41. Forgiveness.

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Amelias Pov.

I was in my room packing like crazy throwing clothes into bags. Calum was wrapping valuable things carefully and talking fast. "Where do you want to go? I mean we can go anywhere. I know my parents will be upset at first but, they'd never cut off my money, and then once I get a good job I won't even need their money anymore. We're actually going to finally be together, no more problems."

I smiled. "Yeah it's.. gonna be nice."

He came behind me and put his hands on my shoulders. "What's wrong..?"

"Nothing.. I just, I'm going to miss everyone."

He turned me around to face him. " We can visit anytime you want. They can too. I mean, everyone's starting their lives. Retaj and Ashton were looking at places together, and Luke and Kayla are even getting serious. Same and Michael and Mia. "

"I know, I know. I'm fine I just.. change .."

"No one likes change, but they get used to it and even end up happier than they were before maybe."

"Right. We better hurry, I want to spend as much time with Retaj as possible before we leave."

"Yeah. Sure."

After about an hour we carried bags downstairs, I was heading for the door when it opened.

"Hello?-" The bags slipped out of my hands and my eyes opened wide. I felt the walls moving in and the air getting harder to get to.

"Amelia." She said.

"Mom- I mean.. oh god." I still haven't figured out what to call her.

My not so dad was behind her. "Amelia.."

"You guys.. you're early." I couldn't even look at them.

"What's with the bags?" she asked.

"I'm.. We're.. We're leaving ."

"You and Calum?" Calum did a little awkward wave. "Where are you going?"

"Anywhere but here." I picked up my bags and slid by them through the down. I was speed walking to Calums car.

"Amelia! Amelia wait!"

My fake mother ran after me, which is surprising since she's never been invested in me before.

"What!?" I yelled.

"Can we please talk about this."

"I already know everything. I don't need to hear anymore."

"Amelia we did what we were told would be best for you."

"I think I could've handled the truth! To call you guys my parents when I apparently barely even knew you. It's sick.And now I know why you neglected me all the time. You probably hated claiming me your daughter. You were left with a burden."

She started to cry. The toughest most bitter women crying for the first time I've seen. "Do you have any idea how hard it was to look at you everyday, and lie to you? I hated myself. I hated that it was possible for someone so young and sweet to go through so many unrealistic things. It was so..hard."

Tears were coming. I looked past her and Calum and my pretend father were just leaning up against the house with their heads down.

"Why did Calums parents want to do business with you guys if they knew about me? Why would you agree? You really thought I wouldn't find out?"

"Calum begged his parents. And as for me and your father-..um. I think in a way we wanted you to find out. On your own though. We thought maybe being back here and seeing old friends would spark some old memories. I'm so sorry.. for everything. But we loved you as a child of our own. We took care of you. We thought of you as our own. Don't think for a second our love for you was fake. And you will always be a daughter to me."

I wanted to be angry. I wanted to hate them. All these years of them neglecting me. My own brother never saying a word to me. All the pain and loneliness I felt. But something else came over me.

I gave her a hug.


She wrapped her arms around me. It was the first real hug we've ever shared. Like she was an actual mom.

Calum looked over and they walked towards us. I gave my father a hug. and his face had dry tears. "I love both of you. I know you did what you thought was best. I can't be mad at you for taking me in and watching over me."

They both smiled. Then frowned. My mother spoke, "Are you...still leaving?"

I looked at Calum.

"It's up to you babe."

"I need to think about it.. I mean I want to stay but, Calum and I's plans were, perfect also." I blushed.

Everyone smiled. And I felt some piece in my heart for the first time all summer.

"You guys are coming to Sophys wedding in Paris aren't you?"

"I completely forgot about that."

"No problem, you can fly with us. Both of you." My dad said.

Calum grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

I smiled. "Thatd be amazing."

"We're going to go inside and unpack our things. Amelia, I am so happy that things will finally be normal. I..love you."

I hugged her. I looked at them both. "I love you guys.."

They smiled and walked towards the house and went inside.

Calum gave me a big hug. "I'm so proud of you, I know that couldnt have been easy.."

"I feel..so much better. And you and me in Paris, it's going to be amazing."

"Anywhere with you is amazing. I am one lucky guy."

I gave him a kiss.

Paris with Calum, and a fixed family, I couldn't be happier.

A weight has been lifted.

A/N: I'm reading all the comments on every chapter and laughing so hard at he cheesy this story is but ily all for loving it like I'm honestly so embarrassed at some of the things I've said in this I'm an idiot but you guys are so funny and ily.

so embarrassing fact, in previous chapters where I'd say what Amelia was wearing and it sounded all fancy I would put on an outfit from Covet Fashion and write down what my person was wearing and wanted to see if anyone would get it but if I'm the only one who plays that game just ignore what you just read ok


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2014 ⏰

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