Chapter 11: The Truth

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Omg!!!! I'm so sorry I took so long to update! Anyway, enjoy loves~~~~~

Tomoe's P.O.V

(Y/n) lays on the bed of the healer, unconscious, a sheen of sweat on her face as her body goes into fever. It reminds of when we first met, except this time there is a heavy weight on my heart.

Though she'd escaped the village raid, her blood had poisoned through the injury she'd received. I clench my fists. Of course my brother would count on something like this. He's always playing the long game. An open wound like that from one of his beasts was nearly impossible to heal from.

I lean against the wall of the room, trying not to think of the worst. Will she be able to recover?

A nurse comes over, a nervous look on his face. "Tomoe-sama, we must remove her top to look at the wound properly, if you'd like to leave the room,"

I glare at him. "You, a man, will be doing this to her?!"

He cowers back in fear. "N-no. The healer is a woman..."

"Good. Then you'll be coming out too," I grab his arm, yanking him through the door with me.

He gives me a trembling bow. "Forgive m-me, Tomoe-sama,"

"Tch. Whatever." I look away from him, lighting my pipe. Such a weak creature...

(Y/n)'s POV

I wake up in a small room, my side sore from the treatment. As I attempt to sit up, I spot Tomoe at the end of the bed, sleeping as he leans on the mattress. I smile. He must've been tired. I reach for his face, gently brushing his hair out of the way. Even sleeping, he's so handsome...

Tomoe opens his eyes. "Is it your hobby to gaze upon sleeping men?" he smirks.

I flinch away, appalled by his accusation. "What? No! I wasn't-"

I'm interrupted by a tall woman walking in with a tray. "Please don't rile her up, Tomoe-sama. We don't want her wound to reopen," she says.

Tomoe just continues to smirk as I cross my arms and look away from him in embarrassment. Why did he have to tease me?!

The woman gives me some medicine and a cool cloth for my head, which I take gratefully. "Try to rest as much as you can. I'll visit later this week to check up on you," she says warmly.

"Okay, thank you..." I smile back at her.

When she leaves, Tomoe turns to me. "Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah, thank you, Tomoe," I smile, "It looks like I was right about you,"

He raises his eyebrow. "Right about what?"

"That you're more caring than you let on," I grin, tenderly holding his hand in both of mine.

Tomoe's face flushes and he pulls away. "I'm not.." he scowls, "It's just inconvenient to me for you to die,"

"Inconvenient? That's rude!"

"Whatever," he says stubbornly, refusing to apologize.

Sometimes I think he's sweet...then he shows his true colors. Still, I'm grateful to him.

I sigh, reaching for the cool towel to wipe my face.

"Are you okay?" Tomoe snaps back to acting worried, leaning closer.

I chuckle. "Yeah, I just feel kind of hot in here,"

Tomoe abruptly stands up. "Let me take you outside then. Your fever still seems to be high,"

"Oh! Okay," I eagerly take his hand as he helps me up, guiding me to the sliding door. It opens up to a small deck at the back of the estate.

"Tomoe, you don't have to stay here with me. I'm fine, really,"

Tomoe jumps down into the grass, standing before me as he puts my hand to his chest. "I worry that if I leave, something will happen and you'll slip away from me again,"

My heartbeat quickens and I feel my resolve dissipate. Why did he have to say such sweet things? I'm not used to hearing words like these...

"Don't worry. I'm right here in front of you. It will be the same in the future." I reassure him.

Tomoe draws closer. "Do you swear?"

"Of course," I wrap my arms around his neck, embracing him like the night he saved me.

Tomoe pulls back to look at me, a look of sincerity on his face. "Give me a token of your promise, then,"

I think for a moment, then reach my hands to the back of my neck and unclasp my necklace. I gently grab one of Tomoe's hands and place the necklace in it. "Here,"

He clutches the chain to his heart. "I will treasure this,"

"I'm glad," I smile. It is my most precious belonging, but I trust him.

"Get better soon, (Y/n)," he says while pulling away into the clearing, "For when you are ready, I will surely come back for you." He then jumps onto his fox fire and soars up into the night sky, gripping my necklace in his hand.


It's been a while since Tomoe left. My wound is almost healed, despite the blood infection. I'm not sure exactly how long that will take to fight it off.

Akari's village is just near here, so I often stop by the market. Today I head back to the estate through the forest, which I had been reluctant to do due to fear of another ambush. I don't know if Akura ou is still looking for me, after all.

I reach a dark part of the forest and shiver. Why am I so scared? I have my sword....I'm fine. I walk a little further down the path, trying to soothe my nerves, when the trees rustle near me. I gasp, flinching away from the noise.

"Is someone there?" I call. No reply. Just more rustling. It seems to be getting closer and closer. I hear a twig snap and I yelp, breaking into a run. That yokai must be coming after me again. I thought Tomeo killed him, but I guess he survived. He's here!

I run, not really looking where I'm going, until I slam into something hard but soft at the same time.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing out here?"

I look up to see Tomoe and a flood of relief washes over me. I latch onto him, burying my face in his chest, feeling safe in his presence. Tomoe puts his hand to my face, tilting it up to look at him.

"Are you okay? What's going on?" he asks.

"I-I thought I heard something, I don't know. That yokai who attacked me...I thought somehow he'd found me again," I say, my voice panicked, looking around us.

Tomoe holds my shoulders, steadying me. "Look at me, my love. He's gone. You saw with your own two eyes. You do not have to fear him anymore,"

I shake my head, still trying to calm down. "I know, I know. But I've been so paranoid lately,"

Tomoe picks me up in his arms, sweeping us onto his foxfire wheel. "I will always protect you, (Y/n)," he says as we soar over the forest, "Don't forget that,"

As I hold onto Tomoe, my heart is warm. I want to protect you too...

Thanks for reading! Please vote and stay tuned <3

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