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Modo's world seemed to fade into a slow black and white image. From his position he could practically see everyone. Throttle rushing up at the girl who fired three rounds in his direction in unison to the previous shots fired mere moments before. Senses at their pinnacle of awareness, the grey martian felt the whizzing sensation of the tiny speeding projectiles break through the strands of grey fur upon his good arm and neck.

The deafening whistles added to the silent screams that welled within his heart and mind. The moment Vinnie's cry broke through the still air, Modo's cybernetic eye quickly found its way to the limp body of Throttle who fell forward. His bro's specks dropped from the Martian's face in slow motion.

The gray character's life seemed to pull to a dark conclusion as the reality spoke loud and clear. His feet felt too heavy to be lifted, his knees quaking and unable to bend or move. The girl who'd passed his golden-tan friend seemed to whip round with a shocked disposition which confused this cybernetic mouse. Within seconds, it was as if things started to move faster and faster until real time seemed to take over his daze. His good eye darted to Vincent who now sped with two guns pointed at the girl who had knelt down by Throttle's head crying over his unconscious body.

"Vinnie no!" Modo quickly grabbed the masked vigilante from behind forcing the youth to drop his weapons.

"Modo let me go!" came the words through gritted teeth. The youth's eyes were blind with rage and heart break. "She killed Throttle..and Char-" he couldn't even finish the girl's name before his eyes blurred out as tears cascaded down his face. Vinnie's struggle slowly subsided as he fell to his knees forcing Modo to do the same.


"No... Throttle," Ray uttered in broken words-had her hand slipped in her fear? Quickly opening the flaps of the male's vest made out three shots at seemingly critical points. Placing her index and middle finger upon his neck picked up a very faint pulse. She had to work fast before shock finished him. The pattern drawn in crimson was all too familiar, these shots weren't meant for him. Remembering the small kit she carried, instructed Modo, "Keep Vinnie back."

Modo nodded as he tried to comfort the bawling white mouse and watched as the girl pulled out a small sachet. "What's are you doing?" he said feeling his heart grow heavy.

Ignoring the Martian's words Ray, quickly emptied the contents of the small bag into her mouth. She then took a sip out of a small tube that she'd concealed in the pouch she had wrapped around her thigh. Determined eyes turned to Modo for but one moment before she leaned over Throttle's face. She ignored the bitter sickening taste of the medicinal powder in her mouth. Ray stared down tearfully at the golden-tan character, and caught the flicker in his eyes. She frowned as she allowed her lips to connect to his, emptying the concoction into his form. It was the only way she knew she could get the medication into his system as she didn't carry any syringes.

Pulling back quickly, wiped the corners of her mouth and stated, "Wait for my grandfather," her words were heavy and grave. "Don't move him. I gave him a sedative to slow his system down and ease the pain. It'll protect him from going into shock. "

Taking off her coat placed it over the unconscious Throttle and told Modo to apply pressure to stop the bleeding. Ray then wrapped the chain of her locket around Throttle's wrist and gave his hand a tight squeeze. She felt him return the hold weakly which made her bite her lower lip in regret. And at that same moment, she'd pressed the node at the top of the small gold piece of her locket. It released a homing signal into the night.

Moments afterwards, Ray just stroked his cheek before disappearing into the darkness-not daring to look at the scene she left behind. Her unheard whisper echoing, "I'm sorry..."

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