Chapter 14 Are You Friends With Them Now

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Picture of what Blair looked like today
As the bell rings for lunch, I walk along with the crowd of people who are rushing to the cafeteria. I'm surprised I find this so easy today. Most days whenever I try to keep up with all of the people I always end up falling on my butt and getting stomped all over. Plus, my shortness is such a disadvantage. The tall people are always blocking my view.
Oh, look. There's the cafeteria now! Just five more steps and I'll make it! Nothing bad could happen to me now.
Step one. Four more steps.
Step two. Three more steps.
Step three. Almost there.
Step four. Come on, it's right there. Only one footstep away.
Just as I'm about walk through the double doors that lead to the cafeteria, I'm pulled back and held against someone's chest. I'm in a really weird position. My elbows are digging into my stomach and my knees are buckled. I was wrong about nothing bad happening to me.
Clenching my teeth together, I try to wiggle out of the pair of arms I'm being held in. I mean, the cafeteria is right there! Who would do this to somebody?
My captor hunches over my shoulder, breathing in my ear.
"Where do think you're going?" The voice sends shivers down my spine.
Raymond's hold of me tightens, and I think sarcastically, Where does it look like I'm going? To Neverland or somewhere over the rainbow?
"Let go of me," I whimper.
"I saw you this morning, Blair Bear?" He turns me around to face him. "Did you think I was fucking blind or something?"
I bite my lip. So hiding behind Declan wasn't such a good idea after all. "I have no clue what you're-"
"Stop acting like a fucking idiot," he snaps. I sigh and shut my eyes. Think of a happy place. Think of a happy place. Think of a-
"Look at me!" Raymond barks. There goes my happy place. I open my eyes. He looks really angry. "So." He grabs my wrists and turns them, like he's a police man interrogating a criminal who won't talk. My teeth grit together in pain. "Tell me," he demands, "are you friends with the Three Musketeers now?" He shoves me away from him.
I stumble back and he pins me against the wall. I wince as the pain shoots through my back and all I want to do is scream. Raymond stares at me long and hard before he shakes his head and chuckles.
"Oh, why didn't I see this before? You're probably trying to get them attached to you. Then you're going to ditch them the way Parker ditched Naomi."
"Leave me alone!" I cry out. "It's not like you know me or anything!"
"Shut up!" Raymond shouts, and now I think I shouldn't have said anything. He grabs my chin roughly and forces me to look at him. "Maybe I need to help you remember who the fuck you're talking to, slut," he snaps before throwing me over his shoulder and storming off.

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