Chapter 15: Mine

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I wake up with my face pressed against something hard...but soft at the same time. I brush my hands over it then realizing it's a chest. Tomoe's chest.

I scramble up, trying not to touch his chest while doing that, so I place both hands on the floor on either side of him. Before I can get myself off him, his eyes open.

"What a nice sight to wake up to," Tomoe says, smirking as his eyes trail down my body. I follow his gaze and see my robes have slipped down a bit.

"Hey! You perv," I say, pulling my robes back in place.

"What? It's nothing I haven't seen before," he bites his lip, trailing his hand up my thigh.

I slap his hand away and plop down hard on his stomach.

"Ow," He coughs out.

"That's what you get for having indecent thoughts!" I exclaim, blushing and looking away.

"Hmm really? You weren't complaining about what my so-called 'indecent thoughts' made me do last night,"

"Tomoe! You really are the biggest perv!" I flush, jumping up. By this time he's cracking up. I start to make my way out but his arms snake their way around my waist and pull me back down on his lap.

"Aww (Y/n) don't leave. You're so cute when you're flustered like this~" he says, slightly tickling my sides.

"What are you doing?" I laugh as he trails butterfly kisses all over my face. He lifts my hands in his and kisses each gently. By that time I feel like I'm about to explode. My heart is beating so hard I can barely breathe. WHAT IS HE DOING TO ME?!?

~Time skip~

I remember I wanted to go to the market today. "Tomoe, I'm going out for a bit! I'll be in town," I call.

He was very reluctant about letting me go out anywhere alone, but I told him that it's time I start looking after myself again, so he lets me go out without his accompaniment sometimes. I know he has other things to do, and I don't want to be a constant burden to him.

"Be safe, my love," He replies.

I still blush at his words even after all the time I've spent with him.

I head out and take the path through the trees until I reach the small town. I stroll through the marketplace, taking my time looking at all the stalls. I would've kept going, but my body aches so I slow down. My vision grows blurry. I sit down on a bench, sitting there a while to catch my breath. I then get up and manage to make it back to the forest path. My breath is ragged only after a few steps. What in the world is happening to me? I thought the illness was going away...

I see our house in the distance, and a feeling of guilt washes over me. I don't want Tomoe to see me like this...I don't want to worry him. He worries far too much for me already.

These thoughts cloud my mind and my head starts to ache. When I reach the porch, I collapse onto it, cradling my head and gritting my teeth in pain. I sit there and take heavy breaths. I cough into my hand and sure enough, it comes away red, dripping with blood. Get a grip, (Y/n). Tomoe will be here soon, just hold on until then.

I make a few attempts to get up and go into the house, but to no avail. My knees buckle any time I try to stand up.

I wait there for a while. I see a dot in the sky and it gets closer, revealing him. He steps off his fox fire and heads towards me.

(Y/n)? What are you doing out here?" He asks. His eyes widen as he spots the blood staining my sleeves and hands.

"I'm not feeling too well," I say faintly, managing a weak smile.

A pained look comes across his face. He scoops me up bridal style.

"I knew I shouldn't have let you go out alone. How long have you been waiting here?" He asks.

"It hasn't been that long, really,"

When we get inside he sets me down on the futon.

"How long?" He repeats, kneeling beside me.

I look down stubbornly. "I'm fine. You don't have to worry about it,"

He runs his hands through his hair in exasperation. "I don't need to worry? Are you serious?" He says.

I clench my hands. "It's just...I feel bad that I'm constantly causing you trouble."

"(Y/n), why can't you understand? I don't care if you cause me trouble. I love you," He says.

"But I do care! I want to be someone you can rely on. I want to be the one to care for you. But I can't do that when I'm like this," A tear slips down my face, followed by another.

"You will get better. I will get you a new type of medicine."

I shake my head. "What if it doesn't work? I don't want to hurt you, Tomoe,"

He pulls me to his chest. "(Y/n), please. Stop thinking like that,"

"Tom-" I start to say but he cups my face in his hands so that we're eye to eye.

"You're everything to me. I'm not going to let anything take you away from me."

He lays a quick kiss on my lips and his eyes flicker across my face. He then pulls me up onto his lap and his lips graze mine once again. He places another kiss on my forehead.

He gently wipes away a remaining tear on my face with his thumb. He lays down on the futon beside me, staring at me with his pupils dilated.

"You know I love you more than anything," He says as he strokes my cheek. I can't help but smile.

"Tomoe, I..."

"Yes?" he looks at me expectantly.

I place my hands on his chest, my face flushed and my heart beating out of control. "I love you too,"

His eyes widen, an uncontrolled look coming to his face as he gets up and pins me to the futon. "Say it again," he demands.

"What? No!" I hide my face in embarrassment.

"Once isn't enough for me, (Y/n). I want to hear those words from your lips everyday for the rest of my life,"

I slowly uncover my face, to find his expression is serious and intensely seeking my answer. My resolve falters and I lean up to him, tenderly taking him into my arms. "Oh, Tomoe. You know you're the only one for me," I say.

He takes refuge in my arms, and I see his tough exterior fade away. He's just a big baby, isn't he? I smile to myself.

"I can't believe you're mine," he whispers, burying his face in my chest.

"I always will be. I love you too much to ever let you go," I fall asleep in Tomoe's arms, my heart the warmest it has ever been.

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