The Beast Part 2

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Ray walked up to the man and leaned over darkly grinning, "An ancient custom..cutting a man 100 times at his main arteries..just so he'd suffer a slow death.." A taste of satisfaction swept across her words which made Jim shake in horror. As the girl straightened up, she'd come face to face with May who just clapped her hands, " Touché. Heh, didn't know you had it in you,"


Kay's cursed under his breath as he reloaded his De-Atomizer, "We're too late, she's tasted blood."

"Kay wait! Don't shoot!" Jay called out, but then it was a millisecond too late.

Ray had caught a light glimmer at the corner of her eyes and chuckled, spinning once so that the laser had only cut through the back of her vest and shirt revealing a fully painted dragon's body with its wings arched at her shoulder. Cursing under her breath Ray just placed an arm defensively across her chest-it was too close. Her eyes just viewed the large tanker to her right and decided to shove it across to those who shot at her.

"Watch out!" J shoved his father out of the way as the tanker flew their way, docking underneath it as it passed over him. He held his breath half expecting an explosion of sorts.

"J!" Jay yelled as he saw the truck pass over his son while Kay docked behind a pile of tires.

Greasepit had started to come-to, and wiping his bloody nose yelled, "I'm getting outta here!" before making his untimely exit.

"Hiya!" came May's heave as she threw a razor sharp set of senbon needles down at her twin who'd side stepped them all. Ray then whipped round for a roundhouse kick that had struck her at the back of her head, sending her crashing into a metallic tabletop which toppled over.

Ray's attention seemed to dart on all moving figures. Her stomach felt like it had been tied into a knot. She viewed the retreating characters with an oblivious fury. The only pair of eyes that seemed to catch her attention had belonged to a golden-tan figure with shades.Throttle happened to pause and look back over his shoulder right at her.

Within moments of realization, the blood that had now decorated her hands had started to register into her consciousness. |She'd literally just cut up a man in over 100 places and this realization sent her into a state of shock. Hugging her sides buckled over and threw up.


"J!" Jay ran over to his son who'd propped himself on his knees and engulfed him in a tight hug. "DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN!"

J looked thoughtfully at his dad and hugged him back, a sincere hug to which he'd not given in a very long time.

Kay on the other hand frowned as he slowly approached the girl who was emptying her stomach in the middle of the broken garage, still pointing his weapon at her.

"Are you all right?" Agent Kay asked, and all the girl could do is look up at him with a deranged empty stare. All emotion seemed to have been stripped as the pale character appeared to have been robbed of all innocence once again. The elder sank as his eyebrows arched in guilty surprise. "No... not again..." his voice wavered at the realization that all the girl's traumatized memories came back full circle-right up to the moment they neurolized her.

The screeching sound of metal on metal made Agent Kay turn to the toppled table where another girl seemed to crawl out of, holding a palm against her bleeding head. "Kay?" she seemed to cough before buckling over again. Rushing to the girl who'd called him by name knelt down, "Ray?"

The girl started to heave and twitch, her eyes flexed into slits at random intervals and cried out in an innocent childlike manner, "It hurts.."

Overcome with emotion Kay quickly whipped out a syringe and stabbed the girl's arm and within moments she'd been tranquilized.

Cautious eyes turned to the small figure of a girl who was now being cradled in Kay's arms. With the gagging echoes from the near distance, Agent J zoomed in on a mirror reflection of Ray who was buckled over as she threw up. Walking over, J knelt down, cautiously asking "You all right?" Agent Jay had this strange sense of pity for the girl and as her eyes met his.

A certain familiarity seemed to wash over. "Ray?" Agent J uttered under his breath-only to meet his dad's formal stern notes, "Be careful, we still don't know which one she is yet."

The remaining girl who kept hugging her sides backed away as she saw the older Agent Jay approach, and hid behind the younger male. "She's scared," J stated quietly.

"Of course she's scared, she must be the 'other' Ray" Jay announced before he called in on the walky-talky and summoned a cleanup crew.

"What should we do?" J asked before looking up at the looming character who'd forced his father to his feet.

"We do nothing." Kay announced.

{ Author's note: From now on, We are going to refer to Rei as Ray as her memories have finally returned.

Wow, talk about complicated.

What do you guys think would happen next?}

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