. The one who gets all the girls and then tosses them just as fast as he gets them. He's attractive, yes, but he's a jerk. Which leaves me confused on how he still gets girls.

I roll my eyes and start to pull the curtain shut. "Wait!" Brandon called out. I pulled the curtain back again and leaned against the window tiredly. I still can't believe I'm not asleep right now.

"Yes" I say. Brandon leans against the window and rests his chin on his hand. "What's your name gorgeous?" He asks with a wink. Gorgeous? Did he just call me goreous?

"Ryan" I said in a mono tone trying to hide my blush.
"I like it." He says, with another wink. What's up with his winking problem. He thinks he can just give a few compliments and then I fall under his spell like everyone else. Yeah right.

"Is there something in your eye?" I ask in a sick sweet voice. The other guys laugh whil he just looks confused. Oh, he's the pretty but dumb type I get it.

"Come on stop flirting." A different voice came into view. It belonged to the new guy. He stared at me through the window, his dark messy hair coming just a little over his eyes.

I rolled my eyes. "I was not flirting. Trust me" I say rudley. Brandon put his hand over his heart in mock hurt. "Oh but I was." He said. I rolled my eyes, again.

"Come on. Let's just call it a night so she can sleep." Mark said to them giving me a sweet smile. I return it.

"Are you new here?" Brandon asked. Okay that kind of hurt. Remember when I said that a few kids have been here their whole life. Yeah, these three included. I knew I was invisible, but I at least thought he would remeber my name since we've been going to the same school all of our life.

"Dude, she's been here all of her life, same as you" Mark said. Wait, he knew that. I would have expected him to think the same as Brandon.

"You knew that?" I asked shocked. He nodded and smiled. I grinned back at him.
"Well how could I have looked over that pretty little face?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. I pretended to look around for someone else.

"What face?" I asked. No one really laughed at that. I rolled my eyes. "Well, as much as I would just love to talk to you guys" I say sarcastically, "I need to get my beauty sleep so..." I say putting my fingers up in a peace sign before closing the curtain.

I crawled back into my bed and went to sleep thinking about what just happened.


I was already late so I didn't see the point of rushing now. I've been in the shower the past thirty minutes. I woke up an hour late so I decided to just take my time getting ready. Maybe I won't look like a rotten potato today.

After I got out, I got dressed into some black high waisted ripped skinny jeans and a black tank top. I tied a red and black flannel around my waist and slipped on some black vans and put on some braclets.

I plugged my phone into my speakers and played some music while I finished getting ready. I danced around for a minute until I felt something hit my leg. I screamed and turned around.

My cheeks turned red when I saw the new guy staring at me through both of the opened windows. I looked down at my feet to see the textbook I threw his window last night.

"Sorry, I thought you were in pain or something so I threw the book to make sure you weren't dying" he smirked and sat on the window sill. I rolled my eyes and walked to my window.

"Are you making fun of my dancing?" I asked in mock hurt. He chuckled. "Maybe i was, may be i wasnt." He shrugged. Of course he had to act like a bad boy he thinks he is.

"Why aren't you in school?" He asked.

"I could ask you the sane question?" I retorted rolling my eyes.

"I asked you first."

"I asked you second. Glad we established we both can count. Moving on."

He laughed. I sighed. "I'm running late." I heard him say. I looked at him. "Same" I breathed out.

"So if you will excuse me.." I trailed off and shut the curtain leaving the window open. I heard him chuckle and couldnt help but smile. I went back to dancing around my room while I got ready.

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