Chapter 20 That was a Little Harsh

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I practically run out of fourth period, leaving Jordan and Declan behind. I charge through the hallway on a seek-and-rant mission. Soon enough, I find Bennett, leaning against his locker casually chewing gum and talking to Naomi. His face breaks into a huge smile when he sees me, and it takes everything in me not to tell him about my fight with Parker right away.
"Hey," Bennett says brightly. "Are Declan and Jordan getting on your nerves?"
I must've looked furious, because the happy looks on his and Naomi's faces are replaced with something like fear.
"It's not them," I snarl. "It's somebody else."
Naomi raises her eyebrows. "Who?"
"Parker is just so. . .ugh!" I stomp my foot in frustration. "He is such a jerk!"
Bennett frowns. "What did he do?"
"I thought that I could stay friends with him. But I can't."
Naomi laughs. "Blair, he's not that bad."
I gape at her. "I told him about the time Bennett and I had a little argument and he said I was just trying to be a bitch!"
Bennett shrugs. "You kind of were."
Naomi sighs. "Here we go again."
I ignore her and glare at Bennett. "I can't believe you're taking Parker's side!" I yell. I'm vaguely aware of a few brave people hovering around us, probably enjoying the little show. Naomi is backing up uncomfortably. "I'm your girlfriend," I continue furiously. "And I was only being a bitch because you hit me."
Bennett shakes his head in frustration. "I. . . I don't even know why you're freaking out about something we've already been over. This is crazy!"
"This fight is over for now," I say. "And I'm getting the last word."
Bennett frowns. "But-"
I cover my ears with my hands. "La la la la la la la!"
He smirks. "You can't say 'la la la' forever."
I sigh and drop my hands back down to my sides, knowing he's right.
"This doesn't mean I'm not mad at you," I say. I grab his phone and throw it to the ground, but at the same time, my bag slips out of my hand and crashes onto the floor along with the phone, dumping all of my books everywhere.
"Shit!" I cry. "Now look what you made me do!" I bend down, trying to quickly shove my books back into my bag. The confidence I've been feeling before is long gone and I'm on the verge of tears.
"Here," Bennett says, bending down, "let me help."
I push his hands away. "No! Don't help me. I don't need your help." My eyes are burning from fighting tears. "Leave me alone. Please."
I grab the last of my books and push past the crowd of watching kids, making it to the computer lab just in time for the waterworks to flood.
I lock the door and collapse onto a chair, letting all disappointment of the last few days crash over me. When I hear the door creak open, I sniffle back a sob, wondering how whoever it is got in when the door was locked. Two seconds someone taps my shoulder.
"I just heard that someone had a break down in front of the whole school," a familiar voice says. "I think she has long brown hair, pretty eyes, has a wonderful fashion sense. You haven't seen her around, have you?"
"Go away, Jordan." I try to say it firmly but it comes out as a pathetic plea. "You don't want to be around me right now. I don't want you to be around me right now, so just leave."
Jordan laughs. "We both know that I'm not leaving your side now. Especially after you rudely ditched me and Declan. Now."
I blink. "What?"
I'm about to ask him what he means by that when Declan jumps out from behind one of the desks and roars. I scream. Both boys burst out laughing.
"You know you won't be able to live with yourself if you stay locked up in here all day," Declan tells me once the laughter dies down. "You don't want to show everybody that you're weak, do you? Come on, get up."
I glare at the floor. Declan is tapping into my weakness and he knows it. Even though my popularity status has dropped after being seen with Naomi, I don't want it to drop even more when people start thinking I'm a crybaby. I sigh, drag myself off the chair, and turn to face the boys.
Jordan grimaces. "Yikes, you're an ugly crier."
I giggle as Declan gets some paper towels out of his bag and starts dabbing my face with them.
"I can't believe Bennett agreed with Parker," I say. "And now I have to sit at the same lunch table as him!"
"Don't talk to him. Don't look at him," Jordan says. "Just eat your lunch and Declan and I will escort you out when you get done."
I nod and hug them both. "Thanks," I whisper. "You guys are the best."
They grin at me. "We try."
The bell rings and we start our walk to the cafeteria with Declan promising he'll take out Bennett if he comes close to me.
"I guess everybody is talking about my break down," I say as I sit down between Declan and Jordan at our table. Bennett looks taken aback when he realizes that I'm not sitting by him, but covers his shock with a shrug.
"Who cares?" Naomi says. "It doesn't matter what other people think about you."
"Yes it does!" I cry. "You don't know how long it took for me to get the kids in this school to like me." I squeeze Declan's hand and he gasps at the gesture. "And stop acting like a psycho cheerleader every time someone messes up. It's not like it's going to help anything. It won't make everything okay!"
Naomi blinks at me, stunned. "I didn't know you thought that. I'm sorry." She stands up quickly. "I gotta go."
"Whoa, Blair," Bennett says quietly. "That was a little harsh."
I feel a stab of guilt. What just happened?

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