Chapter 25 I Would Come Over There and Hug you

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When I wake up, I'm in a hospital room. I look around to see Bennett asleep on the chair next to the bed, Delcan in his lap, Jordan in Declan's lap, and Naomi in Jordan's lap. I wonder how they can sleep like that. It looks really uncomfortable.
I look up  to see a blonde nurse standing in the doorway.
"Yes?" I say, yawning.
"You were pregnant, correct?"
I nod. "Correct." When I realize she used the past tense, my eyes widen. "Were?"
The nurse frowns. "I thought your friends told you already. We couldn't save the baby."
I clap a hand over my mouth to keep from screaming as the tears start running down my cheeks.
"I'm so sorry," the nurse whispers before she walks out.
Bennett wakes up when he hears my silent crying turn into loud sobs.
"Blair?" he groans. "I would come over there and hug you if I didn't have three fatties on top of me."
I let out a small giggle at that and wipe away my tears.
"At least I don't have to be a mother yet," I say with fake enthusiasm.
Bennett narrows his eyes. "Blair, how did this happen?"
I sigh. "You know me too well." I play with the edge of the blanket. "Raymond pushed me down the stairs," I tell him. "And that must've killed the baby."
"How are you not furious with the guy?" Declan asks, stretching. Jordan and Naomi fall to the ground, Naomi saving Jordan from a rough landing.
I shrug. "I don't know."
Naomi groans. "Jordan, get off of me, you fatty."
Jordan sighs and obeys her orders. "Always making me feel so loved, Naomi," he says sarcastically.
Naomi smirks as she gets to her feet. "I try."
  Bennett sighs. "Declan, if you don't get off of my lap right now, I will literally kick you out of this hospital."
Declan grumbles something under his breath before standing up.
I frown. "Why would Raymond kill his own child?"
Naomi shrugs. "Because he's a jerk."
The boys nod in agreement. We all freeze when we hear a woman's voice right outside the room.
"Benjamin, our daughter wouldn't want you to leave your important meeting in Mexico just to come see her. . . No, you stay right where you are. . . Don't you say no to me. I have the wooden spoon, remember? Good boy. Don't leave Mexico. All a daughter really needs is her mother. Fathers can't help with girl problems. . . Love you. Bye."
My eyes widen as the woman I know as my mother walks in. Her blonde hair is up in a professional bun and she's in a long red dress, her eye shadow bringing out her brown eyes really good. Meanwhile, her daughter is stuck in an ugly hospital gown, my brown hair up in a messy ponytail, and I have black circles under my eyes.
My mom smiles at me. "Hello, Blair Bear."
I don't look at her. "Hi," I mutter.
She sighs and looks at the boys and Naomi. "Are these people your friends?"
I nod. "Mom, that's Declan, Jordan, and Naomi," I point at all three of them.
She purses her lips. "And what about that one?" she points at Bennett.
"I'm Blair's boyfriend," Bennett answers for me. We smile at each other.
My mom squeals and runs over to me, grabbing my hand. "How did he ask you out? Was it romantic? Please tell me you at least gave my daughter flowers, Bennett."
"I-uh, no. . ."
Her lips go into a straight line when she sees him cower behind Naomi in embarrassment.
"How exactly did you ask her out, Bennett?" Declan asks.
"Umm. . . It's a secret."
  When they all look at me expectantly, I hide under the blanket.
"I told her that I needed to kiss her and I did," Bennett finally mumbles. I gasp in shock, throwing a pillow at him.
"Ow," he whines, glaring at me.
My mom sighs. "Break up."
My jaw drops. "But-"
She shushes me. "Trust me on this, okay?"
I pout. "Fine, but I'll do it." I stand up and walk over to Bennett, kissing him on the cheek. "It's not me, it's you."
He gives me a bewildered look. "No, it's you."
I shake my head. "It's you."
"No, it's not."
"It is."
"It's not."
I groan. "You're not gonna make this easy, are you?"
He smirks. "You know me so well."
I smack him on the back of the head. "Well, I'm glad you can find amusement in this. My second break up in only a couple of weeks."
Bennett pinches my cheek. "This is only a one time thing, sweetheart. It won't happen again."
I scowl and stomp back over to the bed, crossing my arms. "Mom," I complain. "Bennett's being a jerk."
She just smiles. "If the second time he asks you out isn't romantic, you know what do."
"Do I?" I mutter sarcastically.
Naomi rolls her eyes. "Blair, are you planning on telling your mom why you're here or should I?"
I shake my head. "Naomi, don't-"
Naomi cuts me off, telling my mom the whole entire story. I plug my ears at the bad parts, Declan smiles, Jordan faints, and Bennett bangs his head on the wall.
When Naomi finishes, my mom starts to sob.
"No teenage girl should be raped!" my mom cries. She wipes her tears away and kisses my forehead. "Blair, I have to go to Mexico. See you later."
"Bye," I say.
As soon as she leaves, me and the boys all glare at Naomi. She smiles innocently.
"Your mom had a right to know," she tells me.
Haha. No she didn't.

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