8. You're Drunk Silly

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Amelia's Pov♦

I really needed to stop hanging with Calum because I was, starting to like him.

Catherine came over to hangout and I didn't bother mentioning last night.

"Michael really likes you."

"Ah.. What?"

"I'm serious. He told me in confidence."

"I'm sure he likes lots of girls Cat."

She shrugged. "He told me he has competition though."

My eyes widened. "Who??!"

"Calum Hood. You would know."

"Why would he say that?"

"They're all friends. Well not really Calum and Michael but, ya know. Word spreads fast."

"This can't be happening. This is way too stressful."

"Who do you like more?"

"I like neither."

"Mhm.. Don't lead anyone on."

I know I wasn't leading Calum on since he's the one forcing me to go places with him. But as for Michael.. I don't know.

"They're both players.."

It was getting dark and Catherine went home. I got a text from Michael.

Mikey: Hello beauty x

Me: Hi Michael(:

Mikey: I miss your face.

Me: You're sweet x

Mikey: When can I see you again..

Me: Soon!

Mikey: Is there someone you're seeing Amelia?

I honestly didn't know.

Me: I don't think so. I'm sorry Michael it's too complicated.

Mikey: It's fine. I know anyways.

What? I didn't bother responding..

My front door opened and I screamed. "Hello!?"

I backed up into the kitchen and grabbed a knife. "Helloo!"

I started to panic. I struggled for my cell phone to get ready to call for help when I heard a cheeky voice.

"Babee!" Calum was standing there with his hands up.

I dropped the knife on the counter. "You ass!" I hissed.

"Don't call me names babe."

"I'm not your babe."

He frowned.

"Calum are you, drunk?"

"Not fully no."

I rolled my eyes. "I'll take you home."

I walked ahead then he grabbed my arm. I turned to face him. My green eyes staring into his brown eyes.

"Please don't take me home babe I want to be with you."

I sighed giving in. "Come on. Let's get you into bed.."

I helped walk him up the stairs and led him to my bedroom. I laid him down and covered him up. "I'm going to lay on the floor okay?"

"Wait-" he slurred.

"Yes Calum?"

"You didn't even ask why I came over."

I huffed. "Why did you come over Calum?"

"To confess my love for you."

My anxiety went up but I kept my calm. "You're drunk silly.."

"When you're drunk you speak the truth."

"When you're drunk you can't think clearly. Now go to sleep."

He reached for my hand. "Don't let Michael take you from me."


His eyes started to water and his voice got serious. "Don't. Don't let Michael take you from me. You're mine. Don't go for him, no matter what, under any circumstances. Promise?"


"Amelia promise. Promise me."

"Okay.. I , I promise. I promise Calum."

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