Chapter 10 The Note

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After taking a shower and changing into a pear of jeans and T-shirt that the nurse gave me, I open my locker to put my books away.
Just as I'm about to put my biology book away, a piece of paper falls out of my locker. I squeal. It must be my math homework that I thought was lost! My math teacher would be so proud.
I pick up the folded in half piece of paper off of the floor, frowning when I realize that this isn't my lost math homework. I guess my math teacher wouldn't be so proud after all.
My name is written on the front in pink marker, and in the parentheses it says We lost the black marker.
Whoever wrote my name has terrible handwriting. It looks like this: BlAir.
I guess they must be a fan of random capitalization. I aM tOo. Haha. See what I did thERE?
I unfold the note and read it. 
  Meet us outside in ten minutes
-the Four Musketeers
BeNNett, Declan, Jordan, and Naomi =]
I smile to myself. So Bennett is the one that believes in random capitalization. We are so perfect for each other.
I sigh, taking out my pen and write something on the same piece of paper.
Maybe tomorrow, but probably not. 
Then I skip over to Bennett's locker and  put the note inside of it. Normally I would feel bad for bailing on such kind people, but if I think that Naomi deserves her nickname, I shouldn't hang out with them that much. Bennett's different, though. I can't live in a world where Bennett doesn't exist. Call me selfish, but I don't care.
Besides, Naomi is nerdy. She's a freak. Rumor has it that her family is good friends with Raymond's family. And Raymond hates her.
Then I remember what I told Lindsay at the party: It's Naomi. Nobody gives a shit about her. Nobody cares.
"I haven't always been nice to Naomi," I whisper. "I'm such a bitch."
"You're right," someone says from behind me. Naomi. I whirl around. "You are a bitch." She lets out a short laugh. "Look, I don't mind if you decide to bail on me, Bennett, Declan, and Jordan today. I just want you to answer a question. Why do the kids in this school make fun of me?"
The way she's staring at me is making me nervous and I lick my lips. "Because people don't think. They don't know. We-I-didn't know. But I don't think they bully you because they're bad people."
"So you think you haven't always been that nice to me?" Naomi says dully, and I want to cry. My words meant nothing to her.
"I-yeah. And I'm sorry about that."
Her eyelids flutter. "In the eighth grade you and some other girls stole all of my clothes from the locker room. I had to walk home in my sweaty gym clothes. Then you guys called me Stinky Freak."
"I-I don't remember that. Sorry." The way she's staring at me is freaking me out.
  "That was before you came up with Nerdy Naomi, of course." Naomi sounds completely emotionless. "That's a real funny nickname, you know. Because I am a nerd."
"People used to tell this really stupid joke about me. They kind of sung it when I walked by. Who blushes all the time and is called Tomato. . ." I'm hoping to make her laugh, but she doesn't. She just keeps staring at me with a blank look on her face.
"I never sang it," she says, and then she continues what she was talking about before. "You hung me on the flagpole."
"That was Raymond," I say automatically.
"You guys put red food coloring behind me at the pool last summer, making me think I was on my period."
"That was Jamie Reynolds," I whisper. "Everybody thought it was the best prank ever." As soon as I say the words I feel ashamed.
Naomi keeps going on like I didn't even speak. "You started the rumor that I lost my virginity to Raymond."
Lindsay. That was Lindsay's idea. I can't say it. It doesn't matter, anyway. It was anyone who whispered "slut" whenever she walked by.
"I'm still a virgin, though." She says this with a smile, like her whole life is a big joke.
"If my parents heard that rumor, they would've-" She balls her hands into fists and squeezes them against her thighs. "I would've gotten grounded for life for something I didn't even do."
"I know, okay? I know we did bad things to you. I know we've treated you like shit and things are bad and-" I break off, on the verge of tears. "I just want to apologize to you."
She doesn't reply, pressing her lips together.
"I mean. . ." I sigh. "Now that I'm dating Bennett, things are different. I-"
An enormous shudder goes through her and she glares at me.
"I knew it. I knew that was the only reason why you're dating him." Her voice is so full of rage and pain and I step back like she's hit me. "You're only pretending that you love Bennett to play a joke on us."
Her reaction is so unexpected that it takes me a few seconds to respond. "What? No. I really do-"
"Poor little Nerds." Naomi narrows her eyes, almost hissing at me. "Doesn't have a boyfriend, so let's date one of her bad boys to throw it in her face. Let's screw with her one more time."
"I don't want to screw with you. I really do love Bennett."
  She leans closer. "So what's the plan? What are you going to do with that 'I love Bennett' crap? Say that you'll go to prom with him? And on the night you're supposed to go you just won't show up? And it'll be so god damned funny if my friend freaks out, if he goes crazy, if he cries or breaks down when he sees you in the hallway." She jerks away. "I have been in a relationship when the other person pretends to care. And it is not funny. I don't want you to hurt Bennett the same way Parker hurt me."
Before I can reply, she walks away, giving me the finger over her shoulder. As soon as I hear the doors slam shut behind her, I sink to the floor and begin to cry.

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