Chapter 21 How can I Fix This

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Naomi's POV
I turn on my heel and walk out of the cafeteria blindly, on the verge of tears. I hear Bennett, Declan, and Jordan calling my name, but I don't look back, and I don't think they'll follow me. Not after what Blair said about me. There's my name again, and this time it's louder. I run faster, and then suddenly, someone grabs my shoulders and spins me around to face them.
"Let me go, Raymond!" I blurt, but when I open my eyes, Blair is the one holding onto me.
"Raymond?" she repeats softly, confused. "I didn't know that you still fear that he's going to hurt you." She leans closer. "Are you about to cry, Naomi?"
I suck in a ragged breath. "I can't believe you think I'm like a psycho cheerleader!" Man, it feels so good to yell.
Blair sighs. "I'm sorry. It's just that I've been having a lot of blowups with people lately."
I fold my arms. "So you took it out on me. I get it." I frown. "You have been biting off people's heads ever since you broke up with Raymond."
"I have not!" Blair cries, even though she knows it's true.
"You miss him, don't you?" I say. I feel bad as soon as the words slip out of my mouth. Blair looks like she's going to explode.
"Fine! Yes, I'm only acting this way because of Raymond, but it's not because I miss him!" she hollers. "He was the first person to ever hit me!"
"What?" My jaw drops. Me and the guys have been asking Blair if she was okay ever since we found her in that alley. Every time we would tell her that she looked sad and tired, she would always deny it.
She runs a hand through her ponytail. "I told you guys I was okay, but I'm not! I. . . I was shocked when Bennett slapped me. A part of me didn't want to believe that the boy I love hit me while another part kept screaming at me to end the relationship. But I don't want to break up with Bennett, even after everything. Even though he's on Parker's side and they both think I'm a bitch."
I glare at her. "I can't believe you're telling me this now!" I cry, clenching my fists. "You should've told us how you felt from the start."
"I know," she mutters. "I-"
"What do you expect me to do? Let you get away with calling me a psycho cheerleader just because you were just honest me?" I shake my head. "That's not how things work, Blair. You can't get people to feel sorry for you just to get what you want."
"Oh, come on, Naomi! Don't talk to me about how things work!" she cries. "You're too much of a loser to know how things work when you're popular!"
"And just as I was about to forgive you, you hurt my feelings again," I say as my lip quivers. "I guess you really aren't a true friend."
I rush past her and slam through the school doors as the tears I've been holding back finally start to fall.
Blair's POV
When I get home, I head straight to the living room and throw myself on the couch, getting ready to watch sad romance movies with ice cream and a box of tissues. I don't even get to start the movie, though, because soon the doorbell rings.
"Blair isn't here!" I call.
The front door opens and Declan says, "I think she is here, and she forgot to lock the front door." He plops down on the couch and pulls me close to him so I can smell his cologne. "I know what happened," he murmurs, letting me sit on his lap. "I brought some backup."
I sniffle and wipe my eyes, reluctantly looking up to see Bennett standing in front of the TV. "What's this I hear about you calling Naomi a loser?"
"How did you know?" I say.
"Naomi texted us," Declan explains. "Said she was sick, so Jordan had to go over there to give her some soup when he found her crying. Naomi knew she couldn't lie to him, so she told him everything, and then he told us everything."
"Great," I mutter, looking at Bennett. "So you know that I was lying to you."
"I understand why you never told us, Blair," Bennett says. "You just have to know that we all got each other's backs."
I nod. "I should probably pay a little visit to Naomi, shouldn't I?"
"Yes!" Declan and Bennett shout in unison.
I grin. "Indoor voices, boys."
Their jaws drop.
"Are you serious?"
I laugh. "I'm kidding."
Bennett sighs. "Now that you're feeling better, you have to fix this, Blair."
I frown. "How?"
Declan shrugs. "You should probably pay Naomi a little visit. . ." He trails off. "Forget I said that. That was a stupid idea."
I shake my head. "No, Declan, that's genius!"
His eyes widen. "It is?"
"Probably the first smart thing you've said since I met you," Bennett says with a smile.
Declan rolls his eyes. "Haha. That was so funny I forgot to laugh."

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