Chapter 7 I'll Stay

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   After school we go to Naomi's. I raid her closet to see what kind of fashion sense she has, and let me tell you, she only cares about comfortable clothes, not fashionable ones. I end up finding  a pretty outfit-a short black dress.
"I wore that dress to my grandpa's funeral," Naomi says.
I grin. "Can I try it on?"
"Try it!" Naomi practically screams.
I laugh. "Why do you sound so excited?"
"Because Bennett will have a heart attack seeing you in that."
  My grin widens. The boys are downstairs talking to Naomi's parents. And I do like the idea of shocking Bennett. . .
I immediately run to the bathroom and change into the dress, warmth tingling from my fingertips to my head. I try to memorize how I look for a second. But after a while all of my features feel like something I'm seeing on a stranger.
Standing in Naomi's bathroom, I smile and think, I can't wait to see Bennett's face.
I walk out of the bathroom. I couldn't get the dress zipped up.
"Naomi, can you zip me up?" I ask.
"Naomi isn't here." Bennett's voice.
I spin around with a squeak, tripping on my own feet, my cheeks heating up. "What are you doing here?"
"I came to check on you."
I stand up straight. My legs are wobbly and I have to steady myself with one hand against Naomi's dresser. I take a deep breath, trying to pull myself together.
"Thanks," I say, feeling a bit stronger. "But I want Naomi to zip me up."
"If her parents see you in that, you could get in a lot of trouble," Bennett says. "That's a short dress." His eyes are so deep and full something that it should scare me off. But it doesn't.
I lean casually against Naomi's desk, tipping backward and resting on my elbows so I'm totally laid out in front of him.
"But I like this dress," I say in my sexiest voice.
Bennett is staring into my eyes, not looking at the rest of me, but somehow I know that it's taking all of his strength. "What are you doing?"
The dress is riding so high that I know my underwear is showing. It's a purple lace thong.
"I can stop if you want." My voice comes out breathy.
Bennett groans. "What do you want from me, Blair?"
"I. . . I want you," I whisper. "I want you, Benny."
He stares at me for a long time. I start to get nervous. I want to run and hide, but I force myself to stay still.
"What are you thinking about?" I finally ask, but instead of replying he just walks straight over to me and puts his hands on my shoulders, pushing me backward so I tip over Naomi's desk. Then he kisses me and sucks on my neck and ear, getting little moans out of me. I stand up straight and he stumbles backward. I wrap my arms around his neck, shoving my body into his. It takes him a second to process what's happening, but then he starts pawing me over the dress, groaning a bit.
Bennett accidentally pushes me hard against the wall and I gasp.
"Sorry, Blair," he mutters.
  I shake my head and push him on to the bed, climbing on top of him.
"Wait," he mumbles.
"You want me, don't you?" I whisper. I kiss Bennett harder and he wrestles with my dress. I hear fabric ripping, but I don't care. I slide the dress down to my waist, and Bennett starts his attack on my bra.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Bennett whispers in my ear.
I nod. "Just kiss me." I start kissing his neck. His skin tastes really good and I keep kissing while his hands move over my back and down toward my butt.
I take Bennett's shirt off so now we're pressed chest-to-chest. I move back up to his mouth, and he kisses me hard. I let out a small moan into the kiss.
"Bennett!" Jordan's voice. "How long does it take to zip up a girl's dress?"
Naomi groans. "You better not be on my bed."
"Why, what do you think they're doing?" Declan asks. "It's not like they're. . ." He trails off. "Oh."
I pull away from Bennett. "Bennett?" I whisper, and he moans quietly. I stand up. "Do you want me to take my dress off?"
Silence. "Bennett?" I repeat.
All of a sudden he lets out a loud snore.
For a while I just stand there and listen to his snores. Bennett's snores remind me of my childhood. My parents were fighting, so I ran away from my house. I just wanted to run away from everything. I was eight at the time and I planned on moving into Parker's room. He wasn't going to tell anyone, just keep me safe and bring me food. I always wanted gummy worms.
The sad thing is that the plan didn't work. Parker and I managed to get to his bedroom, but then we started arguing about who should sleep in the sleeping bag and who should sleep in the bed, and his mom heard us. She started screaming and crying that bad things could've happened to us when we walked all that way. I remember Parker looking  really embarrassed.
I sigh and pick up my clothes off of the floor. I'm not upset. I'm just feeling numb, not really thinking, just mentally making a list of things I have to do. Take off the now ripped up dress. Put on the clothes I came here in. Get out the door.
