A Spell of Loyalty

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"Tell me why are we making a truce with the Biker Mice again?" came Grease Pit's quizzical lyrics.

"Because you idiotic Poltrune, we can't face this Big Brother on our own!" began the well paced mono-toned scolding of Limburger. His voice raised with irritation "Already that blasted man had monopolized most half of my exploits! I'm losing MONEY! And no one robs Laurence Limburger AND GETS AWAY WITH IT!" blasted the Plutarkian as he bopped the greasy other on his skull with his fist.

"Karbuncle is the transporter ready yet?" came the very aggravated boss.

"Just making the last few minor adjustments, and she'll be just about ready," came the very feeble awkward tones of the big headed scientist and inventor.

The sound of a heavy door crashing against the wall made everyone jump to find a very hostile female who stomped right up to the desk at which Limburger sat. "Everything's set, now where's my money?"

The business man just looked May over suspiciously, "And the Mice?"

A sinister grin was drawn as May glared darkly upon her employer, "On their way."

Knowing very well how conniving this human lookalike could be, reiterated his question of doubt, "Tell me again, how am I sure I can trust you? After all Big Brother is your..how should I say.." he felt nervous as he picked his words carefully, "companion?"

May just spat and stepped threateningly closer as she pulled her gun to his chin, "As long as there is no conflict of interests..you should be fine," she declared.

"Conflict of interests?" echoed Limburger as he gulped down hard before the sound of exploding vehicles took center stage. "My mistake, I'm a man of my word. Here." He quickly interjected, then chucked a briefcase at the girl as he quickly made a swift escape through the nearest elevator. He knew very well how quickly the mice were able to destroy his well fashioned abode.

"Umf." The girl heaved as she caught the projectile. She raised a quizzical eyebrow as the man dressed in purple retreated, leaving the big headed doctor behind. May's eyes narrowed in suspicion as she stared down at Karbuncle. Her eyes never leaving his frame, and allowed her gaze to follow the man as he walked across the room. He paused at the big glass window to her right. "You're really going to do it?"

May's eyes dropped to the briefcase, brows drawing a soft crease in the middle of her forehead. Her muscles tensed. How did he know?

Karbuncle's words made her frown, "You're talking?" She spat before beginning to pace towards the door, ignoring his question.

"You're not going to fool anyone Ray.." The scientist turned to face the girl who pretended to be May. "I've seen how you looked at him, how you looked at them, and how much you really care."

Ray flinched at his words and clenched her fists. "What would you have me do then?" She threw back angrily. "My life and theirs over the population of seven planets? Seriously it shouldn't be that hard to decide. I can't be too selfish."

"Isn't what you're doing already selfish?" Karbuncle's words were small and sorrowful.

What was this now? Kabruncle of all people, having a sense of guilt? Ray couldn't believe she was even having this conversation with him. Her silence gave him the confidence to continue speaking.

"What you're doing is running away from the main problem. You're running away from your feelings."

Ray's fists trembled as she clenched them tighter each time he spoke. Knuckles bare and white she slowly looked up to the ceiling, her voice venomously quiet. Releasing a heavy breath, tilted her face to the side so that only one eye peered over her shoulder. "Speak for yourself."

Ray couldn't believe it. Here she was, standing as an equal with the figure who'd turned her into a monster..a living time bomb. Taking one more deep breath, concluded her verse. "You have your reasons..I have mine.. Let's keep it at that."

Karbuncle looked back at the girl feeling a pang of sadness, he was just as guilty of betrayal as she was. He had no place to talk or lecture-but maybe it was because he saw himself in the girl that he realized something important. He didn't want her to make the same mistake he did and betray the only person who had faith in him. Laurence Limburger was many things, but at the end of the day in his own quirky way, he was a friend and employer who actually believed in him.

"You still have a chance to make things right." He voiced in a crackling voice. He felt so guilty.

And as the girl departed, he could hear the heaviness as she dragged her booted feet across the carpet. Ray really was going to fight against her boys.. She was a true MIB Agent. Putting the job first before the lives she cared about.

"How cruel.." The scientist's voice was soft and full of remorse.

Karbuncle gritted his teeth. He hated being a pawn, and he only then realized nothing was worth it anymore.

Did he as a person and human being have enough guts to go so far and betray his previous employer all the way? True Limburger had always been a pain, and had always taken advantage of him- but those things were petty compared to the idea of killing someone.

A spell of mixed feelings swept through the Scientist's mental and emotional strings. They've been through a lot together. In both thick and thin, part of Karbuncle began to wonder why had he even accepted Big Brother as a new employer in the first place. Was it money? Power? Acceptance..?

Looking back, Big Brother had always praised him, and displayed more kindness towards him. And compared to the bits of mockery and raging tantrums of Limburger, Big Brother Kaito seemed more of an honorable gentleman.

Peering down at the chaos below, Karbuncle made out the figure of Ray at the far corner of the street. She had given the briefcase to one bulky character who called in a few goons to his side. Within moments they all left. Only then did it make sense to the scientist. Those left to handle the mice were those of her own. "What was she thinking?" He silently mused. At least in this way, he assumed no one would really get hurt if the people under her were really that loyal.

"Well, I can't let her have all the fun." Karbuncle declared. Deciding he couldn't double-cross his ex-employer in the end, decided to make things right. He then headed towards his lab.

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