thirty one

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     *Jc's Point Of View*

I walk into school the next Monday morning. My head was spinning from the hangover I had from last night. After Kyle and Ryan bailed me out, we dropped Ryan off and me, Kyle and the guys had a little get together. Why didn't we invite Ryan? Well the answer is kind of in the question. As much as I like spending time with her, (yes, yes I know) she's not the party type. Which is fine with me because I know she's not out getting drunk and sleeping around. She's not like that.

I glance around at the people who were staring at me. And not the usual staring I get from all the 'fangirls'. They probably heard what happened yesterday with Dustin. I haven't heard what happened to him. If he's okay or not. Heck, I don't even know if he's alive after what I did to him. Do I regret what I did? Not one little bit. I wouldn't take back anything that happened. He was talking bad about Ryan. Things I don't see how anyone could say about her. I couldn't just sit there and let them talk about my..... friend? Yeah. My friend. Just cut me some slack. I'm not used to this having girls as just friends thing.

After I told her why I got arrested, she didn't really say anything. I got kind of angry because I think she liked him. I knew they've been friends for a long time, plus they've been hanging out a lot lately. And her face after I told told her what he said kind of gave it away.

  "He said those things?" She asked, her eyes a little wide. She looked hurt. Why would she be hurt? She should be mad, right? Or grateful that I took up for her. But hurt?

A thought crossed my mind. Does the like him? I mean they've been hanging out a lot. And he obviously 'liked' her, or whatever that was. My blood boiled just at the thought of him. A wierd feeling spread through me just thinking about Ryan liking him.

"You okay, Shortcake?" I asked not really knowing what else to say. I glanced at Kyle and he shrugged not knowing what to do either. I turned around from the passenger seat to look at her. She was looking out of the window, watching everything fly past us. She looked so zoned out. She does that a lot actually. Just space out from everything. She lives in her own little world, trying not to pay attention to everything around her, I know, because she wants an escape.

"Ryan" I say her name. She blinks a few times, coming back to reality, and reluctantly looks at me. "You okay?" I ask again. She gives me a fake smile.

"Yeah" she lies. I don't say anything though. I nod and turn back around.

I guess that would explain why she was hurt.

"What's up?" I say as I slide into a chair beside Ryan. I nod at Kyle who was sitting in front of her and he returns it. Ryan gives me a small, sweet smile but doesn't say anything. She has a book laying in front of her, and a starbucks drink in her hand. Kyle was busy stuffing his face.


   *Ryan's Point Of View*

I take a sip of my Carmel frappe and had to resist the urge to moan in delight. These were like heaven, I swear.

I haven't talk to Jc since they took me home yesterday, and by the looks of his sunglasses and him smelling of axe and beer, I can see why. He was partying last night. The dude just got bailed out of jail and then went and got drunk, and then probably slept with three different girls. I almost gagged at the thought.

But I also didn't talk to them because of why he got arrested. Jc told me everything Dustin was saying about me. What he was planning to do. I guess I thought I liked him, but even if I did I sure don't now. But that's not why it hurt me when he told me. It hurt because Dustin was like my childhood best friend. From the time I was about four up until the accident, he was my only friend besides my brother. Him and my brother were inseparable, and I was always with my brother. We always had this love-hate relationship. He was my first crush as much as I hate to admit it. But now I'm just sad that all that stuff we did as kids and after he came back was just because he- ya know.

I was also surprised that If beat him to a pulp and got arrested all for me. Just because he was talking about me. I really need to thank him. If he didn't I'd probably be still hanging out with him and then there's no telling what might have happened.

"Penny for your thoughts" Jc said snapping me out of my thoughts. I came back down to earth and turned my head to him. He was so close to my face right now, I backed up just a little bit. I can see out of the corner of my eye that Kyle is gone. My eyes met Jc's. I smiled, and he returned it. He has the cutest smile. One corner goes up just a little higher than the other and he has one dimple on his left cheek.

"Thank you." I say. I don't feel intimidated looking him in the eyes anymore. That shows he is really growing on me. I guess that's a good thing. But it kind of scares me though.

"Don't ever thank me for something like that Shortcake." He says, suddenly serious. I looked at him confused. "I'd do anything to protect you." He said. My heart beat quickened and as cliche as it sounds, butterflies erupted in my stomach. I nodded and gave him another smile. And there we sat grinning at each other.

I guess you can say we are actually friends now. Yeah it does scare me. Especially since i dont know if i want more.

It really, really scares me.

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