twenty six

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I walk out of algebra rubbing my eyes, not fully awake from the nap I just had. I mean, can you blame me? It's just so boring.

"Im so sorry" I say after bumping into someone. I did say I wasn't fully awake yet. Without saying anything else, I step around the person and make my way through the people. I feel someone grab my arm and spin me around.

"Ryan?" Dustin says. I look up at Dustin through squinted eyes trying to make my vision focus. "Are you okay?" He asked, concern filling his voice. It took me a minute to register what he said, but i finally got it.

"Yeah" I nodded slowly. "Yeah, just kind of" I paused to cough, "out of it today." I don't know what's wrong with me, I'm just so tired, no, more like completley exhausted.

"Oh well let's go to lunch so you can sit down. You look like your about to pass out." He said chuckling at the end. I nod and and we walk to the cafeteria.

We take a seat at the table in the back. My head was spinning and I couldn't concentrate on anything. My vision was blurry. Overall all I felt like crap.

"Wow you look like crap." Jc stated bluntly taking a seat at the table.

"Gee thanks" I say sarcastically. He just shrugged and started eating. Just looking at food makes me want to throw up.

"What's up you?" He asked not looking up from his food. I lay my head in my arms and I don't reply.

"Maybe I should take you home..." I hear Dustin say. If I come home, I know my mom will be home. Cameron would be at work and since she knows No one would be there, I know she would.

I just can't face her anymore.

I lift my head up and wince when a sharp pain goes through my head. I let out a shaky breath.

"No. I can't go home." By the look on their faces, I know they know why. No one brought up what happened. And I'm so happy about that, I don't want to talk about that.

"You can come to mine?" Dustin suggest. I glance over at Jc, I don't know why. He was glaring at Dustin.

"No I'll take you to my house. No ones there and you can get some rest." Jc buts in, suddenly sounding more concerned than he was before.

"Yall I'm fine. I can stay at school." I say, yawning at the end, not really helping my case. I lean my head on my hand and watch them argue about who would take me home. Why is such a big deal anyway?

I look around and see Kyle and the guys sitting at their usual table in the middle of the cafeteria. I slip out of my chair, without them noticing, and make my way through the cafeteria to the middle of it.

I take a seat beside Kyle and lean my head on his shoulder. He looks down at me confused and chuckles. "Are you okay?" He asks. I shake my head and sit up.

Mark is eating and on his phone, and Brandon has a girl sitting on his lap, and let's just say their not eating food. More like each others faces.

"Have you seen Jc?" Kyle asked. I nod and motion my head towards where him and Dustin were still sitting their arguing.

"What's that about?" Kyle ask with an eyebrow raised.

"Their fighting about whose house they think I should go to. They said i need rest but I can't go home, and now their arguing." I say laying my head down in my arms again.

"Theyre acting like kids." I state making Kyle laugh and nod in agreement.

"Whose Dustin? I mean, I've heard a few things about him from Jc" he stops to chuckle "but I know you don't just hang out with random people."

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