Chapter 4 The Party

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"This is usually how a horror movie starts," Jordan says. "Are you sure this is the right address?"
"I'm sure," Declan says.
"This better not ruin the paint job on my new car," Bennett mutters as a branch scrapes along the passenger door.
Pretty soon the woods disappear and the house comes looming out of the darkness.
"It's almost as big as your house, Benny," Jordan says.
Bennett frowns. "Don't call me Benny. Only Blair can."
I blush at that.
"How come?" Declan demands.
"Just because."
A couple minutes later we make in into house. Ariana Grande roars through the speakers: Cause I'm so into you, into you, into you, into you.
"We're all going to split up, okay?" Naomi says.
We all nod and go separate ways.
I feel arms wrap around me from behind and Raymond's mouth is on my neck.
"Blair Bear," he sing songs, turning me to face him. "So you decided to come after all."
"Ray," I say. "I really need to talk to you."
"What's up, cupcake?"
"We can't do it here. We need to. . .we need to go somewhere. Somewhere where it'll only be the two of us."
He grins and leans into me, trying to kiss me. I scrunch my nose up in disgust. His breath smells like alcohol. "I get it," he slurs. "It's that kind of conversation."
"I'm serious, Raymond. I'm feeling-" I shake my head. "I don't feel good."
"You're never feeling good." He pulls away from me, frowning. "I knew there was always something."
I stare at him, confused. "What are you talking about?"
He sways a little bit on his feet and imitates. "I just want to sleep tonight. Your parents will catch us. I need to go home." He shakes his head. "You always bail out on me, Blair."
The tears are coming and I make no effort to hold them back. "I swear, I-" I let out a sob. "This has nothing to do with that."
"Then what does it have to do with?" He crosses his arms.
"I just really need you right now," I whisper.
He sighs and rubs his forehead. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry. I overreacted."
I nod and he wipes two of my tears away with his thumb.
"Let's talk, okay? We'll go somewhere quiet." He rattles his empty beer cup at me. "Can I be on top first, though?"
"Yeah, sure," I say, even though I just want him to hold me and never let me go.
"That's why I love you," he says, ducking down to kiss my forehead. "No crying at parties, babe. You're supposed to be happy."  He starts backing away and holds up his hand. "Five minutes."
I nod and press myself against the wall and wait. I have no idea what to do now. People walk by me, and I let my hair fall in my face so they won't see that I'm crying.
Five minutes pass, then seven. Ten minutes pass, and I tell myself I'll wait seven more minutes and then go search for Raymond, even though the idea of moving seems impossible. After fifteen minutes, I text, Where r u? but then remember he broke his phone a week ago and still needs to buy a new one.
I take a deep breath and force myself to focus on other things. Like how I'm going to be grounded as soon as I get home for staying out past curfew. Or how I still need to do my homework.
I'm just about to move away from the wall when I hear Raymond's name. Two girls have stumbled into the room, giggling, and I decide to stay put.
"Raymond and I made out ten minutes ago."
Ten minutes ago. Raymond was supposed to be with me ten minutes ago.  I fight to hold back a sob.
"Lucky. Raymond is, like, really hot."
"Shh. Oh my God."
Both of the girls go white. They're probably scared: they were talking about my boyfriend and calling him hot (felony), but most importantly one of them made out with him (jail time). If Naomi, Declan, Bennett, and Jordan were here, they would freak out, call the girls sluts, and tell them to get the hell out of this party, but I just need to get out. I need to be away from all the loud music and drunk teenagers. I need a quiet place to think. I'm freezing, and I'm sure I look awful from all of that crying. One time we watched this video in health class about the symptoms of shock: difficulty breathing, cold and clammy hands, and dizziness. Knowing that I'm experiencing all of them makes me feel even worse.
This is the reason why you should never pay attention in health class.
I make my way downstairs, deciding to call for a taxi when I get on the porch when Jordan barrels into the hall, throwing his arms around me.
"I found you!" he exclaims, kissing me.
I push him off me. "Whatever. I just want to go home."
Jordan frowns at me. "Have you been crying?" He puts a strand of hair behind my ear. "You look-"
"I'm fine."
He sighs and grabs my hand, dragging me toward the back room. "Come on. Everyone's in here."