I slip into the hallway. When I get down the stairs, Jordan, Declan, and Naomi give me weird looks. I'm sure I'm a mess, but I don't have the energy to care. I can't stop thinking about Bennett on top of me on Naomi's desk. I quickly push the image away, surprised by how well I'm holding it together.
"Your hair looks like you've just been fucked." Declan chuckles.
  "What were you and Bennett doing up there?" Naomi says.
I ignore them. I just keep moving, not really knowing where I'm heading. The cold air hits me like a punch as soon as I get outside. Before I know it I find myself sitting on Parker's porch steps, crying. The first sob is almost a scream.
I don't know how long I'm there. It's probably been about fifteen minutes because I manage to cry myself out. In the process I get snot all over myself and my mascara is all messed up. But at a certain point I become aware that someone else is sitting next to me.
I turn my head to see Parker.
"How long have you been sitting there?" I ask, wiping my nose for what feels like the hundredth time.
"Not long." Parker's voice is very quiet. "Are you okay? I mean, it's obvious that you're not okay, but maybe there's anything I could do or something you want talk about or-"
"Park?" I cut him off. He always did have a habit of rambling.
He stops. "Yeah?"
"Do you-could you get me a glass of water, please?"
"Sure. Give me a sec." He sounds relieved to do something, and is back in under a minute with a tall glass of ice water.
After taking a few long gulps I say, "Sorry I came here without calling you first."
"That's okay." He takes a seat next to me again, not so close that we're touching but close enough for me to know he's there. "I still remember all those sleepovers we would have when we were kids. Your parents were always arguing so we'd have to hide under your bed and stuff pillows everywhere to muffle the sound. You called it 'building a fort.' But when you thought I was asleep, you would cry yourself to sleep. You started having bad nightmares, too. Ones that made you wake up screaming in the middle of the night."
I give a half laugh. "I remember that." I exhale. "I also remember when your mom caught us in your bedroom after we ran away from my house. When she said that I had to go home, I freaked out."
Parker smiles a little. "I've never heard anyone scream that loudly. I remember you used to wet your bed because of your parents fighting. You were humiliated and swore me to secrecy-said you'd kill me if I tell  anyone. We used to wake up in the morning and some of the pillows would be damp. I always pretended not to notice. One morning I came into the bathroom to get your mom her lotion, and you were on your knees, chunks of food in the toilet."
I feel a rush of embarrassment, my cheeks heating up.
"I should go. It's late." I stand up.
"Whoa." Parker gets up, putting his hand on my elbow. "Are you sure you're okay?"
"I-" I let out a short laugh. "I don't want to go home."
Parker doesn't ask why. I silently thank him for that. He just shoves his hands in his pockets.
"You could. . ." He swallows. "I could let you stay here if you want to."
I just stare at him.
He quickly stutters, "Not, like, stay with me. Obviously not. I just meant-well, we have a guest room, with a sheet already on the bed and stuff. Clean sheets, of course. I mean, why would we leave them on after people-"
"I'll stay."
"-use them? That would be disgusting. My mom does the laundry twice a week and-"
"Parker? I already said yes. I mean, if you don't mind, I'd like to stay."
His jaw drops and he just stands there for a second. Then he takes his hands out of his pockets and drops them against his thighs. "Sure, yeah, no, that's fine."
  But for another minute he stays still. He just stares at me. My eyes suddenly get heavy and I yawn.
"You're tired," he says, his voice soft again.
  "Yeah," I murmur.
"Come on." He reaches out his hand and I take it. It's warm and soft, and as he leads me into the house, I close my eyes and remember how he used to slip his hand into mine under the fort we always built under my bed and whisper, Don't focus on how your parents are fighting. Just stay strong. Don't let them get to you. It almost feels like no time has passed. I'm holding hands with Parker and it feels natural.
"This way," Parker says. He pushes open a door and I hear him fumbling for a light switch on the wall.
"Don't," I say.
He hesitates. "You don't want me to turn on the light?"
"No light."
Very slowly he guides me inside the room.
"The bed's over here."
I let him pull me over to him. We're only inches away, and we're still holding hands, but now we're face-to-face.
"Your skin's hot," I whisper.
"It's always been that way," he says. Then he moves his arm and his fingers hover half an inch from my face. Sighing, he drops his hand.
"There are extra blankets in the closet if you get too cold," he says, his lips right by my cheek.
  "Okay, thanks," I whisper back.

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