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As you can tell from the title, the sequel to this book is out. It occurs 500 years in the future, where you stumble across the Land Gods shrine with Nanami.

The title is: Your Hand in Mine (Tomoe x Reader)

You can read it here:

(just copy and paste this link--->edit: i have realised you can't copy and paste from wattpad, my bad, but, yeah that's the link)

or you can go to my profile and click on the story

While it is a sequel, I'm writing it so that ANYONE can read it, whether they read this book or not. That doesn't matter that much though. 

I want to thank you all for reading this book and supporting it and me. I know its not perfect, and really cringy, cheesy, and cliche, but I've devoted many hours to it and I appreciate all of you for commenting and voting. Once again, thank you so much. Good-bye, loves  :))))) 

The Fox Can Love (Tomoe x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now