Chapter 12: Unexpected

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Pic above is how Akari looks☝️

Hello loves! I'm sooo sorry I didn't update sooner. ENJOY~

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

While I planned to go to the world over yonder to visit my fathers estate, Tomoe insists that I don't. "The place is crawling with Akura ou's spies. You can't risk going right now,"

I groan. "Ughh. I know that. But I already went there before..."

"You what?"

"Hey, it was a while ago...and nothing happened to me,"

Tomoe pinches the bridge of his nose, an annoyed look on his face.

"Don't do something careless. He's dangerous, (Y/n),"

I lay back on the grass with a sigh. "It's not like I want to go there. It's my father...I usually visit him there every few months,"

Tomoe lays across from me, stirring up some kind of medicinal mixture for me. "So you didn't live with him?" He asks.

I shake my head. "No. He and I don't really have a good relationship..."

"And yet you still go to see him. Why do you care so much for others who give you nothing in return?"

My face flushes from his accusation. "What are you saying...I just have common decency!"

"Tch," Tomoe hands me a cup of the mixture. "If someone inconveniences me, I simply kill them," he says proudly, crossing his arms.

I lightly hit his arm. "You crazy—I'm not going to do that!"

Tomoe leans on his arm, smirking down at me. "I know. You're too soft,"

"Hmph. Whatever," I turn away from him, attempting to stand but I suddenly feel dizzy. I put a hand to my forehead, trying to soothe my headache.

Tomoe immediately comes to my side, gently steadying me. "Don't move so suddenly, You need to rest," he says, taking me inside to lay down on the futon.

"Do you have to leave now?" I ask, feeling tired.

"Yeah, but I'll be back soon," he says, brushing the hair out of my face. His expression is tense, like something is bothering him.

"Is something wrong?"

Tomoe sighs. "Nothing like that. Akura ou's just been throwing tantrums and such."

"Does he know what you did?" I ask, my hands clasped tightly. Talk of Akura ou made me nervous.

Tomoe shrugs."He hasn't said anything. Good thing I always make sure his lackeys don't follow me here..."

A sudden wave of anxiety washes over me. Will Akura ou harm Tomoe? Will he come after me with more vengeance than before?

Tomoe notices my unease and takes my hand in his. "I already told you, (Y/n), I'll protect you,"

I shake my head. "It's not about me...I'm worried for you," I say.

Tomoe smirks. "Do you know who I am? As if that guy could ever do anything to me,"

I laugh, but the pit in my stomach doesn't go away. Tomoe wraps his arm around me. "Hey, don't worry, okay?"


Time skip~

After I rest for a bit, I go out to meet Akari. I pick some flowers from the meadow for her, wrapping them up in a bouquet. For some reason, my heart feels heavy. I know that humans hate my kind and I know what they've done. I know that, and yet I still care for her. Can I forgive what they've done for her sake?

I go down to the village, walking down to Akari's house. I knock on the door.

"Hello!" I greet her as she opens it.

Akari's eyes widen when she sees me and she steps back a little. "H-hey (Y/n)." her voice falters.

I frown. "Is something wrong?" I ask.

"'s nothing." She says, putting on a nervous smile.

"Are you feeling down?" I ask. Akari shakes her head, refusing to meet my eyes.

"I'm just a little tired from work, that's all." She says.

I'm not convinced. I hand her the flowers. "Here. I gathered them this morning, so you should put them in water while they're fresh," I smile, hoping she'll like them.

"Thanks..." she says.

Maybe I should give her some alone time. "Well, I'm going to go out for a bit. I'll be back soon." She casts me a nervous glance but nods slowly.

"O-okay." She says quietly. Why is she acting this way?

Walking down the quiet streets, I get an eerie feeling. Usually, they're still busy at this hour. Where is everyone?

That's when I see the villagers creeping out of the shadows, quickly surrounding me. Weapons in hand, they look ready to kill. A flaming arrow is shot at me, reminding me of the day my mother and I were ambushed. Is the cycle repeating itself? Will I perish alone this time? Trying to block out their jeering, I quickly look around for an exit, pushing down the panic rising inside me.

"You should not have come here, yokai!" A man yells angrily yells at me. I look at him in confusion. "What? I-!"

"Oh, don't act so clueless! We know what you are!" Another woman yells.

I look at them with wide eyes. "How?! How did this-" I ask.

"Akari. She ratted you out. Even told us you're working for Tomoe!" she says.

Terror claws at my stomach. Akari wouldn't do that...would she? And how did she even know? Maybe she somehow saw Tomoe and I...Why wasn't I more careful?!

The villagers hurl rocks at me. I barely dodge them, the realization sinking in that there is no reason for them to lie. I back away, hands up in defense. I don't even have my sword with me...!

"We don't want you here! You'll bring bad luck upon the village!"

"You've dirtied this town, you monster!!"

I can't listen to them. It's not true! They close in on me, brandishing various weapons. Some throw rocks, others burning logs. My eyes start to water from the smoke. I look around for an escape. I could run to the woods from here, if I was quick enough. I quickly push away from the villagers. I need to get out of here!!

A rock hits my side, making me wince. "Get away from me!" I scream as I run. I bump into a girl and realize it is Akari, staring at me with wide eyes. "(Y/n)-" she starts.

I give her a look of betrayal. "What did I ever do to you, Akari?!" I snap.

"You lied! You brought that-that monster into my home! You lied to me about who you are!"

"I have never hurt you, not once! You were my friend!" I say, tears springing into my eyes.

How could I have trusted a human? Why was I so stupid?

In the distance, I see a tall figure with silvery white hair. It couldn't be...Tomoe! He's here! Without thinking, I quickly run to him, my heart racing. He takes me into his arms, pulling me back as he summons a wall of foxfire. I watch as the villagers back away and scream in fright.

"Get the hell away from us," he says dangerously, his grip on me deathly tight.

"You're here." I tremble in relief. He's rescued me again. Tears continue to fall down my face as I try to stop them. Even if I've lost everything, my best friend, my mother, I still have him. The one I love.

Tomoe and I disappear in a wisp of smoke.

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