Chapter 7: Hiding the Truth

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Hey loves I'm so sorry I've taken this long to update and thanks for encouraging me to update~

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

Nanami's behavior has been strange ever since I brought Tomoe home. I do not know what to make of it. Could she possibly know...?

With all these thoughts going through my mind, I accidentally rip the leaves of the sasamochi I am making for Tomoe. I quickly grab another leaf and wrap the rice. I don't know why I make him sasamochi, but he seems to like it.

While I finish preparing the food, I think about where I should go next. I couldn't stay here long. Even if I hide who I am, people start getting curious. And with my damned father back in the world over yonder, along with the Akura ou business, I couldn't go there either. I probably just needed to go see a doctor...

I feel a presence behind me and Nanami looks over my shoulder. "Are you taking those to Tom-to him?" she stutters slightly.

"Oh, yeah.." I trail off. I swear she was about to say Tomoe...

She follows after me as I walk down the hall. "How is he?" she asks as we enter the room.

"I don't know, he might not recover," I say worriedly. He really might die.

Nanami is silent for a moment, then pulls out a small bottle of pink pills. "You should give him one of these. It's a miracle cure, I promise,"

"Really? How did you get them?" I ask.

"Oh, it was a gift..." She pops open the bottle and hands one to me.

"Thank you, Nanami. Truly," I say, gently shaking Tomoe awake. He groggily sits up. "Here," I place the pill in his small hand. "Take this, you'll feel better,"

Without speaking, he reluctantly puts it in his mouth and swallows it. I place the tray of food and water next to him. "You must be hungry, right? Have some food,"

In silence, he looks from the tray to me to Nanami with a glare. Nanami laughs nervously. "I think he wants us to leave..."

"Oh! Okay. Rest well," I say, standing up and following Nanami out. When I turn back to close the door, I see him nibbling on the sasamochi. Awe, he is so cute!

"Hey, Nanami, can I have one of those pills too?" I ask her.

Her eyes widen. "Of course! I remember you had that nasty injury when we first met," she exclaims, handing me a pill.

"What was it from, by the way?" she asks as I take it.

I lean against the wall, sweating. Should i say I was in a yokai battle with Akura ou or was that too much? :3

"I was in a fight. It got pretty intense..."

"Must've been one fight. You're pretty cool, (Y/N)..." she grins at me.

I laugh. "Thanks,"

Tomoe's POV

I watch as the girl closes the door. Why is she taking care of me? I surely would've died that night if it weren't for her. But why did she save me? Doesn't she know who I am? I sigh, leaning back on the mattress. I want to get out of this goddamn body soon...

As for the girl...


(Y/N)'s POV

I stand outside on the dirt path with Akari and Nanami who grasps her giant backpack once again.

"Thanks for having me, Akari. It was a pleasure to meet both of you,"

"Anytime!" Akari says as she hugs her.

She embraces me next. "Bye, Nanami,"

"Bye, (Y/N)," she pauses, "Take care of Tomoe," she whispers.

"I wil-wait, what?" But she's already pulled away and heading down the road. She looks back with a smile. So she did know it was him...That girl is a mystery.

Akari heads back inside, leaving me to contemplate life like usual. I sigh. Maybe I really did need to go back to the world over yonder, even if that bastard was there. My father and I never got along. I met him sparingly throughout my childhood, and then more often after my mother died. He was seriously the worst.

Suddenly, I hear a twig snap in the brush beside me. I whip around toward the noise. Akari lives on the village outskirts, so the forest is basically her backyard. Was someone in there? I venture farther into the trees, my heart beating quickly. I hear the leaves rustle to my left and quickly turn to find myself staring into glowing red eyes. Yokai. I draw back in terror, my hand instinctively going to my waist for my katana before I realize it's not there. He just stares at me. I slowly step back then run into the house, my mind racing.

"Goodness, (Y/n)! You look like you've seen a ghost!" Akari exclaims.

Something like that.

I assure her nothing is wrong, but inside I am on high alert. What was he doing out there? I hope there are not more of them...

I go out again once I grab my sword to check if he's still there, but I find nothing. Perhaps he was just passing through. But still, it was weird how it felt like he was spying on me...

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