Chapter 17: Kuromaro

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(This is written in 3rd person)

A typhoon had been raging outside the entire day, causing all the houses to be boarded up. (Y/n) lay by the candlelight, writing on a scroll with an ink-dipped quill. Tomoe didn't know what she was jotting down so vigorously, but he loved watching her so focused. 


She lifts her head toward Tomoe. "Yes?"

"I think I need to settle things with Akura ou,"

The very sentence made her stomach drop. Because she knew what that horrible yokai was capable of, and she didn't want to imagine Tomoe falling victim to his wrath. 

"Tomoe, no,"

"He's angry. And he's unpredictable when he lashes out. If I don't do this..." 

She had wondered why he'd been on edge lately. "Tomoe, you can't!" She stood up and went over to him, grasping his shoulders. "I won't let you,"

He looked at her sadly. "I love you, (Y/n)," Why did he sound like that? Why did he sound like he was saying goodbye?!

Then he put a hand to her forehead and everything went dark. He didn't want to to such lengths and use magic on her, but it was his only choice. He easily scooped her up and laid her unconscious figure on the futon. He turned and left the house. It was time to settle things once and for all. 


(Y/n) woke up with a splitting headache. She sat up and realized she was on her futon but didn't remember how she got there. But her heart sank when she realized Tomoe was gone. She searched everywhere but there was no sign of him. 

Why had he done this? How did he expect her to be at peace while he was out confronting Akura ou?

She went to the corner of the room and grabbed her katana. She had to find him. The sun was low in the sky already, a telltale sign that Tomoe had been out for far too long. Sliding open the door, she ventured out into the world, her only guidance Tomoe's scent in the wind. Well, she did have some clue as to where Akura ou's grounds were. She knew it was down South. 

By the time she saw his ghastly castle in the distance, she was freezing and filled with dread. Tomoe was strong, but how could he face off against him alone? She marched up the mountainous land it was perched on, determined. 


He walked into the cavernous chamber him and Akura ou used to frequent so often, coaxing up plans of revenge and destruction. He wasn't fond of the memories, yet he felt a certain nostalgic sentiment as he peered about the room. He brushed it off. He had to find Akura ou and put an end to everything.  

Just then a demonic laugh resounded around him.

"So nice of you to drop by, brother."

Tomoe's eyes widen as Akura ou steps out of the shadows.

"Akura ou," Tomoe takes a step back.

"Well, thanks for saving me the trouble. You know, I was just going to check in and see how you two were doing. You and that woman you abandoned me for," he says deviously.

"You tried to kill her. I cannot forgive you," Tomoe replied. 

Akura ou sucked in a breath. "Since when did you care about who I killed? You were the one lying to me this whole time!" 

"I lied to protect her! You destroy everything you touch, don't you see?!"

"Exactly," Akura ou glared, lunging at Tomoe, "She ruined everything we had!"

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