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I'm in detention

I read the text from Kyle and a smile appears ion my face. Is it wierd that we meet up in detention a lot? Well we do. We spend the day in there just hanging out and messing around. It's more fun than it sounds.

I shut my locker when I hear the bell ring. I walk slow let ythan normal to my sixth period. I watch as people rush off to their classes. And soon enough everyone clears the hallways.

I walk into class about five minutes late. And to this teacher, who is one of the strictest, five minutes is like twenty minutes.

"Ah, Ms. Ryan, how nice of you to grace us with your presence." Mrs. Jaclyn says. Yes, she's one if those teachers.

"Oh stop flattering me Mrs. Your making me blush." I say with a smirk. She rolls her eyes and picks up a detention slip and starts scribbling on it.

"Where were you? Do you have a note or excuse?" She asks never looking up.

"Oh ya know, I was around." I state simply already walking towards her to get the slip. She hands it to me without a word and I walk out listening to the few chuckles throughout the classroom.


I sit in the seat next to Kyle and he smiles at me.

"Hey" I say smiling. He nods in responce. I wonder if he knows about the thing that happened with Brandon. I mean he is really close with Brandon, plus Jc knows so he might have said something to Kyle.

"I'm really sorry about Bran-"

"It's fine. I'm fine." I cut him off. I know how this is going to go. They're going to say that he's sorry and try to make excuses for him.

"So your not mad?" Kyle asked confused. Of course I'm mad! He ditched me because he wanted to go make out with some random chick. He asked me out and then ditched me. So yeah I'm mad.

But I know I'll get over it.

"More hurt I think. He asked me out then ditched me. But I should have expected it from some like him." I say honestly. I mean he is the schools biggest player so I should've known he didn't really want to go out with me.

"You know he's not a bad guy. He just-" he stops because i once again cut him off.

"I don't want to hear excuses for him. I get it. I don't really care anymore." I say. Kyle nods and changes the subject.

"So what's going on with you and Jc? Still fighting?" He asks leaning his chin on his hands.

I shake my head and smile. "Nope" I say popping the p.

"What was that?" He asks.

"What?" I ask confuse

"Your whole....everything just changed when I asked about him." He says smiling.

"No it didnt."

"Yes it did"

"Your delusional."

"But you love your bestfriend" he coos pulling me into a hug.

"Unfortunately" I laugh him joining in after.


"Hey come in" I say opening the door for Kyle. It's friday meaning our movie night.

He walks in with...Mark? Why is he here?

"What? You don't want Mr here?" Mark teases. I mentally slap myself for thinking out loud. Again.

"No just surprised." I say smiling and playfully rolling my eyes.

"Change in plans" Kyle says while clapping his hands to get our attention. I look at him confused and the two of them grin down at me.

"Go get dressed." Mark says pushing me towards the stairs. And before I could protest they stop me.

"No questions! Something nice. Go." Kyle orders. I jokingly solute then and go upstairs to change.

I walk into my closet. After about a minute or two of just scanning through I finally decide on something. Black high waisted shorts with a maroon long sleeved crop top. I also slip on my favorite black combat boots. I quickly straighten my hair and run back downstairs.

"Ready?" Mark asked looking me up and down making me blush. I nod and grab my leather jacket that was buy the door.

"You look great." Mark says grining. I again blush and look down and slip on my jacket.

"You blush a lot." Kyle says out of no where. I dramatically gasp and put my hand over my mouth.

"What gave it away?" I ask making them laugh. I roll my eyes and grab both of their hands attempting to pull them out of the door.

We get into Mark's truck and drive off. "Where are we going?" I ask realizing I still don't know.

They both turn around and grin at me making me nervous. "A party." They say in unison. I groan making them chuckle.


We pull into the driveway of a gigantic house. It was three stories at least and was beautiful. Well these people are obviously loaded.

"You coming?" Kyle asks opening my door. When did they get out of the truck? I shrugg it off and step out.

I'm nervous. I'm not a party person. I'm not a people person. I hate big crowds. And I don't have many friends. The guy have a ton and probably would rather be with them. So I'm going to end up alone.

"Stop stressing Sunshine, I'll be with you the whole time." Kyle says throwing an arm over my shoulder. I nod.

Kyle is like an older brother to me. I know he'll always be here for me.

We walk up to the house and the walk in first, me trailing behind them. The smell of alcohol fills the air and all I can see is people dancing.

If that'd what you want to call it.

I watch as Mark dissappears into the crowd, and as promised, Kyle is right beside me. I look up at Kyle and he mouth 'drinks' knowing I wouldn't be able to hear him over the music. I nod and he grabs my hand leading me to, I'm guessing, the kitchen.

There's only a few people in here so I know that I'll probably stay in here most of the time. I feel bad because Kyle probably wants to hang out with his friends but is stuck with me.

I hop up on the counter top and Kyle hands me a bottle of water.

"Thanks" I say taking a drink. He nods and sips out of a red cup. I hope he isn't drinking. I know Mark most definently will be drunk and he won't be able to drive. And I don't have a licence so Kyle would have to drive.

I guess he notices me eyeing his cup and he chuckles. "This is Brandons place so I figure we can just stay here tonight." He says. So this is Brandons place?

"I hope that's okay. I know your mad at him but I figure it wouldn't be a big deal and he said me and you could share the guest room. He locked the door so no one could go in and-" I cut him off from rambling.

"Dude, it's fine" I say laughing. He smiles and let's out a breathe.

"You know you can go hang out with your friends. I'll be fine" I lie. I don't want him to go but I don't want to keep him from having fun.

He gave me an 'are you sure look'. I smiled and nodded. He said thank you like four times and gave me a kiss on the cheek making me blush and then dissappeared.

I am now alone.

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