thirty three

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After about an hour or so of watching movies, Jenna passed out on the couch. It was about seven now so I still had about four hours. Foot steps coming down the steps, my heart beat quickened as I prepared for this awkward encounter.

"We're going out. Be back in an hour." Jc said without even looking in my direction. He walked out of the door with his bimbo trailing behind him. I didn't miss the glare she shot my way before the door was slammed.

Okay, rude much.


A slowly opened my eyes when I felt myself being lifted. I breathe in a familiar scent as I was being carried somewhere. To tired to care I let my eyes close again.

I was put on a bed and felt the warmness of a blanket put over me. I snuggled into the blanket as i heaes a deep chuckle. I opened both eyes to see Jc staring down at me.

"What are-" I started to say but Jc put a finger on my lips, shushing me.

"Go back to sleep shortcake." He said in soft voice, like he was talking to a child.

"Your girlfriend won't like this." I said in a yawn, shaking my head. He gave me a wierd look. "The blonde bimbo." I said nuzzling further into the blanket. He let out another deep chuckle, which was like music to my ears.

"She's not my girlfriend shortcake." He said sitting on the bed beside me. I looked up at him through my lashes. Their not together. It felt like a weight was being lifted off my shoulders. They're not together.

"No?" I ask. He shook his head with a small smile tugging his lips.

"You the only girl for me." He said patting my head, but something about the way he said it made me believe him. A weird, warm, fuzzy feeling spread throughout my whole body and a small smile broke out.

"Good" I said before I could even think about it. And strangely enough, I didn't regret saying it. Maybe because I have no idea what's going on. I'm really tired.

"Good?" He asked. Something sounded like hope in his voice, but I'm sure I'm just really delusional. I nodded.

"Goodnight shortcake." Jc said touching my cheek. I watched through half closed eyelids as he walked to the door.

"Stay" I blurted out. He slowly turned around and gave me an 'are you sure look'. I nodded and scooted closer to the wall patting the spot next to me. He switched off the bed side lamp and crawled in the bed beside me.

I felt his arms snake around my waist and pull me closer to his bare chest. His body heat warmed me up instantly and I snuggled into him more. I heard him sigh in content and I smile.
"Hey Jc?" I whispered tracing circles on his chest.
"Hmm" he said twisting my hair around his fingers in a soothing way.

"What are we?" I asked. I'm mean I'm done denying it. I like the idiot. It kind of sucks because I really, really like him. Like I can't stop thinking about him. But I also hate him. I hate him because I like him so much. It drives me crazy.

"What do you want to be?" He asked, again I'm hearing that little glint of hope sprinkling his voice.

"I don't know." I said in a duh tone. "Thats kind of why I asked you." I said earning a tired laugh from him. I let out a breath and layed my head on his chest. I felt him tense but relax and pull me closer.

"What are you doing to me?" Was the last thing I heard.


     *Jc's Point Of View*

I admit it.

I like her.

I really, really like her.

She's messing with my head. She's all I can think about. Shes sarcastic and  stubborn and really freaking annoying. But she's also beautiful I'm every way possible, funny and smart, and she's so easy to talk to. She's got me going soft and mushy for her. I just want to hold her and kiss her and protect her. I don't want to let her go. I even got arrested for this girl.

I've got it bad.

And it scares me.

She's broken. As much as she tries to hide it, she's broken on the inside, which kills me. But I want to be the one to fix her. I want to be the one she comes to for help or when she's sad or happy. I want to be her shoulder to cry on as cliche as it sounds.

But what if I'm not? What if I break her more? What if I'm bad for her?

I couldn't hurt her. Not in a million years. I couldn't even live myself if I did.

I'm not going to say that I love her because I'm not completley sure what love is.

But I can tell its pretty close.

Here I am. Laying in bed with my arms wrapped around the most gorgeous girl in the world. And I can't deny the fact that I like her anymore.

But I don't know if she likes me. That's why I got Grace to come over. To distract myself. To see if I could get over her. As you can see it didn't work.

"What are you doing to me?" I muttered and closing my eyes for the rest of the night.

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