Fire and Grease

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Back on the burning streets, the scent of fumes filled the once fresh air as Grease Pit and his goons started trashing up the place. The children playing on the block couldn't help but run -literally for their lives as missiles and mini rockets were fired at random.

"Woa looks like someone did a great number on this place," Modo's surprised phrase was followed up by Throttle's, "Yea, and I bet that big number adds up to one big cheese."

"Help-HELP SOMEBODY HELP ME!" a voice called from a burning building.

"Over there! Looks like somebody's trapped!" called out Vinnie as he pointed a gloved finger to their right.

The ruckus outside seemed to have caused a very big traffic jam that seemed to stretch along all the main highways and roads; much to any motorist's frustration. Already at a distance the grey cloak of smoke stretched over twenty feet high, and as firefighter's rushed to the scene they'd come to find a very large gap cutting across the street. The sidewalks were too narrow to roll onto, and as things would turn out the Biker Mice managed to pull through once again by filling the gap with a fast drying substance, thus allowing the fire truck to speed forward and douse the fast growing flames in torrents of water.


"Finally!" a really annoyed Rei spat, and as things started rolling again she took a detour to check out Charlie's old neighborhood. It had been nearly ten years since she'd last seen her old childhood friend, and wondered if the mechanic-wanna-be still hung round their old spots. Pulling along the side, pulled off her helmet and sighed. Who knew that so much change would have happened in such a small amount of time! Then again it was over ten years since she'd last been there. Skyscrapers seemed to pierce the heavens, and the air wasn't as fresh as she'd remembered it to be. 

Allowing her eyes to wonder about, Rei took note of all the nooks and crannies she used to hide in. Back then, she was a bully magnet and if it wasn't for Charlie she would've probably never lived to go to M.I.T. -in one piece at least. Tilting her neck slightly faced her face to the beating sun and drew a small smile, the air though more polluted then before, still had its homey scent. The light breeze that blew between the towering towers seemed much stronger and focused, turning the breeze into short gusts of cool air. Through her semi-back length layered chestnut hair the currents swept. Letting out a light laugh as her fringes comically were swept back over her head making a few shorter strands stick up at awkward angles. To top that off, Rei really didn't care for the scar that drew a line across her right eye. Sasha was right, a little concealer did make a whole lot of difference.

The sound of children screaming and crying forced her back into reality to find a strange buff man in overalls wobbling on weak knees with a group of others in much the same state. Drawing a light frown, Rei had a really bad feeling about the crew, and much to her surprise and light annoyance the children who were scurrying away decided to cower behind her.

"Heys yous!" called out the man who seemed to be sweating grease.

Her curious reddish brown eyes looked around unsure to whom the man was referring to, until she finally figured he was speaking to her a moment after he threatened her with, "You..yours gonna pay for that!"

"Excuse me?" Rei frowned. Already she felt the fearful tugs of the little kids that decided to linger around her bike, and tug on her leather jacket. Eyes dropped to the girl who leaned into Rei's side, and scowled inwardly. Looking forward as the greasy man approached only to pause about four feet away from her added, "Listen buddy," the girl began in her sarcastic flat tone. "Looks like you could use some help, I can help you get a cab to get you to the nearest hospital." She offered only to take note of the strong scent of fumes and crinkled her nose in reflex,"You could also use a bath as well" she added as a side comment.

Grease Pit wasn't familiar with kindness and put on a smile at the offer, though the last side comment set him off. This made the little girl who clung to Rei's jacket scream a very high pitch that forced him to clap his palms against his ears.

"Gah!" Rei hissed as she did the same only to look down to the source and picked up the girl, and placed her atop her lap as she clapped a soft hand over the girl's mouth. "Shh.." Rei said nervously. At any rate the folks round there would think she was trying to kidnap the girl. "I won't let him hurt you," she reassured in a quiet tone, "But you have to keep quiet."

Grease Pit's last steps taken to close the gap were his last, for he'd slipped upon his own greasy drippings and landed flat on his back. This gave Rei the window to dismount her custom 48-Harley Davidson and carefully place the small girl back on the ground.

As the biker approached him, the greasy man in overalls slowly backed away, his mates already taking off in the opposite direction, "Don't hurt me!" he called out before standing up and turning tail calling , "Wait for me!"

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