Chapter 6: Saving Him

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

Searching through the forest, my side aches. I know I should have tended to the injury, but I didn't have time and I didn't want to worry the girls.

I cannot hear the voices of the cheering villagers anymore, so I guess I'm deep in the forest by now. But now I have to find him, which will be challenging. At least I have the advantage of yokai senses. I leap into a tree, scanning my eyes over the area. I decide to follow the river, leaping from tree to tree. When I look back, I see the far-off light of the torches from the villagers. I need to hurry... Picking up my pace, I think I can smell the scent of blood from down the river...It must be him. Is he injured badly?

And then I see it. The silvery hair glistening in the moonlight. Tomoe. I quickly jump down from my perch and run to him. He makes a last effort to change his form into that of a small child to disguise himself. He must think I'm a villager.

"Tomoe!" I say. His kimono is covered in blood. His face is pale and he's breathing hard. I kneel down and pick him up. "Tomoe, it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you." His eyes flutter open and widen in shock. "It's you..."

Tomoe's P.O.V.

I stumble towards the river, gripping the wound on my shoulder. The god's sword had injured me badly. I feel so pathetic in this weak state. I hear footsteps. It's probably the footsteps of the villagers coming to kill me. I turn into a small child to disguise myself, but with this wound, they will probably figure out it's me.

"Tomoe!" I hear a gentle voice say. I feel warm arms wrap around me. "Tomoe, it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you." I open my eyes and am surprised to see the girl from earlier. How did she find me?? She has a worried look but smiles at me. "It's you..." I mutter. She looks over her shoulder and I can hear faint shouting. "We need to get out of here," she says and starts moving. I stare at her. As I look at her, my heart starts to beat in a way it never has. She is...the only woman I have ever wanted to claim as my own.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

He's asleep now, and his body feels burning. I know all that power trapped in a small body like that would cause a fever. I need to tend to him soon. But, where? It will seem suspicious to Akari and Nanami if I bring him to the house. But I have no other choice; I don't know anyone else in this village. I reach the village and hurriedly walk through it. A lot of people are still on the hunt, so it's very quiet. I reach Akari's house. I knock. She opens the door and her attention shifts to Tomoe.

"Who's that?" she questions.

"It's...a child I know. He was injured by the fox yokai the people were looking for." I lie, hoping I sound convincing enough. I am definitely not a good liar. It also makes me feel guilty. But I have no other option in this situation. I know she won't let me in if she knows it's Tomoe. She has no reason to like yokai, much less one of the most feared yokai in Japan. If she knew who Tomoe and I really wouldn't be good.

"Alright," she says, "Come in," She helps me disinfect his shoulder, and gives me bandages to wrap it with. His fever is still high, but he seems to be in better condition. When we are done, I lay Tomoe down and put a light blanket over him.

"Goodnight, Tomoe,"

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