Captain Vs Commander

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Booted soles echoed through the underground halls, as a young confident youth clad in leather and fur walked to the main meeting hall.
Ignoring the whispers that erupted the moment the human was escorted by two 6'7 foot tall Martians, a pair of reddish brown eyes zoomed in on the meeting hall.

Her long wavy reddish brown curls seemed to wave behind her like a regal flag as she walked with long wide fast strides. And even if she was in handcuffs it was hard to tell who was leading who. The human seemed to know her way around, and her presence carried anything but fear. Rather her air was regal as authoritative.

"The prisoner's here." One of the male officers shoved the human into the meeting room where their Commander now stood with her back to their captive. "Why is it that every time we meet," came dark sarcastic tones as the femme turned to face the human with distrust. "You're always bound in chains?" Carbine folded her arms darkly.

With a light laugh, Ray leaned on her hip and rested a rebellious palm atop her waste. "I really don't think you want me to answer that." The agent's tones were sarcastically sly, flat, light yet polite. It was times like these the human wanted to run her tongue mischievously. Learning from her past experience with this Martian femme however, knew that if she wanted to resolve things peacefully and quickly, she needed to be cool and level headed.

"Let's cut to the chase." Ray began authoritatively in a way that was also mockingly suggestive, "I saw your little goonies waiting out there with some sort of scanner, if you wanna check me out go right ahead." She ignored the sound of someone awkwardly clearing their throat in the background and wore an annoyingly amused grin. Extending her arms to their full length, wore a very irritating sly smirk. "C'mon guys I don't have all day." She called out confidently.

A few of the soldiers began moving from their post outside, this made Commander Carbine quite vexed. "Not so fast- return to your posts." She ordered angrily. "You move on my orders understand?" When the militant femme received an affirmative nod and response, she turned to the human who just stood arrogantly in front of her. She really just wanted this pestilence off her planet, but at the same time she wanted to see the girl suffer a bit before she left as well.

Within moments a pair of soldiers brought in the Captain's double, and shoved May into the scene. "We can't have two of you running around." Carbine's sly retort seemed to give her satisfaction. This human was good, she didn't falter regardless how roughly they treated this doppelgänger. "Heartless.." she mouthed quietly to herself. "Disgusting."

"Ray.." May's quiet voice played out in fear. As she began to struggle, the soldier's grip on her arms tightened.

With but a nod, Carbine instructed her men to start the scans.

"Not so fast," Ray folded her arms defiantly, "Don't you need a led coat or something?" She noted as the scanners were some sort of x-ray device. When she saw the slight pause of the younger cadets she added with a smirk, "Don't want to set the Pacer off now would you?"

Carbine's blood began to boil. "Why won't she just shut up..." she cursed under her breath. "She's just as annoying as them!" played her annoyed thoughts.

And yet again without her instructions, the men under her acted on their own. She let it slide this time though, she wanted to get things done as swiftly as possible.

Once the scans were done, and the presence of the device was confirmed she ordered, "Take that abomination away." She directed a disgusted finger at May.

It was then Ray reacted with hostility, "She's just a kid. I don't think she merits that kind of behavior."

Carbine fixed Ray with a venomous stare. "You're one to talk, Captain." Her voice darkly sarcastic. Placing an angry hand atop her hip, struck an equally rebellious pose. "That thing is neither human, nor mouse. She wasn't even created by natural means. And you expect me to treat her as an equal to one of us, when she helped destroy our bases?"

Ray couldn't help but laugh. "Carbine, with all do respect. I think you're giving the good doctor too much credit." Sitting atop the table top, the girl crossed a leg over her knee, "May didn't do all that, I did. The kid doesn't even know how to fly- much less hold a gun." With a casual smile she continued, "That's why I'm here remember? I gave myself up. And as agreed, you will let May go, and let me speak with Throttle so I can give him the lay out of the situation." She reasoned, very well knowing that the officer definitely wouldn't allow her to see him for any other reason.

Carbine's fists clenched at her side and she closed the distance between her and the human. Clenching Ray's furry collar shook it aggressively, "Now you keep him out of this-"

Ray carried on smiling much to Carbine's irritation," I'll be executed tomorrow right? Soon I'll be out of your hair, and you can have him all to yourself." The agent joked darkly. "Besides.." her joking notes drifted into a sincere tune. "It's my final request," she added smugly.

"Now why would I grant you of all people a last request?"Carbine hissed.

"What do you think he would say once he learned of me being sent off without even a good bye or an explanation?"

Ray's arrogant smug tones struck a nerve, and Carbine released her hold angrily. She knew how much the girl meant to Throttle and her guys. They wouldn't forgive her if this was the case. Lost in thought for but a moment, shot her line of sight to the running doppelgänger May. In a defensive reflex she pulled out her laser flint and released a shot.

Instinctively, Ray flipped the large oblong table and kicked it in front of May making the running hybrid flinch and pause as she docked out of the way. As the laser beam struck the smooth metallic surface, it bore a hole through it. The agent then wrapped the chain that linked her handcuffs around Carbine's neck and gave it a tight tug.

Carbine began to gag, forcing the soldiers in the room to point their guns at the human, and in turn their commander. As the Martian femme began to struggle, her fingers found their way to the chain link and began tugging at it to clear her windpipe.

"RAY!" May called out. "It's okay! I'm fine! Just please let her go!! Dad's gonna be here any minute!" The hybrid purposefully mentioned.

"Dad?" Carbine flinched and paused for but a moment. It was then she realized Ray wasn't choking her anymore.

"Look Carbine, I don't want to fight you." The agent's voice was quiet, humble, and sincere. "I made many mistakes in the past, and I'm here to rectify them."

"Big words-for a snake," Carbine cursed bitterly.

"Look, just to prove to you that May and I really don't mean any harm, we came here alone and unarmed in good faith. The MIB, Martian government, and military fought side by side once- we really aren't bad people." Releasing her hold of Carbine, Ray ignored the guns that clicked behind her.

Remember, we were discovered all those years ago, just because we wanted to win your trust- remember?" The Agent emphasized bitterly. "Because of you-we almost died." She added for good measure. Ray knew if it hadn't been for Carbine's order, she most probably wouldn't have ended up in Karbuncle's underground Martian Lab either. She could've lived and died without suffering that nightmare... Though if that weren't the case... She most probably wouldn't have met Throttle and the guys. That was the only good that actually came out of those underground caves and tunnels. For that she was truly grateful-though now she battled herself for whether all that pain was worth it or not. In the end, Ray withheld her next phrase which would've pointed blame at the she-mouse. In the end, the woman was only trying to look out for her kin.. Ray would've done the same thing too had she been in Carbine's place. Cudos to the Commander for making the right decision during a tough time-or at least... A decision that was right by them at least.. The agent also wanted to believe that, if the she-mouse had won Throttle and the guys' trust, the girl couldn't be so bad.

Commander Carbine relaxed her tension and waved her men out of the room. "About that..."

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