Chapter 17 Training

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Picture of what Blair looks like in this chapter up above
"I don't like working out," I say with a pouty face.
  I was hoping to crack a laugh out of the guys, but they just wear blank faces.
Bennett locks eyes with me, and says in a serious tone, "Too bad. You need to learn how to defend yourself in the real world."
Jordan snickers. "The real world. Ha. That's funny."
Declan rolls his eyes. "Did you think we live in Narnia or something?"
Jordan smiles nervously. "Only when I was twelve. . ."
I sigh. "How come Naomi doesn't have to train?"
Bennett shrugs. "She's a tough cookie. You're. . . not."
I scowl. "Fine. Whatever. Let's just get started."
All the boys grin at that.
  "Okay," Declan says with a snap of his fingers, "first you have to learn how to stand properly."
I raise my eyebrows. "Standing?" I glance down at my feet then back to the guys. "I'm already standing."
Jordan frowns. "Well, I'm sorry I have to do this to you, Blair." He steps forward and gives my shoulder a quick shove. I gasp as the push throws me off balance and I stumble to the floor. My butt hurts now.
"I said properly," Declan says, obviously trying hard not to gloat as he reaches down to help me up. "If you stand up in a defensive stance, you won't get knocked down."
"Thanks for telling me that after Jordan rudely pushed me," I mutter sarcastically, self-consciously dusting at my backside. "How should I stand then?"
"Feet shoulder-width apart." Bennett demonstrates, opening his stance and bending slightly at the knees. "And crouch down a little. It'll give you a lower center of gravity and the ability to absorb more force through your legs."
I mimic his stance, but I must've spread my feet a little too wide and dropped down too low because Bennett circles me, nudging my feet inward and urging my back up a couple of inches.
"Perfect." He moves around to face me and, without warning, gives my shoulder a shove. I wobble back but don't fall. Wow. I feel like Superman now.
I squeal. "I feel so powerful," I say as I maintain my footing. "I love you, nature!" I cheer.
Declan shrugs. "It's actually physics."
  Jordan and I share look. "Nature!" we say in unison.
Declan puts his hands up in defense. "Okay, okay. We get it. You win."
I purse my lips. "But you guys are stronger than me," I argue. "If I can stand up when you-"
Bennett  gives me a hard shove that sends me back to the floor. I groan, getting back to my feet before any of them can help me.
"Point taken," I say, rubbing my shoulder.
We spend the next half hour working on my stance. Bennett is trying his hardest to knock me down while I resist by squatting deeper and leaning forward into him. My eyes widen in confusion when I realize that Bennett and I are alone together.
Bennett must notice my confused look because he asks, "What?"
I move to put my hands on my hips, but then I remember that Declan said it's better to leave my arms hanging at my sides.
"How come you told Declan and Jordan to leave?"
His face goes pale at that. "I just wanted it to be you and I," he mutters, scratching the back of his neck. "Not like I wanted to kiss you or anything. I'm not like those type of guys that kick people out just to. . .you know. And I would totally ask you for permission first."
I smirk. "Then ask."
His jaw drops. "Seriously?"
I nod. "Take it or leave it, sweetheart."
I stand up straight and make a duck face.
  He laughs. "Can I kiss you, Blair?"
"I don't know, can you?" I tease.
He groans. "May I kiss you, Blair?"
I giggle. "Yeah."
I run into his open arms and press my lips to his. We both smile into the kiss and then I smell something bad. I pull away, scrunching my nose up in disgust.
Bennett chuckles when he sees my expression. "I know, we both smell like sweat. You could take a shower first if you want."
"I have a change of clothes in my car," I say. "Should've brought them in before. Silly me." I grin sheepishly at him and he rolls his eyes.
"Why am I not surprised?" Bennett teases.
I laugh. "Shut up."
I give him the finger before walking out of his bedroom, down the stairs, and outside to my car.
"Ugh!" I grunt when I trip over a rock and my bag falls with me. I hiss in pain at the burning in my knee and stand up. I'm about to bend over to pick it up when somebody grabs it before I can.
"Thanks," I mutter when the mystery person hands it to me. My eyes trail up the muscular arms before landing on a familiar face.
I gasp and on instinct, take a step back, away from Raymond, who is smirking.
  "Nice to see you, too, Blair Bear."
I shoot him a glare. "You no longer have the right to call me that."
He chuckles darkly. "Are you and your new boy toy done fighting, slut?"
I scowl at his words and clench my fists. "Go to hell, Raymond," I snap.
"But don't you miss me?" he asks, revealing his smirk once again.
"Why not, Blair Bear?"
I frown. "Stop calling me that!"
"I can call you whatever I want to." He winks at me.
I groan, turning to leave, but before I can, he grabs my waist  and pulls me against his chest, letting me feel the hardness through his pants. I gasp, accidentally grinding my hips against him, getting a groan to escape his lips. One of his hands travel down to stomach and cups my core, causing me to yelp in response.
"You're so sexy, Blair Bear," he murmurs in my ear.
I moan at the sound of his voice. My eyes widen at what just came out of me and I try to squirm away from him, but his hold on me only tightens and his fingers curl against my entrance. I squeak in surprise.
He chuckles. "Nice talking to you, Blair."
Raymond releases me and all I can do is stand frozen in place as he gets in his car and drives away.
I let out a breath that I never knew I was holding and make my way back up to Bennett's bedroom, where I drop my bag on the bed and stomp to the bathroom with Bennett hot on my trail.
"What the hell happened out there?" he asks, spinning me around to face him.
I shake my head furiously as the tears start to fall. 
Bennett crosses his arms. "Well?"
I sniffle. "Raymond abused-"
"That dickhead hit you?!" Bennett holds me at arm's length, looking over my whole body for any bruises.
"H-he t-touched me," I whisper, keeping my gaze on the floor.
Bennett sighs. "I'm going to kill that man," he mutters. He puts a finger under my chin, making me look into his eyes. "Do you still want to take a shower or do you want to go to sleep?"
"Sleep," I whisper. Then at the look in his eyes, I add, "Please?" I give him my best puppy dog eyes.
He nods. "Okay, babe." He kisses my forehead and picks me up bridal style, placing me ever so gently down in his bed. I offer him a smile as he lies down next to me before drifting off into a peaceful sleep.

A/N: I'm tired

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