Chapter 2: The Attack

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

The village is on fire. Screams of terror haunt the air as humans flee their blazing homes, blinded by ash and embers. And then I see what they're running from. Yokai. They're everywhere. It looks like an entire clan attacked the town.

I find myself instinctively jumping down from the tree and running towards the village to help. But a sudden thought crossed my mind...I despise the humans. After what they did to me, did they even deserve my help? Sure, I look after the children during the day, but this is a whole different scenario. Why risk my life for these creatures?

Words from my mother blight these thoughts: "You are all that is good in my world, (Y/n). Forgive, help, and be kind to all, even the ones who don't deserve you. You can do that, right?"

I put my hand to my heart. I can. For my mother, I can. I can save a life right now, even if I wasn't able to save her. And I have to believe that's worth it.

With that, I run into the fiery haze. When I reach the village I see that some villagers have started gathering at the forest outskirts. I quickly hide behind a house. I needed to be stealthy about this. I couldn't just rush in. Peeking around the corner of the hut, I quickly put my hand over my mouth to stifle a scream. One of the little girls from today is there, a huge scaled yokai looming over her.

"What a pretty little face you have," he remarks, "Akura ou will want to keep you for when you're older,"

"No!" the girl cries as his claw reaches for her.

So this is Akura ou's doing. The most feared yokai in Japan. He's ruthless, and constantly on the prowl for beautiful women. He would never show mercy, even for a child.

On the ground next to me I see a thick branch that had fallen from a tree. Usually, I'd just use my katana, but I didn't want the child to see something so violent. I grab it and quickly tip toe up behind him. The girl's eyes widen at the sight of me. I hold a finger to my lips, signaling her to stay quiet. I bash him over the head hard and he falls to the ground with a loud thump.

I kneel down to her. "Run to the forest. Your people are gathering there."

She nods, but doesn't say anything. I watch as she runs off.

I keep my back to the side of the house, looking out into the town square. Yokai are rounding up the prettiest women in the town in a cluster. I knew what I had to do.

I quickly hide my yokai features and walk out into the open, pretending to stumble. Their hungry, bloodthirsty eyes land on me. And then I see him, a yokai with a stronger aura than the rest. Akura ou.

My breath catches. I need to keep my cool. Think, (Y/n), think!

The yokai slowly advances towards me, so as not to scare me away. I glance at Akura ou once again. His eyes glint in delight as he runs his gaze over me. How vile.

I need to create a distraction. I abruptly stop in the middle of the road. The yokai stare at me in suspicion. I quickly turn around and run the other way.

"Get her!" He screeches. Footsteps pound the ground behind me. What they don't know is that I am one of their kind, and I can run just as fast as them, if not faster. I glance behind me, surprised to see that now all of them are after me. The women in the square are forgotten, and they run off toward the forest.

What have I gotten myself into?!

I quickly run behind a house and climb up the side. I need to get to higher ground!

The yokai look around, confused for a moment. I unsheathe my katana. At the noise of my sword, they look up at me on top of the house.

"Don't come any closer!" I yell.

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