Chapter 30 Drunk Part 2

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Blair's POV

The first thing I notice when I wake up in the morning is how much my head hurts. It feels like someone is making an elephant stomp on my forehead ever single freaking second. Okay, so maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, but you get the point.

I slowly open my eyes, and it takes me a moment to realise something.

I'm not in my room.

I sit up, yawning as I stretch my aching arms. Whoever owns this house has really comfy beds.

"Hey, Blair Bear," a voice calls out teasingly. I shriek in surprise  as I look up to see Bennett standing in the doorway.

"Benny?" My eyes make contact with his, and I feel myself  getting anxious. "What the fudge cows happened last night?"

Bennett smirks. "I still have a headache from all your screaming the other night." For good measure, he winks at me.

"What?!" I shout, suddenly wide awake.

His smirk grows wider. "On our honeymoon, remind me that you're a screamer." He chuckles as I gape at him, my cheeks going red.

"You've got to me kidding me!" I cry. "No. No. Please no."

Bennett bursts out laughing. "Relax, Blair. I was joking."

I frown. "Seriously? So I'm still a virgin?"

He nods. "You were screaming because I was still asleep by the time you got here, and it took me five minutes to answer the door. By the way, you called me from the party you were at because you said you couldn't go home drunk, so I told you that you crash at my place since I'm such a good boyfriend. Then when I finally let you in, you screamed that I was a rapist." Then he reaches for his phone in his pocket.

Maybe I do have a good boyfriend.

Any other thoughts in my mind die when Bennett shows me his phone. I let out a startled scream as I try to make sense of what I'm seeing.

It's a video of me.

Climbing a tree while naked.

I'm shocked and speechless. Why does drunk Blair have to be so stupid?

Bennett and I basically have a staring contest, him wearing a smirk while I give him the death glare. My mouth opens and shuts like a fish as I try to think of something to say. I'm just beyond humiliated right now.

"Bennett," I stammer. "Please don't say anything."

He gives me a weird look. "But I didn't say anything," he points out, raising his eyebrows.

"Keep it that way," I retort.

But, of course, Bennett doesn't obey. "If I didn't say anything, then why did you tell me to shut up?"

I frown. "I didn't tell you that."

He rolls his eyes. "You told me not to talk. In my book, that means shut up."

I sigh. "Whatever. Just delete that video."

He smirks. "Make me."

I stick my tongue out. "Fine. I guess I'll just hit you."

"Hit me all you want, Blair. You can't hurt me."

So I take that as an opportunity to slap him. His jaw drops.

"What the hell did you do that for?" he huffs, rubbing his left cheek that now has a red mark.

I laugh. "You said that I could hit you." I grin. "I was only following orders."

He literally face palms himself, and I laugh again. After a minute he says, "Do you want to know how I got the video?"

"Sadly, I do." I groan, my cheeks flaming up in embarrassment.

Bennett smiles. "Well, let's start with obvious. You were really drunk."

I roll my eyes. Obviously.

He continues. "And when all the good songs had been listened to and all the drinks were gone, everyone went home. But apparently you didn't want to go home." He's talking to me like I'm three and he's telling me a bedtime story. "So when I was getting my beauty sleep, you rudely interrupted it early in the morning, asking me if you could stay at my place. An hour later, you called again and said that you were at my front door. So I got out of bed, and went downstairs. By the time I opened my front door to let you in, you were trying to climb my tree. Naked."

My eyes widen. I'm really mad at drunk Blair right now. Why is she so stupid?!

"I thought it was funny," Bennett says. "I didn't think you were the type of person to do something like that. So I recorded it."

"Holy cheese cows." I want to burst into tears and murder drunk Blair for her idiocy, but then I'd die too. And I certainly don't want that to happen. Then I realize something. "How did you get me off the tree?"

"Well, as it turned out, drunk Blair is afraid of heights, so she started crying and made me help her down. After that, she started running in circles in the middle of the road. And I couldn't just leave you out there naked and drunk." He sighs. "Rapists come out at night."

I smile. "Thanks." Even if my boyfriend did record me doing the mosthumiliating thing I could ever do, at the end of the day, he's still my boyfriend.

To be continued. . .

A/N omg sorry for saying that 😂 to be continueds are the worst. Sorry. But I'll update soon. I promise

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