Chapter 10: We meet again

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Key: (f/f)=favorite flower

(Y/p)=your power

(Y/n)'s POV

Tomoe walks over to me, picking me up and slinging me over his shoulder. Why did he save me?

He turns to the yokai who attacked me.

"You're not planning to go against Akura ou, are you?" he says in a strained voice, clutching his injury.

"Tch. I am not his servant, I can do whatever I please." Tomoe responds. He starts to walk away with me. "As for you, (Y/n) shall I kill you?"

My eyes widen in fear. He hasn't come to save me—he's come to kill me himself.

Tomoe comes across a small abandoned house and brings me inside. He drops me onto the floor, and I can do nothing, as I'm still paralyzed. I'm completely vulnerable, and I hate it. Tomoe looms over me, a menacing look on his face.

His hand rests on the hilt of his katana. I gulp as the blade glints in the moonlight. Is he actually going to kill me?

He grips the collar of my yukata. "Won't you look this way, (Y/n)?" he says coldly. I keep my face to the side, thankful for the shadows covering my face. This...this isn't what I wanted. Have I been trying too hard to believe that Tomoe isn't evil? Have I been an idiot, thinking he would act differently towards me?

"Look at me, (Y/n)," he says again, pinning my wrists to the floor.

This is not the Tomoe I know. Why is he being like this? Is he trying to prove something?

Suddenly, it has all become too much. My chest tightens and my face grows hot. And then against my dignity, I start to cry. Hot tears stream down my face at a rapid pace, and once they start I can't get them to stop.

"No! Don't look at me," I sob, "please don't look at me..."

His grip on my wrists loosens. His expression softens, a conflicted look on his face.

"Tomoe?" I question through my tears.

In a second he pulls me off the ground and into the embrace of his arms. He holds me close as I cry into his shoulder.

"Please don't cry like that," he says, "I can't bear it when you cry," The warmth of his body slowly calms me down, until I feel the lull of sleep upon me...



When I wake up, I feel something holding me down. Tomoe. His hot breath grazes my neck. I feel my face heat up and I attempt to move out of his grip, but he grumbles and pulls me even closer so that I can't break free. If he doesn't let go of me soon my heart is going to beat out of my chest...!

Tomoe's P.O.V

I feel her squirming even more now. She starts grabbing my ears. "Wake up!" She says. My hands fly up to hold my throbbing fox ears. She scrambles away to the corner of the room.

"Couldn't you awake me in a sweeter way?"

Her face is bright red. "W-Why were you so close?" she says, stuttering.

Her flushed face entices me, and I walk over to her.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

Tomoe walks toward me, a smirk on his face. I back up as he advances, until he's pinned me against the wall. He takes my chin in his hand, leaning in. I-is he going to kiss me?!

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