The Windy City

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As the early noon sun painted the late summer day, it was complimented with a cool breeze as the citizens of the Windy City basked under its grace. With loud rock playing in the background as the biker mice from mars set about cleaning up their mess, Charlene Davidson continued fixing up the broken radio. Her hood wasn't as most would call..suburban, rather it was, well.. as Limburger would put it.. worthy of condemnation.

To her left lay a pile of envelopes which she still had to check out, but due to how much work the Last Chance Garage needed, she had to leave it until later.

Something tugged in the young mechanic's gut however, an envelope sitting at the bottom of the pile with a stamp from Massachusetts peeked through the stack. The moment she decided to drop the flat headed screwdriver to pick it up, she heard the complaints echoing from behind. In reflex she called out with much irritation, "You were the ones who spilled the transmission fluid! Besides, I'm busy!" She concluded before turning to the broken piece of junk she was trying to fix.

All at once the radio waves picked up a police channel which gave the cue for the Martians to head out.

"They're singin' our song bros," came Throttle's relieved comment. He was the sandy tan figure with the shades- the ring leader of this band of misfits. Try as she might, the guys wouldn't allow her to join them on their 'heroic' escapades.

As Throttle would put it, "This is a job for men, studdly men," with the grey furrred Modo's, "Such as ourselves," which was complimented with the white furred, masked Vinnie's arrogant "Especially me." It was times like these the girl really felt like choking the mice with their own tails and leaving them to hang upside down by the Navy Pier.

As the trio departed in their usual rowdy way, she slammed an angry fist atop the metal table top making the stack of envelopes fall across the floor. Just great, the guys get all the fun and I'm here on clean up duty," she hissed as she knelt down to pick up the letters.

Taking this opportunity to catch up on her mail quickly selected the envelope with the Massachusetts' stamp. Eyes widened at the date of its arrival, "Ooohhh... those mice!" she spat taking note that the letter was over a week old. She'd been so busy with all the drama Limburger was throwing at them that she hardly had time to sit and relax- having three macho mice bunking at her place didn't make things any easier either.

Sitting atop the table's shiny surface, Charlie turned off the radio and opened the note with the screwdriver to her left. A smile was painted as she found the writer to be her childhood friend Long Ryu Reilyn. The girl had been moving around because of her parents' job, and after the tragedy almost ten years back she'd moved to stay with her military born grandfather where she'd lost communication ever since. As usual Rei had lots to say, and began reading the novel like note; her eyes sparkling with nostalgia.

{ Author's note: Throughout this story you will see the spelling of Rei's name switch from Rei to Ray. It's to distinguish "which Rei" is currently in the scene.

With" Rei" as the person with erased memories.
And "Ray" as the agent. }

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