Chapter 1

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-Y/n's POV-

"Hey Finn, I'm bored" I whine, rolling around the wooden splintered floor.

"Let's go out and visit Marceline!" He exclaims grabbing his green book bag. I stand up and grab my bag as well.

"Jak!-" I call out but I get cut off right as he slides over.

"Well what're we waiting for?" He asks rhetorically and we make our way to Marceline's house.


"Marcy!" I call out as we watch up to her porch. "Marcy!"

We look through her window and see Marceline and Princess Bubblegum. I can't hear what they're saying but Bubblegum's blushes are all too noticeable. I ship them so much! Suddenly, Finn knocks on her door hard, startling me and the two other girls.

"Marceline!" He calls out, both fisting banging on the door.

"Finn! You ruined their moment!" I hiss, punching his arm.

"M-M-Moment?" He stammers as his face gets all flustered. I laugh at his embarrassing state. He knows exactly what I'm talking about.

"Hey Y/n!" Marceline says opening the door. I smile and give her a hug. She fist bumps the two boys and we walk in. Bubblegum smiles and we hug.

"Oh I'm glad you guys are here!" Bubblegum says. She ushers us to get closer. "Finn, Jake, Y/n I have a special mission for you guys!"

"A special mission? Count us in PB" Finn says sitting on the floor. Jake wraps around Finn like a blanket and listens intently and I join them.

"Well the guards in my kingdom are reporting a strange dangerous portal in the deep end of a forest on a hill, and it's really concerning me" She says, "So I ask the three of you to shut it down or cover it with something."

"Yeah I'm sure Jake can carry a huge rock and we'll cover it!" I say, giving her a thumbs up. Finn and Jake nod in agreement.

"Thank you! And the journey is really far so I suggest you pack food and supplies" She says.

"We won't let you down PB" Jake says. We spend the rest of the time playing around and even playing some tunes.

"I think it's time to go" Jake says yawning, "It's getting late and we got a mission tomorrow."

I hum in response, too tired to move.

"I'll stay here with Marceline" Bubblegum says. I look at her with a smile that clearly says 'of course you will.'

"Okay we'll go" Finn says and Jake carries me on his back along with Finn. We get out the cave and I look up at the sky full of stars.

"I wonder what's on the other side of the portal" I mutter.

"Who knows, maybe a really dangerous place" Finn mutters back. I shrug and exhale sharply.

"Guess we'll never know" I say stretching. "But it's going to be well protected."

"Yeah we'll need our sleep tonight" He says. Jake brings us directly to our beds and he decides to sleep with me.

"Goodnight! Finn calls out. Jake answers with snores.

"Night" I say and blow out the candles. Finally a mission. I close my eyes and sleep hits me.


In the morning, I eat bacon pancakes with the boys as Jake sings his song.

"Makin bacon pancakes!" He finishes his last note as I finish my last pancake.

"Oh glob that was tasty!" I say, "but if I eat anymore, I won't be able to fight."

I stand up and grab my book bag and sword.

"Wait let me pack food" Jake says stretching his paws to grab my book bag. I chuckle as I watch him pack strawberries, bread, a container of water and three sandwiches. It's like he just grabbed whatever he saw.

"Thanks mom" I say teasingly. Jake looks proudly and calls out for Finn. I fix my knee socks and pat down my shorts and shirt.

"Let's go!" Finn jumps and I chuckle. I feel something bump my leg and look down to see BMO.

"Can I come?" He asks. I pick him up and hug him tightly.

"Of course you can!" I exclaim and put him in my book bag. Jake scoops us up on his back and enlarges in size. I look over at the view and I spot the hill.

"Jake, over there!" I point.

"Alright let's close up a portal!" Jake says now running towards the direction of the hill. I laugh as my hair tangles up in the wind and the wind whips in my ears.

"Hey Y/n?" I turn to Finn and he clears his throat, fighting the strong winds. "After this, you want to head down a lake or something and take a swim?"

"Yeah sure! Sounds fun" I say chuckling. In no time, thanks to Jake, we climb up the hill, but the trees make it hard. I eat my final strawberry and then we stay on alert with our swords pointed. We hear a whirring sound and we see a deep portal-like hole in the ground.

"Jake! The rock over there!" Finn points to a boulder bigger than the hole. This is too easy. Why? I gasp and turn around to see a couple of mutated goblins.

"Finn! Jake! Watch out!" I yell over the loud whirring sound of the unknown portal. They turn and start to fight them. I slash some and instead of blood, it's a green goo. My face twists into disgust as I wipe off the goo. I hold my sword between my arm and side in order to wipe it off.

"Ugh sick!" I complain. Why is it so thick and sticky?!

"Y/n!" I hear them call out. I look up and see a goblin running towards me. Before I can grab my sword, the ugly thing pushes me down the portal. I gasp and the last thing I see is Finn trying to reach to me and Jake's paws trying to reach me before it sends them flying back.

"Finn!" I gasp and I black out.


I groggily open my eyes and see the starry night. Ugh my whole body aches like I fell from the sky. Where am I? How did I get here? How long have I been asleep? Where are Finn and Jake? More questions pile on, it's giving me a headache.

"What the..." I mutter and the memories flood back in. The mission. The portal. The goblins. Me getting pushed in. Finn and Jake.

"Finn and Jake!" I yell sitting up. Huge mistake. The headache hits me like hammer and I groan. I'm in the portal. I look around and realize I'm in a forest according to all of the trees surrounding me. It's so dark. I feel around and touch what I assume is my bag. I open it and feel around some more until I grab what I'm looking for. The flashlight. I turn it on and look in my bag.

"BMO!" I take out the small robot and see he's shut off. Why? I turn him around and check his batteries. Damn, they're broken. I sigh and ruffle my hair in frustration. I don't know where I am. I don't know where my sword is. BMO is out of batteries and who knows what's out there in the forest. Well what am I going to do now?


Hi so this is the new story! I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter. Please feel free to check out my other stories!


updated 09.26.2023
not trying to change the story so much but correcting grammar mistakes and stuff like that.

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