Chapter 6 Tornadoes in Iowa

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  As soon as I make my way to biology, Mr. Huesing announces a pop quiz. This is a big problem since (1) Biology is my worst subject and (2) It's been a while since I read my textbook.
There's only one good thing about this whole pop quiz thing: I'm sitting next to Geeky Gabby, possibly the best student in this class.
I'm failing Biology, and if I fail this quiz, I would be forced to go to summer school.
There are two questions on the quiz that confuse me, and I don't enough to fake answer them. Next to me Geeky Gabby is doubled over her paper: her answers look neat and deliberate, like she knows what she's doing.
I peek over Gabby's shoulder and copy down one of her answers.
"Threeeee minutes," Mr. Huesing says dramatically.
Gabby looks finished with her work, but she's leaning so I can't see the answer to the last question. I start panicking when Mr. Huesing says we only have two minutes and thirty seconds left. Knowing what I have to do, I lean over and poke Gabby with my pencil. Startled, she looks up.
Pencil, I mouth to her.
She looks confused and shoots a glance up at Huesing, who is thankfully reading a shoe catalog.
"What do you want?" she whispers.
I make some gestures with my pencil, trying to silently tell her that I've run out of led. She stares at me dumbfounded, and I have the sudden urge to shake some sense into her-"Two more minutes"-but finally her face clears up and she grins.
While Gabby's bent over rummaging for a pencil in her bag, I copy down the final answer.
"Thirty more seconds."
"Here," she whispers.
I take the pencil that I no longer need from her. The eraser is all chewed up and I nearly barf. I give her a fake smile and look away, but a second later she whispers, "Does it have any led in it?"
I give her a look so she'll know that she's getting on my nerves. I guess she doesn't get the real meaning, though.
"The pencil. Does it work?" she whispers a little louder.
That's when Huesing slams a big ruler on his desk. We all jump at the sound.
"Gabby," he bellows. "Are you talking during my quiz?"
Her eyes widen. "I was just-"
"Shut up." He stands up. "Time is up everybody. Put your pencils down."
I go to give Gabby's pencil back to her, but she politely refused.
"Keep it," she says. "You're going to need something to write with. For notes and stuff."
"Thanks." I stuff the pencil in my bag. I'll throw it away later. I get up and walk towards the door, but after a minute I whip around and say, "You shouldn't be so nice to me."
"Why not?" She frowns.
"Because I'm not nice to you."
Gabby looks down at her hands.
"Exactly," I say after a moment of silence.
I walk out into the hallway, and make my way to the cafeteria.
There are only three acceptable things to eat at this school:
  1. A burrito
  2. A salad
  3. French Fries
The rest of the food here are major no-nos.
Raymond is standing over by the cash register with his group  of friends, holding an enormous tray of fries. He catches my eye and gives me a nod. I laugh evilly in my head. If only he knew what I was planning for him.
I stick my tongue out at Raymond as I get in line to pay for my salad and then go to find the table Jordan, Declan, Bennett, and Naomi are sitting at.
I spot Naomi already sitting at a table right by the window: that girl has taste.
"Hey." I put down my tray and take a seat. "Where are the boys?"
Naomi smirks at me. "You mean your little Benny?"
I gape. "What? No!"
She laughs. "I'm kidding. The boys are still in the lunch line."
I make a face. "Is it that obvious?"
"What?" she asks.
I sigh. "Me liking Bennett," I whisper.
She nods. "And it's obvious that he likes you back."
I grin. "He likes me?"
"No, he looves you," she says, drawing out the o. "You guys were totally flirting with each other this morning. You two are just in denial. The first stage of falling in love."
I scowl, popping a tomato in my mouth. "Very funny."
"You two are cute together," Naomi says. She takes a bite of her burrito. "I totally ship you guys."
"Um, thanks."
I've been watching Raymond come closer out of the corner of my eye, and suddenly he's there, plopping into the chair next to me and leaning in until his mouth is touching my left ear.
"Hey, babe," he says. "Let's forget about last night, okay?"
"Whatever you want," I mutter. Why can't I break up with him?
  "Blair," Naomi says. "Don't you have something to tell Raymond?"
Raymond answers for me. "No she doesn't." He shrugs and suddenly looks bored.
"Ahem. Excuse me."
Bennett is standing behind Raymond, clearing his throat.
"You're in my seat, Raymond," he snaps.
"My apologies, Mr. Bossy." Raymond gets up. "I'll see you later." He leans down and buries his face in my hair, making his voice deep and quiet. "Love you."
"Love you too," I say, hoping I don't sound like I'm lying.
Thankfully, I don't. Raymond bends down and forcefully presses his mouth onto mine. It takes all of my strength to reply to the kiss. Bennett saves me by saying, "Not while I'm eating, guys."
"Bye, ladies and gentleman," Raymond says and walks away.
I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand. Here's a secret about Raymond: He's a terrible kisser.
"I thought you said you were going to break up with that guy," Bennett says.
I open my mouth to reply, but then Declan and Jordan join us. We all make a grab of Jordan's fries when he sets down his tray and he attempts to swat our hands away.
"My food!" he cries. "It's mine!"
We all laugh.
Declan grins. "Tell them what you told me, Jordan."
Jordan nods. "Alright." He reaches across the table and squeezes my hand. "Blair, we have decided to make you officially our friend."
I frown. "I'm confused. I wasn't your friend before?"
"Well, you were," Declan tells me. "Just not our best friend like Naomi is."
"It's simple," Jordan says, grabbing a chip off of Delcan's tray. Delcan glares at him, but he doesn't seem to notice. "We'll be your bad boys and you'll be our good girls."
Naomi groans. "Jordan, I swear, if I find out you made a contract, I'll-"
"I made a contract!" Jordan exclaims, obviously not hearing what Naomi said.
"Do it, Naomi," Bennett says in a stage whisper while Jordan is looking through his bag for a pen.
Naomi smirks, and my jaw drops when she pours her soda all over Jordan.
Jordan screams, causing us all to burst out laughing. "My hair! My beautiful hair!" He pouts. "At least I can take a shower in gym."
"I read once that if a bunch of butterflies take off from Thailand, it can cause a rainstorm in New York," Naomi says.
"Yeah, well, one of your farts could cause a massive blackout in England," Declan teases.
"Your morning breath could make people in Africa go into comas." Naomi leans forward. "I do not fart."
Bennett, Jordan, and I are laughing as Declan and Naomi keep throwing fries at each other. I try to say that they're wasting perfectly good grease, but I'm laughing so hard that I can barely get the words out.
Finally I suck in a deep breath and choke out, "I heard that if you sneeze, you can cause a tornado in Iowa."
Even Naomi goes crazy at this, and suddenly we're all trying to laugh and sneeze and snort at the same time. People start giving us weird looks, but we don't care.
After about a million sneezes, I lean back in my chair and clutch my stomach, gasping for breath.
"Thirty dead in Iowa tornadoes," I say, "another seventy missing."
This sets us off again.
A/N: Told you this chapter would be longer than the last one

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