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Sitting on the counter in an empty kitchen is not as fun as it sounds. I jump off and walk down a long hallway following the sound of the music that is getting louder and louder. I reach a huge room with a bunch of people dancing.

I look around for one if the guys. Even Brandon. At this point I'm just bored and want to talk to someone.

I spot Mark dancing with some girl, so I am not going to inturrupt. They look like they're having a lot of fun. They also look completley drunk.

I walk around pushing my through through drunk people. I smile when I see Brandon talking to some guy I don't regconize. I feel like I should apologize for what i said about him being a player. And for overreacting.

I walk up to them and tap on his shoulder. A grin appears on his face and he pulls me into a hug. I laugh as he spins around.

"I'm so glad your not mad at me." He says putting me down. I smile.

"But you owe me ice cream" I say serious. He gives me a confused look with a small smirk.

"Why ice cream? I mean yeah I will, just curious." He says. I shrug making him laugh.

"Ice cream is life" I say like it the most obvious thing in the world. Him and the other guy laugh.

"Ryan this is my younger brother Harley." Brandon says pointing to the other guy he was with. Now that I'm closer, he does look a little younger. Maybe two or three years younger. He has the most adorable baby face though. His brown Bieber hair covering most of his eyes.

"Hi" I say with a small wave. He gives me a shy smile with a little head nod thing.

"Why were you mad at him?" Harley questions. I smirk and elbow Brandon in his ribs.

"Your brothers a jerk" I tease. Brandon pouts and puts a hand over his heart mocking hurt.

"Are you guys a thing?" Harley asks raising an eyebrow. I laugh and shake my head.

We talk for a while until a fight breaks out and Brandon has to go kick the guys out. Since it's his house and all.

Me and Harley were left sitting in awkward silence. He looks about thirteen but is still like two inches taller than me and is pretty fit like his brother.

I notice his face keeps on drifting to somewhere behind us. I turn around to see a girl with blonde hair sitting on the couch by herself scrolling through her phone. She looks about Harleys age.

I smile and nudge him. "Who's she?" I ask raising an eyebrow. He looks at me then back to her.

"Shes one of Brandons friends little sister. Her sister always drags her to these parties and she always sits in the corner. I want to talk to her but-" he stops and sighs. Awwwe, He likes her. That's so cute.

"Talk to her." I say. He immediately shakes his head. I sigh. I can tell he is the exact oppisite of Brandon. He is shy and not ad outgoing. And by the looks of it he is not very confident.

"Come on. She'll love you." I coo making him laugh and playfully push me back. I laugh along with him.

"Okay. I will." He says. I wipe a fake tear. "Aw, my little Harley is all grown up." I say laughing at the end.

"Shut up." He smiles and playfully rolls his eyes. I give him a push towards where she is sitting. I watch as they immediately hit it off.

I sigh and turn around looking for Kyle. I spot him making out with some girl in the corner. I mentally gag because it's sloppy because their drunk. Uggg gross.

I've never even had my first kiss. I haven't even had my first boyfriend. And I'm fifteen. Almost sixteen. How sad is that. No ones ever liked me like that before.

And honestly i don't blame them.

I sigh just thinking about. I walk around for a few minutes.


I sit in Brandons guest room in the silence. Thinking. Just thinking. My mind wonders to my father. How he had the nerve to send us letters asking for forgivness. Apologising. And thinking that will fix it.

He's lying. He told me that I'd get what I deserve. And in my mind, I deserve to be in jail with him. It was somewhat my fault too. And I should be punished also.

I'm stay scared. Everyday. I'm afraid that he is out of jail. Somehow he is out and looking for me. That thought never leaves my head.

He's coming for me.

My head snaps towards the door as a drunken Kyle barges in. I quickly making my way over to him, helping him to the bed.

"Jesus, Kyle how much did you drink?" I say falling onto the bed beside him. He shruggs and turns over to face me.

"Aw Sunshine-" he pauses to hiccup "Why are you crying?" He slurs but looks worried nonetheless. I didn't even realize I was crying until he said something. I wipe my cheeks getting rid of the wetness from the tears.

"It's nothing." I lie. Kyle gives me a small smile and pulls me into his chest. I let out a shaky breathe as I lay my head on his chest. He plays with the ends of my hair and surprisingly it's soothing.

"I know it's hard" Kyle whispers slightly slurring his words. I sigh and nod into his chest.

"But you have to remember, sunshine. Your amazing. Your beautiful, sarcastic, halarious, and sweet. And it's not your fault." He says still playing with my hair.

I feel his chest shaking. Lifting my head to face him, I see he is....crying? I try so hard not to laugh because he's drunk and crying. And I'm crying. It's not funny but I find Iif halarious.

"I just love you so much sunshine. Your my sunshine. My bestest friend" he sobs saying the last part like a little kid. I chuckle giving him a small smile. I lay my head back down on his chest while he sobs. I quietly laugh at him.

"And I love you Kyle. But don't expect me to feel sorry for you when you have a hang over in the morning." I say. I'm telling the truth. About loving Kyle. He reminds me a lot of how my brother used to be. Before the incident. Except Kyle has been there for me. And I can trust him. He is my brother in a way. And I'm greatful that I actually have people in my life now that I can trust.

Like Mark (even though I haven't hung out with him in a while. I'll call him tomorrow. ) Brandon (kinda now that we've made up we can be how we were before) and Kyle mostly.

And Jc.

The Cliche Story Of The Girl Next DoorWhere stories live. Discover now