Chapter 5: To A New Town

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I don't know how long i walk, but when I finally reach a town I know, it feels like it's been ages. A girl named Akari lives here. She is a human, yes, but one of the only ones I can call my friend. She isn't evil like most. As I walk through the village, people stare at me. At first I'm worried it's because I'm still in yokai form, but then I realize it's because of the blood seeping through my kimono.

Just then I see a girl with a huge bag on her back coming towards me. She suddenly trips over a rock. She tumbles forward and falls toward me. I catch her and the bag with each of my hands. I sigh in relief. That was close. She looks up at me and her eyes widen in what looks like shock.

"Oh my! I'm so sorry Miss, I wasn't looking where I was going!" she says nervously. I laugh and put down her bag.

"Don't worry about it, I'm just happy I caught you before that huge bag crushed you," I say with a smile. The girl lets out a laugh too. "Yeah, sorry. I've just been traveling for a long time, I'm really exhausted," she says with a tight smile. Right then I notice the land god mark on her forehead. What business brings the land god to this town?

"Woah, (Y/n), you're bleeding!" she exclaims, looking down at my blood stained clothes.

I brush off her concern. "I'm fine, really. I was actually just heading to my friends house. I'm sure she won't mind having you. Do you want to come with me? We can help you get back on your feet."

I hope she says yes. I need to make sure no rogue yokai eats this girl. Who would let a human be a god...?

"Really!? THANK YOU SO MUCH!" she says loudly and everyone turns to look at her.

I take her hand in mine and put her bag on my shoulder with ease. She stares at me in amazement. "Y-you don't have to carry them!" she says in a helpless tone. I smile at her. "Don't worry, it's easy for me," I say, then pull her along.

"So, what's your name?" she asks after a few minutes of walking. Wait, didn't she already say my name? did she know it in the first place..? I brushed the eerie feeling off. Perhaps I was imagining things.

"Oh, it's (Y/n), yours?" I say.

"My name is Nanami."

"What a nice name!" I exclaim and she mumbles thank you.


After stopping by the market to buy a new fresh kimono and various other things, I finally spot Akari's house. "Nanami, we are here!" I tell her.

As soon as I knock on the door Akari opens it and flings her arms around me. "(Y/N)-CHAN, I AM SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU!" she yells. I hug back and swing her around and we both start laughing. "Oh, I've missed you so much Akari, I'm sorry I haven't visited in such a long time." Akari just laughs and says it's okay. Then her attention turns to Nanami.

"And who is this?" she asks.

"This is Nanami. She was stranded in town and I thought you wouldn't mind letting her stay here. I am sorry to impose."

"It's fine, it's fine. Please, come in," she says in a light tone.

~Time skip~

After we finish the delicious dinner Akari cooked for us with ingredients I brought from the market, I decide to take a walk alone. As I walk down the road, the sound of uproar grows louder and louder. Anxiety sparks in me. Mobs gave me a sick feeling...Nevertheless, I run in the direction of it. I see a hoard of villagers, all of them brandishing torches and cheering wildly. "What's going on?" I ask a villager.

"The fox yokai has been wounded in the forest. They're going after him!" the woman exclaims, a violent gleam in her eyes. My eyes widen at fox. The great Tomoe is really in trouble? It can't be...But the more I observe the villagers behavior, the more I believe it to be true. Should I go and see for myself? Should I save him?

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