Chapter 8: Leaving

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Hello loves!!! WOW....almost 3k reads! To be honest, I wasn't sure people would like this story at first. But you are all so supportive and nice so thx for that :)

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

As I'm getting ready to head out in the evening, Akari abruptly gets up and starts putting on her shoes. "Um, Akari, I'm sorry, but I kind of need to go alone today," I did not need her to join me on a trip to the world over yonder to meet my bum father.

"Awee, why not?" she asks.

"Well, you see..." I need to think of something...I felt my cheeks growing hot under her scrutinizing gaze. Why am I so nervous?

Akari's eyes widen. "Wait, no way. Did you get a MAN?!" she exclaims excitedly.

I step back from her outburst. "A man?!"

Akari shakes her head with a smirk. "You don't need to hide it from me. Do you know how long I've waited to hear this news?!"

But I didn't even say anything..."O-oh, you have?"

"Yes! Now be on your way. I didn't mean to delay your date!"

Guess I'll just roll with it. "Alright...Thanks for understanding," I smile.

I wish I was going on a date...Who would I even go on a date with? A blush rises to my face as Tomoe comes to mind. It's a ridiculous thought, but still, I do wonder what he thinks of me. And what will he do after he's recovered? Will he just go on the same as he's always been? Will he care to remember me?

I shake my head, telling myself to snap out of it. No way. I need to think realistically. Just because he didn't kill me or take me to Akura ou doesn't mean he's a good guy. He's feared throughout Japan for a reason...Yet a part of me feels like there's more to him. Is it strange of me to think that? 

Why does he fluster me so much?

Tomoe's P.O.V

I'm staring out the window of the room when I hear footsteps approaching. Before I can close my eyes and pretend to be sleeping, Akari opens the door.

"Himetarou-kun, you're finally awake!" she cries, rushing over to me.

"My name is not Himetarou!" I say.

"Really? Then what is your name?" she asks as I back away from her to the mattress.

"Um, Himetarou is fine."

She frowns. "Then why'd you say it wasn't?"

"Ugh, shut up,"

She gasps. "How rude! You're just a child! Learn to treat your elders well!" She exclaims. I glare at her. If only she knew who I really was. She'd quiet down real quick...

"Where is the woman who brought me here?" I ask.

"Oh, you mean (Y/n)? She's out right now."

So her name is (Y/N). suits her.

"And she's on a date! Can you believe it?" the girl exclaims excitedly.

"A date?"

"Yeah! Do you think she'll bring the guy home sometime? I could make  something special for them..."

I feel a bitter feeling spread through me at the mention of another man with (Y/N). Does her heart belong to another? Does she love him?  

Wait...why am I thinking this? Why should I care, anyway? I could easily just kill her, after all. Once she's gone, I'll stop feeling like this. Then this game will end once and for all.

The girl leaves, leaving behind a plate of food. Sasamochi again?

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

In the end, I couldn't even meet my father. I had almost run into Akura ou's soldiers multiple times. I only had time to stop by my mother's shrine to pay respects then I left. It was too risky right now. He was probably just drinking away the family fortune anyway...

When I got back to the house Akari was already asleep. I started to gather my things. I could probably leave, now that Tomoe had basically recovered. I leave a bag of coins on the table to thank Akari. This was just my life. I never stayed in one place for long. I walk to the door, slide it open, and set off into the night.

Tomoe's P.O.V

When I wake up, I look outside to see it's dark already. I touch my shoulder, brushing over the tiny scar that was once a fatal wound. I stand up, transforming back to my true form. It feels great to be out of that tiny body. Now, where is (Y/N)? 

Outside, I hear the sliding of a door and soft footsteps. I look outside and see her. She walks down a path into the forest, her beautiful (h/c) hair flowing in the wind. Where is she going?

It's a pity she'll never get there. I quickly walk outside and follow quietly behind her. She'd taken my interest. Now I need to end this already. I reach slowly towards (Y/n), but as I'm about to grab her she stops and stumbles to the ground. She coughs violently, holding her chest.

I freeze. What's wrong with her? Is she okay? I pull away from her. Why am I thinking stupid things like this...

Something slithers on the ground by (Y/N). My stomach drops. A poisonous snake...and she doesn't see it. It reels its head back, baring its fangs.

Before I know what I'm doing, I fling my fox fire at it, burning it before it can sink it's fangs into her.

I could have easily let her die from the snake. She's completely defenseless. I can easily kill her, right now. But I don't.

Do I...not want this woman to die?

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I think I hear a noise behind me, but when I turn around, no one is there. I pick myself up off the ground now that the pain has subsided. Hopefully, everything will be alright.

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