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The doorbell rang and my heart stopped. Why am I so nervous. It's just a movie with Brandon. We're friends, we've hung out before, so what's the difference now?

Do I like him?

I don't think I do. I mean he's great but I don't think I like him like that. Even if I did, he could never like me like that. He's a player. He only wants girls for one thing and I'm not that kind of girl. And I don't want to mess up our friendship.

I take one more look in the mirror. I see Jc's jacket laying on my bed. I smile at the memory of when he gave it to me earlier today.

I got through today completely avoiding Jc. I don't why it hurt me seeing he with that girl but it did.

I was stuck walking home in the cold. I still can't believe it's the middle of November and I didn't remeber to grab a freaking jacket.

I start my walk home. I wrap my arms around myself to try and warm myself up. Which didn't work at all.

I heard the of a motorcycle behind me. I know it's Jc. I can feel him looking at me. I just wish that stupid fight never happened. I miss him.

I felt something on my head. I pulled off a familiar looking leather jacket. A small smile plays on my lips when I see Jc speed up and drive off. He threw me his jacket so I wouldn't be cold. I slipped it on taking in his scent.

I hear the door bell ring again. Almost tripping, I run down the stairs and open the door to see Brandon in the same clothes as earlier. I didn't expect him to change, I'm still in the same clothes.

"Hey" I say smiling. He nods in response. He takes my hand and starts dragging me to his car. I look up at him. He looks mad and he has a cut right under his eyes.

I stop walking and tug him back. He tries pulling me more but I don't budge. He sighs.

"What is it?" He snaps. I take a step back. He is almost as scary as Jc when he's mad.

Uhggg, stop thinking about him.

"What's wrong?" I ask softly trying to call him down. He runs his hand through his hair. "Nothing." He mumbles.

"Did you get into a fight?" I ask. I mean it obvious he did but I still ask anyway. His face softens and he nods.

He takes a step toward me and gently grabs my hand. "Yeah. But can we not talk about it?" he pleads. I nod and we get into his car.


"That movie was so good." I exclaim jumping up and down. We saw The Forrest and it was so creepy. But I absolutely am obsessed with scary movies so I loved it.

"That movie was so freaking scary." He argued. He was scared through the whole thing and it was halarious.

"Exactly!" I say. He just laughs and shakes his head. We walk to his car when he stops.

I stop and turn around to see Brandon looking through his pocket. He looks up and smiles sheepishly. "You forgot something didn't you?" I say.

He nods. "My keys. Stay here I'll be right back." He say jogging back into the theater. I walk to his car and lean against it.

After twenty minutes of scrolling through my phone I decide to go see what taking Brandon so long. I walk back into the theater towards the one were we were. I stop dead in my tracks when I see Brandon making out with some chick. Okay, I didn't feel hurt like I did when I saw Jc. This time it just made me mad. He came to get his phone and ended up making out with some random chick making me wait out in the cold.

I walked up to them and tapped on Brandon's shoulder. He quit swapping spit and turned around.

"Yeah hey. Remember me?" I asked rolling my eyes. His eyes went wide and I heard the chick scoff beside him. I was so mad right now and she doesn't want to mess with me.

"Babe, who's she?" She asks. I move my eyes to her. I see a girl with obviously died blond hair and an outfit that could basically be a bikini.

"Yeah babe, who am i? Wait since your busy let me fill you in." I say crossing my arms. "I'm the girl you ditched to come make out with some random chick." I say rudely looking the girl up and down.

"Ryan look i-" Brandon starts. I roll my eyes and snort.

"No i get. Once a player always player right?" I say before walking away.

I heard him call my names a few times but he never came after me. Showed how much much he actually cared.

I start my walk home in the freezing cold.

All thanks the Mr. Player Boy.


*Brandon's Point Of View*

"No i get get it. Once a player always a player right?" She says before walking away. Ouch. That honestly hurt. Even if I didn't like Ryan that much, we were still friends. And knowing she really thought that of me hurt.

"Ryan!" I call her name out a few times and then I start to walk after her. I feel a tug on my arm and turn around to face that chick I was just kissing. I rolled my eyes.

"What?" I snapped. She didn't even flinch, just scoffed.

"You told me you didn't have a girlfriend. I don't do cheaters sorry." She said with a fake smile and walked away.

She probably thought Ryan was my girlfriend and I cheated on her with some chick I met five minutes ago. Wow. I think I might've messed up this one.


*Ryan's Point Of View*

I finally made it home after about an hour of roaming around town in the freezing cold. I walked into an empty house, as usual and kicked off my shoes. I went upstairs and got straight into the shower to warm myself up.

I got out and wrapped a towel around my body. I walk into my room to see my window open. I go over to shut it. My mind takes me back to the time I first met Jc. I smile at the memory even though it wasn't really a good memory.

I see Jc in his room laying on his bed. He is looking at the ceiling. He looks like he is deep in thought.

I miss him.

I sigh and shut the curtain. I go into my closet and put on some comfy clothes. I crawl in bed and just stare at the wall thing about how my life has changed so much in the past couple months.

Ding I turn over to see my phone lit up on the bedside table. It's a text from a number I didn't regconize.

Me: Did it hurt when you fell from heaven
You: yeah I died twenty years just like that pickup line.

How did he get my number? A smile appears on my lips anyway. I text back.

So cheesy

He replied almost instantly. I'm surprised he is even talking to me. I haven't talked to him in a few days.

Come to the window.

I smile and get up making my way to the window. Opening the window, I see Jc.

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