Prologue: Agent Ray

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"Excuse me? His girl?" Ray stood up and whipped round frowning, reddish dark brown eyes that seemed to flash a catlike glare for a split second.

"Uh-" Modo was quite surprised and caught off guard to find that it wasn't Carbine, but the girl he'd rescued from the lab. "M-my mistake ma'am," he broke in nervously.

"Hehe, o-oh warning falling mouse," joked Vinnie in a low yet audible teasing tone as he clapped an arm over his friend's shoulder guard.

Ray just looked at the loud arrogant speaker and recognized him to be the one from before cracking the jokes. "Ah, you must be that obnoxiously loud smart mouth," she sarcastically retorted before shooting her piercing gaze towards a light tanned character wearing a bike helmet as he spoke. " Guys we have a problem-oh."

He paused at seeing the girl and fought the urge to rub his eyes, "Carbine?" he quizzed in that same warm husky quizzical voice.

"You called?" Carbine appeared from Throttle's left making the biker jump.

Finally seeing a familiar character Ray extended a hand to Carbine, "Ah, General it's so good to see you again."

Carbine's narrowed gaze just stayed fixed, cold and emotionless, "Wish I could say the same for you Captain."

"Wait- you two know each other?" Throttle stood to the side and looked his girl in the eye.

Without diverting her gaze Carbine recited, "She was with the one I was telling you about remember? Agent to the MIB- traitor to Mars, dog of the government." Her eyes dropped to the shackled ankles of the barefoot girl and smirked, "Good thing we shackled you down, don't want you running off." The female's voice was dark and distrusting.

Frowning, Ray clenched her knuckles, not liking how the Martian addressed her fellows and attempted to take a big pace forward only to forget that her ankles were connected, "Listen you-uuuu woaaa-" she stumbled twice before falling forward onto her knees as the group in front of her backed out of the way. "We aren't dogs of your filthy government."

Carbine whipped round and grabbed the girl by her dark brown hair, and forced the agent upright onto her knees. Glaring at the human who gritted her teeth as her head was pulled back forcefully, Carbine snapped. "Listen you, just because you tossed your weight around in the beginning doesn't give you right to flag it 'round here," Carbine hissed. "You deserted us..remember?" With that the female Martian threw the girl's head down before stomping off towards the entrance.

Rimfire just gawked in fear and surprise-never had he seen Carbine in such a knot and didn't know exactly what to do. And for once Vinnie wouldn't dare speak up; his eyes following the General's shrinking figure.

Throttle met the glowing cybernetic eye of Modo with arched brows, "Listen bro, keep your girl in check, got it?" Came the grey mouse's warning, it almost sounded like a threat. The tan Martian had never had seen Modo use such a tone before, then again he'd never seen Carbine get so riled up either. Caught in between the two, the male walked off after Carbine calling out, "Hey Babe, wait!'

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