Rei's Requiem

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{Author's note: Listen to: Daughtry's song: Open your eyes. It gives a better effect ;) }

"Kai.." The girl knelt down and pulled him into a proper hug. Cradling his head, combed her fingers into his hair making him relax. "It's over alright? Clear your conscience." Her voice was silent and soft. "As long as I act on my own, Big Brother wouldn't know and you could honestly tell him you had no idea.." She paused knowing how the alien employer could probe into people's minds..

"And since you're here.. " she continued, "He can't touch me or the Pacer." She reassured confidently. "He can't set it off."
Cupping Kaito's face in her hands, pulled him close and kissed his forehead affectionately, "I love you Kaito, don't forget that... I always have."

Kaito dropped his gaze as she wiped his tears with her thumb. His voice cracked in deep remorse, "But not in the same way.." He regretted ever breaking up with her- but he was drunk with ambition then. The moment Big Brother opened the door, he'd taken the offer without a second thought; and left without a trace or a message.

Ray breathed deeply, "You and I walked the same path once... Though our lives are different now, it's not the end."


A young innocent voice seemed to break the moment.

Kaito took Ray's hands in his and helped her to her feet. "I'm sure you and May have a lot to talk about.. I told her what happened. I told her the truth." He gave Ray's hands a tight squeeze and kissed her cheek affectionately. "Remember, I'll always love you Rei.." His voice was soft, and as he turned his back to the girl, his heavy feet carried him to the door where he met May. Placing a brotherly hand atop the hybrid's head smiled comfortingly before he took his leave.

Ray felt an awkward air as May ran up to her energetically. When her twin paused and looked up at her, she couldn't help but feel a wave of warmth wash over. Her voice softened subconsciously.
"Hello May.."

The younger girl beamed and tiptoed to hug the agent. "I can't believe I have a mom!!"

Ray felt quite uncomfortable, but opened up her heart and reassurance to the girl. After all- even if May didn't look like it, she was literally just five years old. "You have a dad too!" She forced a kind upbeat vocal tune, making the younger other's eyes beam, sparkle and shine.

"Yea!? Where is he?" May seemed to completely forget about the current dark spell of events- then again children never really lingered on darkness very long.

Sitting back down, Ray pulled out a small photograph from her wallet and beamed. Smiling affectionately, she pointed to the golden tan fellow with the visors. "This handsome fellow with the specs!" She said, her voice faltering for but a moment.

"Wa- really? What's his name!?" May had noticed the sad look in her twin's eyes. "What's wrong..?"

Ray didn't hear the girl's voice. Her mind had taken her far, far away.

Wondering reddish brown eyes diverted their inward gaze, and turned to the tinted window. The Martian landscape was just like she had remembered it.

Ray remembered those warm sunny days like it was yesterday..

She had stumbled on a metal bar and had fallen forward. Throttle was the first to react, and had caught her arm before she had hit the ground. Ray's arms had hooked over his shoulders then, and as their eyes locked it looked as if he was about to say something. Before he could speak however, Carbine had beckoned to him from the near distance and the moment drifted. Ray remembered how bothered she was that she didn't hear what he had to say.. Now looking back, she regretted not asking about it then.

Her memories soon drifted back to Chicago and those quiet nights Throttle, Vincent, Modo, Charlie and herself went cruising down quiet peaceful streets. Those special rare moments when she had short heart to heart talks with Throttle were the moments she treasured most. And it was there yet again at the Navy Pier that he withheld something he wanted to say. The moment he finally chose to speak was lost again- Vincent and Modo had called him over for another round of hotdogs and root bear.

It seemed like every time the biker wanted to open up, something or someone had always come in between him and his words.

Then there was that moment about a month ago.. When they were taken as prisoners on Mars. Sitting side by side in a corner they spoke. Throttle had finally come clean about falling for a human girl..

Now looking back, she felt so stupid. Here she was thinking it had been Charlie, when it was obvious her best friend and Vinnie already had something going on.

The way the freedom fighter had looked at her that moment, the way Throttle relaxed his left shoulder and leaned against her comfortably as he played with her fingers that rested on the sand.

He was talking about her...

Ray felt so stupid for openly giving him advice about it too.
"Transferring feelings" she voiced regretfully into the quiet air.

  "I'm so stupid.."

The moment that she spotted the MIB spaceship land on the pad, forced Ray to stand and walk up to the window.

The warm greetings that were shared made her smile, and then she spied Throttle and Carbine share an intimate moment. Tears streaked down her cheeks as she placed a sorrowful palm up against the glass window. Biting her lower lip, stifled a quiet cry and just watched the scene unfold as her flat palm curled into a soft fist against the smooth window pane.

"This is how it should be.." she thought quietly to herself.

May just stood in silence all this time, and stood next to Ray by the window, and followed her gaze. There the child saw the Martian in the photograph hold another femme in his arms. Soulful hazel eyes darted from the scene at the window, to the girl who stood next to her, and back to the scene.

May's heart sank in silence. She did not really understand this situation, but whatever was happening it made Ray upset. She also learned that the Martian didn't know she even existed as his daughter. With a soulful tear of her own, she just wrapped her arms around the older girl and leaned her cheek up against Ray's shoulder and hugged her tightly.

"Please mommy don't cry.."

Ray flinched at the awkward note, and finally rested her hand at her side and clenched her fist as a knock came at their door.

"They've arrived. " The Martian guard reported.

Exchanging glances with the younger girl, Ray took a deep breath before heading towards the room's entrance.

"Right. Let's do this."

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