"I want to leave," I say. Since the music back here is louder and I have to yell. "I'm not feeling well."
"I'm not feeling well!"
Jordan points to his ear like, I can't hear you. I don't know if he's lying or not. Just as I'm about to pull away from him, Declan, Naomi, and Bennett spot me, and they all hug me.
"We were looking for you," Declan says.
"In a game of poker, maybe." Naomi snorts.
"I'm going home," I say. "You don't have to drive me. I'll call a taxi."
Naomi must think I'm only  joking. "Go home? We literally just got here an hour ago. Besides, Parker was telling everyone that you and Raymond were going to. . .you know."
"He didn't want to." It takes all of my strength to sound like I don't care.
"I'm going to kill that man," Jordan growls.
Bennett sighs. "Fine, we'll leave." He looks at me. "Were you crying?"
I nod. I can't lie to them.
Declan looks at Jordan. "We're both going to kill Raymond."
Bennett looks at Declan. "We're all going to kill Raymond."
I gape at them and Naomi laughs. "They have a tendency to overreact at stuff like that," she tells me.
"Blair." Raymond doesn't put his arms around me this time. "I thought you abandoned me."
Raymond and I flinch when we hear Bennett crack his knuckles. Declan glares at Raymond and I shudder. Scary much, Declan?
"And I thought you abandoned me." I fold my arms across my chest after Raymond flicks his eyes not so subtly down to my boobs.
"Why do you sound so angry?" he slurs. "What did I do?"
"Nothing," I say, trying to sound pleasant. "You just. . .you were late."
He grins. "We can figure out a way for me to make it up to you."
I bat my eyelashes at him. "I bet we can."
"Yeah?" Raymond's face lights up and he takes a step closer to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I shudder inwardly but force myself to stay put.
I stand up on my toes and whisper in his ear, "No."
He groans and pulls away from me. "Typical."
I frown. "Typical? What's that supposed to mean?"
"I think you know." Raymond glares at me. "You don't exactly have a perfect history of keeping your promises-"
"Blair." Jordan puts a hand on his chest and pretends to look shocked. "I am very disappointed in you."
Bennett, Declan, and Naomi shoot him a look.
  If Jordan was hoping to kill the tension, it worked. Kind of.
Raymond looks disgusted. "I'll see you tomorrow."
He stalks off to a group of teenagers who are playing Truth or Dare, but I'm not watching him anymore. I'm watching Naomi, who has just been pulled into the middle of a circle.
". . . And then Parker pretended to go out with her."
I whip around to face Lindsay. "What did you say?"
Lindsay frowns a little at the tone of my voice, but she repeats, "Parker pretended to go out with Nerdy Naomi. And she actually he loved her." Lindsay's friends starts to giggle.
I finally lose my temper, ignoring Jordan, who is trying to calm me down. "Why? Why do you guys do things like that?"
Lindsay jerks back like I've hit her. "I'm just-it's Naomi."
"Yeah, exactly. It's Naomi. Nobody gives a shit about her. Nobody cares." I clench my fists. "What's. The. Point?"
Declan frowns at me. "Blair, calm down. Bennett took Naomi outside. She's safe and they're waiting for us."
I ignore him. "Answer my question, Lindsay. What's the point?"
Lindsay laughs. "Oh, I get it. You're only acting like this because you're upset about Raymond."
"This isn't about Raymond," I say through gritted teeth.
One of Lindsay's friends jump in. "It was a joke, Blair. Three days ago you were scared Naomi would bite you if you get too close. You said she probably had worms or something."
Jordan glares at me as soon as she says that. And that's what really breaks me. Three days ago I never even talked to Naomi. I didn't even know her.
  "Blair's right." Lindsay winks at me, still not getting it. "We're at a party, you know? A time to be happy, even for Nerdy Naomi." She raises her cup. "To Naomi."
Her friends lift their cups, giggling. "To Naomi," they say in unison.
"Blair?" Lindsay raises an eyebrow. "Care to toast with us?"
I smile sweetly. "Sure." Then I pour my drink on Lindsay's head. She screams in surprise. Declan and Jordan burst out laughing and follow right behind me as I walk outside. This party was lame.

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