Chapter 1 Don't Boost His Ego!

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Picture of Blair up above
"Did you finish my homework?"
"Why not?"
"My dog ate it."
"But you don't even have a dog."
I groan. "Well, I'll go buy a dog, Raymond."
Raymond frowns. "You're my girlfriend, though, Blair. You have to do my homework."
I laugh. "Don't you have little Naomi for that?"
Raymond sighs. "Not anymore. She has bodyguards now. Three of them that never leave her side."
"Hey, lovebirds," Parker, Raymond's friend says. My cheeks heat up at that and Parker laughs. "What? You didn't think I'd forget about your big night, did you?" He takes a condom out of his pocket and hands it to me. Raymond cracks up.
"Pagans," I mutter, putting the condom in my locker. Raymond's parents are going away for a month, and yesterday he asked me if I could sleep over at his house. I knew he was only asking if I wanted to have sex. Since I'm a virgin, I said yes without thinking about it.
  Parker grins and wraps an arm around my shoulders. "I'm not a pagan, Blair. I'm just excited. My baby's growing up."
"Shut up." I blush in embarrassment.
"Yeah, shut up, Park."
"Don't worry, kids. You'll be fine."
"Don't call us kids," Raymond says. "It's no big deal."
Parker smirks. "If you say so." He kisses my cheek. "Luv ya."
I scowl, wiping my cheek with the back of my hand when he walks away. "Gross."
Raymond laughs. "Those kissable cheeks are for me only," he states, kissing both of my cheeks. "So, I heard one of the guys on the football team is throwing a party. You going?"
"I can't."
"What do you mean you can't go out?"
  Raymond and I whirl around to see a guy with blonde hair standing next to Naomi.
Raymond growls. "Jordan."
Jordan ignores me. "I can't believe you don't want to go to a party!" he exclaims to me. "Who doesn't love parties?"
I sigh. "People throw parties every weekend. I just-I don't know. I just want to stay with a friend tonight." Raymond winks at me when I say that, causing me to heat up like a tomato.
Naomi pats me on the shoulder. "I feel you, Blair," she says. "Most kids only spend the night with their friends because they can't get into any senior parties."
"Speak for yourself," Jordan says.
Raymond turns to me. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"No-well, kind of."
"Well?" Raymond shrugs. "What then?"
Jordan and Naomi are staring at me. "I can't talk about it here. I mean, not now."
Raymond laughs: a short, harsh sound. It's obvious he's mad and trying to hide it.
"Of course not." He backs away, both hands raised like he's surrendering. "Let's make a deal. You let me know when you're ready to to talk. I'll wait to hear from you. It'll be rude of me to, you know, pressure you." He drags out some of the words and I can hear the sarcasm in his voice.
I open my mouth to respond, but before I can, he turns around and walks away.
"Jeez." Jordan lets out a low whistle. "Raymond was acting rude today. Oh, wait. He's rude every day."
"Are you guys in a fight?" Naomi asks, eyes wide.
Before I get a chance to answer two boys come over.
"Jordan, who is this pretty lady?" The muscular looking one says.
My cheeks heat up at that comment.
"I'm Blair," I whisper shyly.
"Declan, leave her alone," Naomi says. "She blushed a lot today."
Declan smirks. "So, Blair's a blusher?" He chuckles. "I'm going to have fun with this." Then he turns to me. "You're  cute when you blush."
The other guy, who must be Bennett, looks at me with wide eyes. "Don't blush, Blair! You can't boost his ego!"
Naomi snorts. "I don't even think he has one."
Jordan frowns. "Only I could say stuff like that, Naomi."
Declan  nods. "Yeah. Wait, what?"
I smile and shake my head. "You guys are crazy."
Declan wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me close. "Crazy good, right?"
Remember when Bennett told me not to blush? I blush.
Declan cheers. "My ego has been boosted!"
Bennett groans. "Leave the poor girl alone, Declan."
Declan shakes his head. "No. Can. Do."
"Will you ever let go of me, Declan ?" I ask.
  He shakes his head. "Nope." He buries his head in my hair and sniffs. "Your hair smells like roses."
Jordan snickers. "I think Declan just found his new teddy bear."
I pout. "He's smelling my hair."
Naomi grins. "Declan, Jordan called you stupid."
Declan gasps. "Jordan!"
Jordan looks panicked. "Naomi!"
"Just run," Bennett and Naomi say in unison.
Jordan nods. "On it."
Then he takes off running down the hall.
"I'm not letting you go, Teddy Bear," Declan says, and with that he runs after Jordan, picking me up  bridal style.

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