Chapter 13: Life with Him

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Sorry I take forever to update guys <3. Anyway, I think I'm back on track, so I shall begin......

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I wake up to the soft patter of rain on the roof. I open my eyes to see Tomoe laying across from me, sleeping peacefully. I quickly curl back up against his chest, trying to forget the events of yesterday. My eyes and throat sting from sobbing late into the night, Tomoe holding me all the while.

Akari had found out my secrets. She didn't care what would happen to me. Did our friendship really mean that little to her?

No. It didn't matter what she did. It was my fault. I should have known better. I should have learned my lesson a long time ago. The cold, bitter feeling of loss cuts through me.

It was no use to try not to think about it. I sat up and stretched, getting up off the futon. I didn't know exactly where we were, probably another one of Tomoe's estates. I hear a soft knock at the door and go to answer it. A frail yokai stands there, holding out something in his hands. "A letter for you, Lady (Y/n)," he says as I take it.

"Oh, thank you..." I say, turning it over to see who it's from. My eyes widen at the sender's name. Aoi (L/n). My father.

I read the contents, rage growing inside me. I crumple the paper in my fists. He'd really done it this time. "Tell Tomoe I'll be out," I say, grabbing my katana from off the wall.

"Yes, Lady (Y/n)," he bows as I walk out. I'm sorry, Tomoe. You told me not to go, but I have to...


I walk up the steps of the official (L/n) residence of the world over yonder in anticipation. I had to confront him. I kick down the door, stomping inside.

"Where are you?!" I shout. I gag on the air, which smells of alcohol, filth, and miasma. Walking to the back of the estate, I see a familiar figure standing in the fire room. He turns around, a weak smile on his face. "My (Y/n). I knew you'd come,"

I glare at him. "Don't call me that. How could you send that to me?! How could you tell me mother is alive?!"

"She is. She visited the shrine last night. I saw her standing there by the candles you lit,"

I clench my fists, biting back all the curses threatening to spill out. "You're drunk, you old man. How could you do this to me?"

"How else can I get you to come see me, when you're always off with that wild fox these days,"

That catches me by surprise. "How do you know about Tomoe?" I demand.

"What, did you think no one would find out? I can't believe you're with a bastard like him," He sneers, crossing the room toward me.

I unsheathe my katana, daring him to come closer. "So is that why you wanted me to come here? Not for money? To complain about my boyfriend?!"

"You think a demon like him will ever love you? He's a treacherous fox. Always will be."

Fury fills my veins. "How dare you speak of him like that!" I snap, "I'm leaving. I don't even know why I came here," I turn to go, but he suddenly grabs my arm.

"Come on. Don't be like that, (Y/n). Stay here with me. I can be the father you always wanted. You'd like that, right?" he says, looking at me with sad eyes.

Don't listen to him. Don't do it. He just wants you here so you can clean up his messes. He's manipulating you. My thoughts scream at me, but I don't want to listen.

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