29. All of the Lights

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Amelias Pov

I squinted my eyes open and felt heavy pressure on my right hand. I looked over and Calums head was buried in one hand and the other one was squeezing my hand. "Calum" my voice cracked.

His eyes opened wide and he loosened his grip. "Amelia you're awake, I was so worried."

"What happened, where am I?"

"You just passed out, we're in the back of the plane our flights almost over, we'll be off soon and take you to the doctor."

"No no. No doctor, I'm fine. I was just nervous."

"I don't know Amelia are you sure? You've been passing out a lot lately."

"No I'm fine really."

He smiled. "Okay."

His phone went off, he answered. "Hey Luke."

"Yeah we're almost there, what's up?"

His eyes got big. "What? How is that possible?"

He pointed a finger up saying one minute then walked away a little and started whispering. "I don't want to deal with this right now, this was suppose to be a good time. I'll tell you when I'm back."

He hung up and smiled at me. "You excited?"

"What did Luke want? Is everything okay?"

"What? yeah, don't worry babe, it's just girl issues."


Our flight was finally over and we were in a taxi on our way to the hotel.

"Are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital?"

"Calum I'm not spending my first time in New York in the hospital, okay?"

He nodded

We started getting more into town and I was amazed. It was a little dark out and all the lights were on. "Calum, it's just as beautiful as I imagined.."

He put his arm around me. "I'm glad you like it."

  I turned to Calum and started at him. Wondering how he's so amazing. And wondering why out of all women, he chose me.

Calum grinned and lightly took my chin, then leaned in and kissed me.

I blushed and looked back out the window. "Its so amazing."

"Wait till it gets darker."

When we got to our hotel we stepped in the elevator and Calum pressed the highest number possible. "Calum you got us the top floor?"

"My parents recommended it, the suite is remarkable."

"incredible. but Calum you know I'm afraid of heights."

He set his bags down and wrapped his arms around me causing me to drop mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "How many times do I have to tell you, you'll always be safe with me?"

I kissed him softly on the lips. The doors opened and we picked our bags back up.

We walked down the hall and Calum opened the door and let me walk in. I walked in a little and he turned on the light.

"Oh my god." I dropped my bags and twirled around looking at everything. "This is like bigger than my house!"

He chuckled.

I looked in the bathroom and saw the huge bathtub. "I've always wanted to take a bath in bathtub this huge!"

He came up behind me and put his hands on my shoulders. "Big enough for the both of us."

My cheeks got hot. I turned around to kiss him when I saw the huge window. I ran towards it. I looked out and saw all the lights. "Whoa..."

I stood there for what felt like forever, staring at each light.

Calum came and wrapped his arms around my waste. "Babe, just lay down with me already."

I laughed. I was getting so distracted.

I turned around to kiss him again when I saw the fridge. "This fridge is huge!" I was walking towards it when Calum grabbed me and lifted me up bridal style. I couldn't stop laughing. "Calum!"

  He was walking over to the bed, which was huge and fluffy. "We have plenty of time to explore tomorrow, but right now," he tossed me on the bed. "Its bed time."

He crawled on top of me and gave me a kiss.

"Oh my gosh this bed is amazing!-"

"Oh hush babe would you?"

He started kissing my neck. "Yes sir."

I smiled to myself.

I was in New York with my love, and he adored me and I adored him. It was the movie life I always wanted. The Prince charming I always imagined.


Sorry it's so short, I have soo much math and English to do but I'm hiding to avoid doing it just so I could write this much.

you're all so nice, and I'd love to chat with you guys anytime ! so just hit me uppp(: thank you all so much for the support ! My spring break is this week so I'll be able to write more ! x

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