Chapter 26 Handling His Junk

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What Blair is wearing. Me LOVE it 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂
  "So, how you feeling now that you're back at school?"
"Are you okay?"
"Can you just answer my questions?" Jordan's gaze snaps to mine in irritation.
"Can you just piss off?" I snap, throwing my books into my locker.
He sighs and gives me a nervous smile. "I can't do that."
I narrow my eyes at him. "Why not? I didn't sleep well last night so just leave me alone."
I turn on my heel and he quickly grabs my arm, pulling me back. A surprised yelp escapes my lip and I turn around to face him with a questioning gaze.
"Why the hell-"
  "Jordaaaaaannnnnn!" Naomi's voice booms furiously through the hallway, causing some people to nearly pee there pants. One boy even does piss himself when Naomi storms her way over to me and Jordan.
  Beside me, Jordan snickers, but when he meets Naomi's furious gaze, he gulps loudly and bolts away, narrowly missing Naomi's clenched fist.
"GET BACK HERE, YOU JERK FACE!" She screeches, darting after him.
Casually applying some lipgloss, I turn around to see the amused looks on Bennett's and Declan's faces.
"What?" Bennett grins at me.
"You know what!" I hit the back of his head and he yelps in pain. "Why'd you let Jordan take her phone?"
He puts his hands up in surrender. "It was him!" he cries, pointing at Declan. "Declan took Naomi's phone, but thought it'll be funny to blame Jordan."
I frown. "What?! Why?!"
Declan chuckles. "But poor Benny isn't as innocent as you think he is."
I throw Bennett a questioning gaze. "Babe?"
Looking down at the floor instead of looking me in the eyes, he mutters, "All I did was stand guard to make sure Declan didn't get caught. It's not a big deal."
Just as I raise my hand to slap him, he catches my wrist, he eyes locked onto mine. "If you hit me, I'll hit you."
I gasp and immediately jerk away from him. "Fine!" I cross my arms and pout. "I'll just hit you when you least expect it."
He laughs at that. "Now I'm always going to be expecting it."
I scowl. Declan opens his mouth to say something, but then we here a shriek and Jordan curses loudly.
"You guys are seriously trying to doom Jordan to an early death," I say with a groan.
Declan shakes his head. "It's not my fault Naomi is overreacting."
I roll my eyes. "Well, you should know a phone is a girl's best friend when the diamond isn't there."
"We should do something," Bennett says as we all look ahead to see Jordan  getting pinned to a locker by Naomi. He lets out a girlish scream as she slashes at him with her claws. Meeting Bennett's wide eyes, both of our eyes flicker back to the scene as Jordan screeches at us to help him.
"Sorry, bro, I prefer keeping my balls intact!" Declan calls, wincing when Jordan lets out another deafening cry.
I'm just about to risk my life to stop the fight when Jordan lets out a triumphant hoot as he manages to push Naomi away from him.
"You'll never catch me motherfucker!" he bellows, laughing as he sprints down the hallway.
Once they both get far away, the hallway grows quiet, making me wonder what the hell is happening. Just as I'm about to walk away, Bennett puts his hand on my shoulder.
"I wouldn't if I was you, Blair. They're probably apologizing to each other right now."
Declan eyes Bennett as if he thinks that Bennett's crazy. He opens his mouth to retort when a loud screech echoes through the hallway.
"I had a feeling that they never made up yet." He chuckles.
Suddenly, Jordan runs over to us, almost losing his balance when he skids to a halt.
"Help me hide from her. I'm too young to die!"
His eyes frantically flicker between us, desperately pleading for help to hide from the monster.
"No can do," Bennett, Declan, and I reply simultaneously.
A brief look of betrayal floods across his features before they morph back into complete terror when Naomi's voice rings through the hallway.
  We hear a string of colorful profanities before a frustrated scream makes everyone flinch.
"Oh, lord! I need help from Jesus, Allah, and Buddha combined! Fuck, I don't know any prayers. I really need to start paying more attention in church. What should my last words be?" Jordan whimpers, looking up at the ceiling. "If you see Naomi, can you please tell her that I ran out of the school?"
