Chapter 12 I Think Bennett is a Sex God

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My feet hit against the ground loudly. I have no idea where I am, but I don't stop running. Tears are streaming down my face as I run away from all the voices I hear in my head. Raymond's voice comes first, chanting an endless chant.
Worthless. . . Slut. . . Bitch. . . Whore
The chant gets louder and louder and suddenly I'm falling.
"You are a bitch." Naomi's voice.
"This is what you get for breaking up with me, bitch." Raymond's voice.
My body shakes violently and I scream loudly. I stop crying and open my eyes to a bright light. Suddenly the door bursts open and Jordan stands in the doorway in a ninja pose.
"I heard a scream," he mutters, looking around. When his eyes land on me, he gasps. "Blair! Did you have a nightmare?"
I sigh. "No, I-"
He frowns, cutting me off. "You did have a nightmare, didn't you?"
I cross my arms. "Fine. I did have one and you don't really have to-"
Before I can even finish my sentence, Jordan jumps on the bed, crashing me into a big hug.
"Oh, Blair Bear!" he coos. "I shall now take away all of these bad things out of your head with my magical hug." He squeezes me tighter, and I let out a cough.
"C-can't breathe," I choke out, and as soon as I say that, I think of Raymond trying to cut off my air supply. I scream at the memory, trying to push Jordan off of me, but he won't budge.
"Why are you screaming so loud?" Declan asks from the doorway.
I scream again, and this time I succeed in pushing Jordan off of me. He falls to the ground with a thump, groaning.
Declan chuckles. "I love seeing Jordan get hurt. Will you marry me, Blair?"
I snort. "I'm taken."
Naomi walks in, crossing her arms. "Can you repeat that, Declan?"
"I love seeing Jordan get hurt."
"No, the second thing."
"Will you marry me, Blair?"
Bennett stands in the doorway, smirking. "Now say it three times fast."
"Will you marry me, Blair? Will you marry me, Blair? Will you-" Declan and I figure out what Bennett and Naomi are doing, and we both frown. "That's not funny," we say simultaneously.
Naomi turns her head, keeping a straight face. "Sure. . ."
Jordan rises to his feet, wincing. "I'm okay," he snaps. "Thanks for asking."
I smile sweetly. "Actually, no one asked. I was going to, but then I realized that I just don't care."
Jordan's jaw drops as Bennett, Naomi, and Declan burst out laughing.
"You just got burned by a girl, Jordan," Declan says in between laughs. "I was right about you losing your manhood."
"You're one to talk," Jordan growls.
  Declan grabs Jordan, pulling him to the ground. They start to fight, rolling around on the floor, and I step forward, wanting to stop them. I gasp in surprise when Bennett pulls me back.
"I learned from experience not to get in the middle of their little fights," he says, and Naomi smirks. "They'll stop in a few minutes."
Naomi turns to me. "We need to talk," she says.
I open my mouth to reply, but Bennett beats me to it.
Naomi narrows her eyes at him. "I wasn't talking to you."
Bennett huffs, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close. "Fine. Leave me here with those two idiots. Oh, and Blair isn't going anywhere as long as she's with me."
I sigh. "There you go with the teddy bear stuff again!"
Naomi and Bennett don't reply. They just keep glaring at each other.
"Twelve dollars for Declan," I say, trying to get them to stop killing each other with their eyes.
Bennett chuckles, turning to look at me. "Twelve dollars for Jordan," he says.
I bat my eyelashes at him. "Get your piggy bank ready, Benny."
He raises his eyebrows. "You wanna go? Cause I do."
"Oh, I do, too."
"Right here, right now?"
I squeal in surprise when Bennett jumps on me. I shriek with laughter when he starts tickling me.
Naomi groans. "I am surrounded by idiots."
"Stop, Benny!" I squeal. He's tickling my stomach. "I want to go home now!"
Everybody stops what they're doing to stare at me in shock. Declan is the first one to break the silence.
"You want to go home?" he asks incredulously. "We found you barely breathing in an alley! And now you want to go? Not on my terms, young lady."
I groan. "Seriously?"
Bennett cracks his knuckles. "Seriously. Now, tell us who did this to you, Blair."
I look around the room. Naomi's staring at me, her eyes filled with sympathy, Declan and Bennett are glaring, and Jordan looks completely emotionless. My whole body seems to freeze up.
After a few minutes of silence, Jordan says, "Maybe we should slap her?"
"No, Jordan, that only works in the movies," Naomi explains.
"You had my heart."
All of their jaws drop as soon as I sing that.
"What is she doing?" Declan asks. He looks a little scared, probably fearing that I've gone insane.
"And we'll never be worlds apart."
Naomi sighs. "Blair has a habit of singing crappy pop songs whenever she gets really scared or nervous. You should've seen her in eighth grade when she had to present a project in history. It's nothing to be worried about."
"Right." Bennett stretches the word, still not completely convinced that I'm sane.
"Maybe in magazines, but you'll still be the star," I stutter. My body is trembling and I clutch Bennett's hand tightly. I don't have the guts to tell them about Raymond.
"Look, you three just go and I'll call you back as soon she tells me what happened," Bennett tells Declan, Jordan, and Naomi.
As soon as they leave, I give Bennett my best puppy face. "Do I have to tell you?"
He narrows his eyes at me. "Nice try."
I sigh. "It was Raymond. He was choking me and-"
"I knew it!" Jordan bursts into the room with a huge grin on his face. "You only pushed me off the bed because you thought of that monster."
My jaw drops and I look over at Bennett. He chuckles.
"Are you going to speak, Drool Face?"
I frown. "I was not drooling!"
Bennett smirks. "You were staring at me with your mouth hanging wide open; I'd say you came pretty close to it."
I roll my eyes. "You're not that sexy."
Bennett scoots closer to me on the bed and my breath hitches in my throat.
Uh oh.
"Could you repeat that, Blair?"
I really need to get away from this guy before I have a heart attack.
"I. . . I-I,"
"Think Bennett is a sex god," Bennett finishes for me with a smirk on his face. "Admit it. That's what you think."
I nod stupidly before realizing it.
What the. . .
That jerk!
I lunge for him as he lies down, cackling. I move over him, trying to hit and kick him. Anything that would take back my stupid nod.
Scowling, I rise to my feet, just now noticing that Jordan is laughing, too. Bennett straightens up once he sees that I'm leaving and tries to sober up, but he can only hold in his laughter for so long.
Giving him the finger, I walk out the door.

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