Chapter 16: The Dragon Kings Eye

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I couldn't really sleep last night so I used the time to keep writing! :)))

(Y/n)'s P.O.V
After the night Byakko paid me a visit, Tomoe took me away from the place that held those bad memories to a different estate. It lay near the ocean, as he remembered how much I loved the beach. Today I anxiously await Tomoe's return as it grows darker outside. He'd been gone longer than usual today.

When he finally comes home he practically collapses into my arms, smothering me in his embrace. I laugh as he buries his face in neck. He pushes me down onto the futon, laying his head in my lap. I smile down at him, absentmindedly brushing the hair out of his face. "How are you?" I ask as his arms encircle my waist.  

"I'm fine," 

I notice a bloody gash on his neck. "Tomoe, you're bleeding! What happened?!" 

He sits up and touches his neck, staring at the blood on his fingers. He sighs. "I was dealing with Akura ou's treachery. He keeps sending his poor servants to follow me."

"Well, I'm glad it wasn't any worse than this. I'm going to go get some bandages." I quickly kiss his cheek then stand up.

"(Y/n), I'm fine..." he says, but I dismiss him.

Let's see...I think they are in the kitchen. I head to the cabinet and pull out the supplies. The pots of wilting flowers outside catch my attention. I should probably water them. Grabbing the empty watering can, I head to the well.

Tomoe's P.O.V
I watch as she leaves the room in content. I can't believe she's finally mine. Every day I spend with her feels like a dream. She's just so...lovely, in every way.
In the midst of all my thoughts, I hear the faint clatter of something falling.

I rush outside and see (Y/n) on the ground, hovering over the leaking watering can.
"What happened, my love?"

"I-I don't know. I was just trying to water the flowers and suddenly I-" she presses a hand over her eyes. I kneel down and gently pull her up from the ground, steadying her.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"I think so," she replies, grabbing the now empty water can. "I should go refill this. I can't let your flowers wilt,"

I grip her arm gently, stopping her. "Worry about yourself right now, (Y/n). I don't care about the plants. I think you should rest."

She shakes her head. "It won't do any good. If your herbal mixtures can't help me, then nothing else will."

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

"Don't give up hope so easily, (Y/n). I'm going to get you a new type of medicine," he says with a determined glint in his eye.

He hurriedly leads me inside. Once in the entrance room, he grabs his katana and heads back toward the door.

"Wait! Where are you going, so suddenly?" I ask, confused.

"To get the medicine. I'll probably be back in the early morning. Just stay put and don't let anyone in. Okay?"

"Alright, but please be careful,"

He smiles and kisses me gently. "I love you," he says before he gives me another final kiss. And then he's gone...

~Time skip~

Tomoe's P.O.V
Despite having just destroying and raiding the entire north wing of the sea palace and ripping out the Dragon Kings eye, I feel very calm.

I only focus on one thing: getting it back to (Y/n). On my way back, I catch a glimpse of a human girl on the shore. How is unwise for a mortal to be around these waters. But I don't give it a second thought. My beloved (Y/n) is waiting...

(Y/n)'s P.O.V
When he returns I can smell the faint salt of the ocean. He kneels down to the floor beside me. 

"You went all the way to the sea for this medicine?" I ask.

"Yes, but it was worthwhile. Just take this and you will surely be cured, (Y/n)." He says, placing some type of glowing orb in my hand.
"Thank you," I say as he lightly kisses my forehead.

"Get well, my love. I will go fetch some water from the well to take it with." He says, sliding open the doors.
I feel weak. I lie down and close my eyes. My breathing becomes ragged. It's probably just my illness talking, but I think I hear voices that are not Tomoe's.

"Hello...?" I say, barely opening my eyes. I see a human girl. "Nanami?" I question. Her eyes widen.
"H-how do you kno-" she starts to say but a voice comes from behind her.
"Nanami-chan, hurry up and take it. We don't have much time."

I try to stay conscious, but I slip under, and their voices become distant. Then I feel the familiar embrace of Tomoe again.
"Tomoe," I barely manage to say, "I think someone was here. A girl I once met, maybe with her friend. Did they take the medicine?"

"'s still in your hand. You must have been dreaming, my love," He presses a cup to my lips. "Just drink this."
I taste the cool water on my lips and manage to swallow the medicine. Immediate relief spreads through my whole body. Tomoe holds my hands in his, looking anxious.

"It's working," I smile at him, my foggy vision finally clearing.
I pull him down and kiss him in my joy. I will finally have a life with you...Tomoe.

At least that's what I thought.

To be continued...Ch. 17 & 18 will be back up soon

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