Chapter 9: Akura ou

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Hello loves sorry I've taken so long to update, I'll try to be more frequent. ENJOY~

Tomoe's P.O.V

I lay on the ground, in the downstairs of my brother's castle. I don't feel like doing anything. I feel so....confused. Why do I feel so strange? Since that day...the day (Y/n) saved me from certain death, what exactly has been wrong with me?

I abruptly stand up. I refuse to be like this any longer. It's so...unlike me. I walk to the door and throw it open. My legs quicken as I climb the stairs of the castle, looking for my brother.

"Akura ou, where are you!?" I yell. I push open the door and there he is, sitting proud in an ornate jewel-adorned chair. I smile at him deviously. "I want to play." I say, walking over to get my katana.

"Why, hello brother. Finally feeling better?" he says in a menacing voice.

I whip around to face him. "What?" I question. Does he know something?

Akura smirks and rolls his eyes. "Oh, I'm sure it's nothing...but this guy here", Akura ou motions to the furball in the corner, "said you were.....lovesick."

My eyes widen and my heart starts to race. I shake it off and a sneer forms on my face. "Me? Lovesick?" I say humorously. I start to laugh. "That's the most absurd thing I've ever heard!" I keep laughing and Akura joins in. "I know, I had quite a laugh too when I heard." His laugh dies down quickly.

His eyes look as if they are glaring into my soul. "I told him you weren't a fool who'd do something so stupid like fall in love," he says, venom laced into his words. I freeze, doing my best to keep my face blank.

And then the tense moment fades. "Anyway, I've got great news, brother. Remember that girl that escaped the attack?  Well, I finally found her," Akura grins menacingly. My heart drops at that.

He's talking about (Y/n)...Why was he going to such lengths? Why did the one to catch his eye have to be her? He'll kill me if he finds out I'd already found her and let her get away.

"You know, at first I didn't feel like going after her. But then I thought, a yokai will last longer anyway." He laughs.

I grit my teeth. What is he planning to do to her?

"And that face of hers isn't too bad either..." he continues.

"How boring," I say with a yawn.

Akura just ignores me and asks his servant something. Then he looks back at me. "Do you want to have a look at her?" he says as I start to walk away.

"I'm not interested." I snap.

Akura's cold voice stops me. "So you don't care what I do with her?" he asks in a mischievous tone.

I turn around with an ice cold glare. "No, why would I?" I say harshly.

I try to make myself mean it.


Tomoe's P.O.V

My brother and I lay on the ground facing each other in his castle. "I'm growing tired of this place," Akura ou says.

I smirk. "Already? Well then, why don't we head to the Dragon kings palace at the sea," I say, feeling somewhat excited.

"Sounds good. I heard that an eye of the dragon king can give one immortality or cure any disease. How about one eye for you and one for me?" Akura ou says playfully.

"Sure," I say as I feel the thrill of an upcoming adventure.

"I'm glad you're looking forward to this, brother," he says.

Suddenly there is a knock at the door.

"Come in," Akura calls.

A yokai enters with a bow. "I've returned, Akura-ou-sama. Have you been faring well?

Akura grins, his sharp teeth shining. "Ah, I have just the job for you." he says.

"Whatever the master wants," he says. I glare at him.

"There's a (Y/a) yokai I want to get my hands on,"

The mention of (Y/n) makes my blood run cold.

"She escaped one of my attacks. It's no big deal, really, but if you could bring her to me I'd be very pleased,"

The yokai starts laughing creepily. "Of course, master. I'll bring her straight to you once I catch her," he says.

Akura's eyes glimmer with greed. "Perfect,"

I stand up and walk to the door. That conversation spoiled my mood. If I don't go now I might slice this creepy guy in half right where he stands. "Where are you going?" Akura's voice rings out behind me.

I don't answer, slamming the door on the way out. What's wrong with me?

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I walk down the river, calmly contemplating. What happened the other night when I left Akari's wasn't normal. I pull up my yukata, staring down at the semi-healed wound in my side. Dark veins spread out from the puncture. I thought the peach pill I took from Nanami would've healed me...

I stop to rest, when I hear the sudden sound of the trees rustling. My ears perk up, trying to sense where the sound is coming from. I am certain that someone's there. I quickly unsheathe my katana which had been strapped to my waist. I hold it before me, ready to defend.

Out of nowhere, huge vines erupt from the ground and shoot towards me. I leap back, barely dodging them, but they come after me relentlessly. I am able to run only a few steps before they encase my arms and legs. I burn them all with my (y/a) fire, but they regrow just as fast, and I find myself encased in vines again. I desperately try to slice them with my katana. I look behind me to see my attacker. A yokai...but he doesn't look that strong. I pull my hairpin out of my hair, throwing it with great force at him. The sharp pin flies into his forehead and he winces, stumbling back a little. I take this chance to run.

I hear laughter behind me. I guess it will take a lot more than a hairpin to stop him. As I try to get away, my stomach quickly starts to cramp. I feel a sharp pain in my leg. I look down to see a dart has pierced into my ankle. A strange numbness starts to spread through my leg. I quickly pull it out, but it's too late.

The numbness spreads and I stumble to the ground, realizing I can hardly move. I start to panic. There is nothing I can do now. I can't defend myself if I'm paralyzed. I slump against a rock, overcome by dizziness.

The yokai walks down the forest path towards me. "You've got nowhere to go now. That dart that I threw into your leg was dipped in poison that will paralyze you," he says.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask, my voice wavering.He laughs. "Because Akura ou ordered me to," he brandishes a dagger, coming toward me.

"Please, no," I beg.

But he's only getting closer. "No! Please-" He reaches for me and I close my eyes in fear. What's he going to do to me?

...will I ever see Tomoe again?

The slash of a sword is all I hear. I open my eyes to see a fox yokai with long white hair cutting through him. Tomoe.

"My bad," he says. He looks at me with a glint of malice in his eyes. "But she's mine,"

Tomoe....what are you doing here?

Omgggg that was intense. please vote, and keep reading! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! :)

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