Chapter 17

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Y/n's POV-

After my nap, it was already the afternoon. I found Finn and Jake playing video games on the couch.

"Hey" I say. I go and sit next to Jake.

"Hey Y/n, feeling better?" Jake asks.

"Yeah a lot better," I say. "I just needed a nap."

He hums, too distracted from the game to reply. Finn is also distracted and I don't even think he's noticed me yet.

I get up to get something to eat and see some spaghetti in a plastic bag.

"So what did we do yesterday? I can't really remember" I call out. Why can't I remember? I hear the game stop and hear the boys coming.

"Y/n... you don't remember?" Jake asks. "You finally came back to us... from the portal."

I look at him and like a bang to the head, everything floods in. My head hurts.

"O-Oh yeah" I stutter. "I f-forgot, sorry."

He looks at me and Finn pipes in.

"Jake, help me throw out the trash" He says. "Remember we killed that monster and it was filled with cans and junk? We forgot to throw it out."

Finn tells me they'll be right back and Jake follows. I watch them leave and stab my fork into the spaghetti.

"Why did I forget?"

-Finn's POV-

"Finn, you saw what happened, right?" Jake makes his hand big and just puts the back on his palm.

"I know! Isn't it great?" I say. "If she forgets, she won't be sad anymore!"

"No man!" Jake says. "You know that isn't right, she had history with that dude and she needs support to be happy."

"I want Y/n to be happy... with me" I sigh.

"But dude, if you do this to her you know it'll make you feel guilty" He says. I hate that he's right.

"Ugh what do we do?" I ask.

"Let's continue the party and talk to PB in private" Jake says. I just nod. Why is it so bad? She obviously came back upset so why give her back to him? I don't know.

-Y/n)'s POV-

The moon has appeared so Jake called everyone back and I was much more talkative.

"Yo Y/n!" I turn around to see Marceline. She floats to me and gives me a hug. "I thought you were a goner!"

I slowly hug her back and for some reason, a little tighter than the other hugs. She smells like him.

"Whoa Y/n, are you okay?" Marceline asks as we pull apart.

"Oh yeah, it's just been a weird journey" I say. It's hard to look at her in the eye. "And it took a toll on me."

She nods and floats to Finn and Jake. I... can't stay here.

"Hey PB" I call out to her. She was talking to a candy person but excuses herself walks up to me.

"What's up?"

"I want to talk about the journey... and possibly going back" I say. Her eyes widen and she looks away, thinking.

"Alright" She says. "After the party, come and we'll discuss."

"Please don't tell anyone" I say. She promises and we depart to talk to other friends. I talk to ghost princess but feel a tap on my shoulder. I quickly turn to see Finn.

"What's up Finn?"

"Um I wanted to know if you wanted to go for that swim" He says. I excuse myself from ghost princess and agree.

"Yeah let's go" I say. Me and Finn depart from the party and walk to the nearest lake. Oh glob, I forgot to bring a swimsuit. Should I ask if I can get it first? I look over to see him looking straight ahead. Too late, we're far enough that it'll be a hassle to get it.

We get closer and I see a blanket and a fire.

"I see you prepared some stuff" I chuckle. He chuckles too.

"Yeah I thought we might be here a while to dry so I brought some things" He says. We walk right on the blanket and he starts pulling off his clothes. I've seen Finn topless a bunch of times since he's always careless and his shirts end up ripping so this isn't new. I see he did bring swimming trunks.

"Um I didn't bring a swimsuit" I say, "but I'll make do."

"W-What?" Finn looks at me but quickly turns the other way as I pull down my shorts. I'll leave my shirt on since it is long enough so my butt won't show.

"It's fine, I have my shirt on" I chuckle. Finn turns with his face as red as a cherry. How pure! He just clears his throat and starts heading in.

"It's not that cold" He says. I walk back and he looks at me, confused. I stop and start to run towards the lake and jump. I splash into the water and it really isn't that cold. I open my eyes in the water to see Finn looking over me.

I start going up and pop out the water. I wipe my eyes and slick my hair back.

"That was cool!" I laugh. He laughes too and agrees. His hair is already wet too. I didn't know how bright the moon was tonight until I looked at the reflection of the water. "The moon... is so nice."

Suddenly, my head is hit with pain. I grab my head and groan.

"The moon is so bright and beautiful."

"Just like you."

"Y/n are you okay?" Finn comes closer and puts his hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong?"

"Y-Yeah I just.." I clear my throat. "Got a little headache but let's keep swimming."

I give him a thumbs up and he just smiles, his hand staying right on my shoulder.

"It's really nice out" I say, looking at the stars. I look back to Finn but he keeps his gaze on me. "Finn..?"

Why is he staring at me like that? His cheeks are red. He pulls me into an embrace and we fall into the water. I just keep my eyes open and Finn faces me. The bubbles of oxygen block my view but I know what's coming. His hands are on both sides of my face.

What's happening? Why is this happening so fast? Why can't I move?

His face comes closer and closer.


Hello! So I'm actually really sad Adventure Time ended because it really cheered me up when I was sad and stuff. It's so nostalgic to me and I'm just rewatching it.

Anyway sorry I left it on a cliff hanger but gotta update as fast as I can. School has started and I'm really trying to stay on track since it's junior year and that is a really important year so yeah.

If there are any errors, I will be going back later to double check this chapter!

I hope you are doing okay and please do good in school:(

Thank you.

updated 09.26.2023

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