Before any of us can reply, he runs into the little boy's room *wink wink*. A minute after his swift escape, a red faced brunette runs over to us, mumbling curses in between her heavy breaths.
"Have. . .you. . .seen. . .that. . .idiot?" she pants.
The boys and I look at each other.
"No!" Declan lies quickly at the same time Bennett and I reply, "Yes!"
We narrow our eyes at each other; him for betraying Naomi and me and Bennett for betraying Jordan.
Naomi glowers at us and we all shrink back as she repeats her question.
"Yes!" Declan gives into her horrifying glare as Bennett and I lie, "Nope!"
Declan gives us both a look that says , Are you kidding me
"You guys are so confusing. Just answer my damn question!" Naomi pinches the bridge of her nose as she exhales in frustration.
"He went outside," I mutter, biting my lip when the boys nod in agreement.
She shoots us all a dirty look before jogging away.
"Blair Bear," Bennett growls as soon as she is out of earshot. "Did you really just make me lie to Naomi?"
I shrug my shoulders and give him a sheepish smile. "Maybe?"
He laughs darkly. "I'll give you three seconds to run or else I'll physically take you apart limb by fucking limb."
Declan chuckles at that, whilst my jaw drops and I stare at Bennett in shock.
Just as he takes a step towards me I take a step back. Is he for reals?
So he is for reals.
I go into action, but just as I'm about to dart away, fingers clamp around my wrist, pulling me back. I scream loudly, wincing  as my back hits the lockers.
"You should've ran sooner, sweetheart."
Bennett presses himself up against me, grinding  his hips.  My cheeks flame up.
"Stop violating my personal space!" I squeal, putting my hands on his chest in an attempt to push him away.
A slow smile creeps on his lips, stopping all of my struggles and making me freeze.
"You're smiling," I whisper in horror. "Declan, why is he smiling?"
Declan throws his head and laughs. "I dunno, but he looks like a fucking rapist."
"Bennett, why are you looking at me like that?" I ask, absolutely terrified at the evil glint in his eyes. "You're creeping me out! Stop it!"
That only causes his smile to widen and I tense up.
"So, Blair. . ." His voice is dangerously low. "Are you ticklish?"
My eyes widen. "No! I mean, yes! Uh. . .no!"
Declan sighs. "Geez, Blair. Who taught you how to lie?"
"Well. . .you kind of are a terrible liar, Blair." Bennett chuckles.
I burst into laughter when his warm hands graze my neck and sides.
"S-stop. . ." I gasp, my body squirming as he continues his monstrous attack.
Then I realize what I have to do to get him to stop and for my oxygen to be saved: play dirty.
Giving him the deadliest look I could muster, my hand cups his crotch. In a split second, Bennett freezes and stares down at my hand.
"Um, Blair?" he lets out a nervous laugh. "What are you doing?"
Instead of replying, I just apply pressure. His eyes widen and he begins to squirm and shift uncomfortably.
"Bennett, can you-" I stop short when his breathing grows labor and he shuts his eyes, his cheeks turning pink.
"Oh, hell no!" I cry when I feel something shift under my fingers. "That's disgusting, Bennett!"
  Declan bursts out laughing. "Jesus, Bennett. I can't believe you reacted to her."
As an involuntary reaction, I accidentally apply more pressure, causing Bennett's eyes to fly open.
"Blair, can you-Ow! Ouch! That really hurts!"
I'm pinching him everywhere until he backs away from me, rubbing his arms with wide eyes.
"You pinched me!" he whines, so I lunge at him again. "Monster! Get the hell away from me- Ow! Blair! Stop that!"
I continue to claw at him until he pushes me away. My back hits the lockers with a loud thump. I feel like shouting, Haha, motherfucker!
"Haha, motherfucker!"
There. I did it. I giggle.
Bennett rolls his eyes, attacking me with a bear hug. I squeal and squirm away.
"Can't breathe! You're crushing me!"
He laughs and pulls away. "I love you, Blair."
I smile. "Love you too, babes."
Declan groans. "Sorry to interrupt, lovebirds, but Jordan's life is in danger. Naomi is still chasing him."
Oh. Right. How could I forget?

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